
LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

She heard nothing more than "Make sure you come back as fast as possible, Lana," before heading out of the house. She was so eager to see what the outside world had to offer that she ran outside with excitement. After collecting her package from the delivery man, she saw a little cat, which caught her attention. “Don’t run, cute little kitten.” She followed the cat with a giggle until she lost sight of it. Turning around, she saw someone holding a stick and biting into a cigarette. He hit her right away. “Let me go! Let me go!” she screamed as she found herself in a very dark locomotive vehicle, which she assumed was a van. In addition to the cries of those inside the van with her, it was incredibly dark. Lana experienced trauma because her family was murdered before her. Lana was kept concealed from the outside world unless she was due to receive something, and her safety was questioned. He is a ruthless, powerful devil in human form known as Axel Morales. He literally has the entire world under his control and can do and undo whatever he wants. People regard him as an angel, a wonderful person, a very wealthy businessman, and a CEO. Even with his good reputation, he is not someone to mess with. Lana had been kidnapped by his men and was brought to him. Although she was expected to be killed in the same way that he had murdered others who posed a threat to him or attempted to escape from him. But something about her makes him want to be closer to her, which he despised. Lana was still in the hands of this man, and her uncle was still looking for her because he was so fixated on keeping her in his domain or killing her to get her wealth. Will her uncle take her away from Morales' protection, or will she be able to stay safe and peaceful?

Ruth_Omoregie · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
36 Chs


"Do you like her?" Lana's eyes widened as she looked at Axel, who appeared unconcerned about the question. She felt her ears and cheeks warm. Why would a boss prefer his maid? She shook the emotions away.

"So what if I do?" He inquired, earning a glare from Fiona, who then directed it at Lana, who stood there naively while being made to listen to a conversation she was not supposed to, and Axel was making matters worse by acting as though she was not even there—rather, she was just an object. 

"Are you serious?" Draco's eyes widened, opening his mouth to reveal his sparkling white teeth as he winked at Lana, who had blushed cheeks and was hiding her face on the ground.

"Why do you care about my love life, Draco? I can at least find any woman I want, except her." He responded, and the way he said it made Lana feel pain in her chest. Why was she hurting? She was surprised by these unexpected emotions. Why did it affect her? He is her master and she is his maid, so she should not be in a relationship with him. There are thousands of attractive, wealthy, and hot women out there who would give anything to be in his vicinity.

"All right, then, how about you give her to your brother?" he asked, his cheeky smile belying his question.

"I am done, Lana. Follow me." He let out a sigh and walked out of the dining hall, with Lana trailing behind, oblivious to Fiona's angry looks. Seeing how quickly he was walking made her want to walk even faster to keep up with him. Despite his best efforts to be friendly, she could not understand why they were not closer, even though Drake appeared accustomed to it. 

A week has gone by since Draco arrived. Axel was making Lana stay motionless during the night so that she would eventually fall asleep before him, so she was not enjoying her time with him. Axel occasionally returned home with a blood-stained appearance; at first, he did not tell Lana about this because he knew she would be afraid.

"Master Axel will not be having his breakfast in the dining hall, Lana. Take this food into his room." Jane approached her with a beautiful tray that contained food, a fresh wine bottle that had not been opened, and a tumbler-filled jug of water. She took care not to break anything by holding it gently.

"Keep it there and get out!" was Axel's response; she did not have to look at his face to know he was angry, and it was surprising that he was chasing her out of the way. A part of her wanted to stay, but she was aware that this man was dangerous and could harm her at any time.

"Didn't you hear me? I said, Get out!" She dropped the food and left the room, touching her chest, still unsure of what was going on with him today. He yelled again, his voice colder and deeper.

"I have not seen that side of him," she murmured, wiping sweat from her brow. Since it was still morning, she made the decision to take a quick stroll to her room. She observed other maids while doing her job, while others stood there whispering something to themselves.

"I wonder how she feels about being his maid."

"I know, right? Kate was furious when she was replaced; Kate has never been replaced by a new girl; I mean, if I were in Kate's position, I would have beaten the hell out of her or done something that would get her in trouble." Lana's body froze when she realized Kate had overheard their conversation while passing by. She paused her steps, turned to Lana, and gave her a long stare.

"It will be your turn soon." Kate whispered, and though it was inaudible, it came out loud enough for her to hear clearly. Apart from the fact that it was not her fault, she had no idea what Kate was going to do to her.

Axel had left for work when she discovered she was alone in her room, so she took advantage of the opportunity to explore the mansion. Stepping out of her slippers, she made her way to the staircase that led to the lower level. She had heard that only Jane and a few of the men who worked there were permitted to be on the last floor. What could be up there, she wondered, that only a handful of people he could barely trust were allowed in?

She gasped in admiration of the large painting on the wall, as well as the others she came across. She soon arrived at the door leading outside. Feeling a little freedom, she ran out there with delight. Her presence drew notice to the men who acted as the guards. Some kept their gaze fixed on her, lustfully looking at her from head to foot.

She felt unsafe just from the way they stared at her. She walked to the side of the mansion, where the large garden was located. It was more beautiful than she remembered from her room. It was spacious and brimming with various fruits and flower varieties.

The smell of the flowers permeated the air, and the surroundings alone seemed heavenly. She never resisted the urge to touch the beautiful flowers as she strolled around admiring them. 

"So he likes flowers," she muttered as she touched the white rose and began plucking one before being interrupted by a voice.

"I never expected you to be here, Lana." She turned, her heart racing, leaving the flower to see Draco appear with a dreamy smile on his face, he wore a white sleeved top with the first three buttons open, revealing some of his chest, and his hair shone in the morning sun, adding a touch to his handsome face.

"I-I decided to check this place out; I have not been here since I arrived," she replied, nervously. She had no idea whether the maids were allowed to enter this garden.

"Why do you think you can come here to check the flowers?" he inquired.

"Because I was curious," she explained, returning her attention to the flowers. They remained silent as the once fragrant air became tense because Draco was present. 

"So, Lana, what led you to work here?" Lana was perplexed she had no idea how to answer that question. She could not bring herself to tell him she had been kidnapped and forced to work for him in order to survive, but she needed to tell someone how it all began.

"I came to work here against my will," she admitted, biting her lower lips, which Draco could not help but admire. He had seen pretty women and beautiful maids before, but Lana was exceptional. She had a special, innate beauty that was innocent. 

"What do you mean by that?" he inquired, realizing at last what his brother was up to.

"You mean that Axel kidnapped you to work as a maid for him and then, for no apparent reason at all, turned you into his personal maid?" He laughed, observing the expression on her face, but Lana did not find it amusing; she just wanted to go home, hug her parents, and hear them say they had missed her.

"What is stopping you, Lana? You have not tried to escape since then?" 

"He would kill me if I did," she replied, fearful for her life. She wanted to live life to the fullest, making her late parents and brother proud of her, but her condition forced her to reconsider.

"Since my brother never cared about you just like he had claimed, why don't you try to escape? I might help you to."

Her face lit up as she heard him say that, diverting her gaze away from the plants and toward her. Meanwhile, Kate has been listening in on their conversation. When she discovered Lana leaving the mansion, she had to follow her, unknown to her.

"Escape, huh? I know what I need to do to ensure her full escape."