
Lady Kagome

Kagome runs from Inu Yasha thinking he betrayed her. She ends up running into Sesshoumaru thinking her life has literally gone to Hell. Despite her travels to find the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her journey is about to get much more fickle than ever.

Nile_Flores · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 8

InuYasha took in the grandeur of the dining hall. The ceiling had banners hanging from them with the symbol of the White Dog Demon Clan, the white dog, along with the Western symbol, the crescent, done in gold on black fabric. The table was low set to the floor and small cushions set along for guests to kneel on. It was simple, something that he knew was a preference of Sesshoumaru's. He never liked too many decorations, even when he was younger. On the wall, containing no windows, was a huge canvas depicting how the former Dog Lord had conquered and secured the Western lands as his domain. The painting had him in his beast form, and even in that form, he held a regal like power.

He remembered when he once was younger and loved playing, running through the dining hall of his mother's clan, until his mother would command them to stop. As the young InuYasha stopped, he realized someone was at the window. InuYasha was only six at the time, and Sesshoumaru was well into a thousand years, however the demon lord was a young teen in appearance. Sesshoumaru merely looked at him, and then turned to go, as if he was just there to make sure if InuYasha was okay. InuYasha smiled at the memory, one of very few pleasant memories of his brother he had when he was a child.

He finally saw Kagome hobbling in, and went immediately to her side to escort her to a chair. She actually was wearing a proper kimono. Although she had wore one before, seeing her in a kimono was a treat. She looked elegant and not the accident prone teen that wore indecent skirts he had first met.

'I guess it takes Sesshoumaru to clean her up. He probably had her school uniform burned.'

"What happened?" he asked, quite worried.

"I sprained my ankle. Why do you care?" Kagome hissed angrily, but keeping back the fact that it was Sesshoumaru that had been the cause of her ankle's state.

She did not want to see another fight break out, and since Sesshoumaru had been civil towards her, she felt it was best to keep mum about it.

InuYasha flattened his ears to his head and hung head in shame. He pulled together his courage, and shoved his pride away for once. It was always his pride that made him shoot his mouth off and earn him Kagome's ire. Sometimes he enjoyed it, but it was the other times when it involved serious matters that he really did feel bad about his behavior. She forgave him so many times and stayed by his side, that he was beginning to become afraid that she would give up on him. The last conversation with her about Kikyo was not long, but the look in her eyes told him how hurt she was and how much she cared for him.

"I care Kagome. As much as I can be an ass, I do care. I love you. Sorry that you saw that incident with Kikyo. I was under a spell and that is the truth. If you wish me to swear on something, I will. She meant for you to see her with me. I told her I didn't want her anymore," he said, then bravely embraced Kagome. "The Kikyo I knew died a long time ago. I love you, Kagome. Everything I told you that day in front of the well was true. I don't want to lose you over a clay woman who won't let me be happy and dammit, I am happy with you! I love you!"

Already tears were in her blue grey eyes. InuYasha reveled in the heartbreaking beauty that shone in her eyes. He gently wiped her tears away and kissed each cheek close to each of her eyes and then hugged her close to his body.

"Don't cry, my love. I don't deserve your tears. Please forgive me. I've hurt you so many times and it is my fault. I wish I could keep my fuckin' mouth shut, but it just keeps going," he continued.

'Oh kami, please let her forgive me!' he cried to himself.

"I understand. I did not know you were under a spell. It's not the first time she has done it to you. You don't need to be forgiven, but I forgive you for all the other times. It's almost strange to see you open up this much to me, but I like it. I hope you share more with me. However, Kikyo is still alive. She has a part of my soul. She will not rest until Naraku is dead and you go to Hell with her. I love you, InuYasha, but you need to go. I wish it that you might visit occasionally, but I need to be here. Sesshoumaru said that he'd train me. God knows I need it badly. I only know how to shoot spirit arrows and I know all of you do not mind, but I want to help out more on our quest. Don't worry InuYasha, when we finally face the real Naraku and not his puppets, it will be my duty to purify his existence away as I rip the rest of the jewel from him. Not you, not anyone else. Please, go for now," she said, embracing him back, laying her head on his chest.

InuYasha's ears drooped once more, "Please, don't make me go."

"Please understand. After the stone demon, things have become very dangerous. I must become better so our group will be stronger. Kami knows I want to go with you, but I need to stay," Kagome replied.

InuYasha turned around, sensing Sesshoumaru.

"Little brother, leave. You have been told," Sesshoumaru said, entering fully robed in pristine white silk. "Leave my lands. Return to your group and find the last of the jewel shards. You may return to visit occasionally, as long as you do not interfere with her training schedule."

InuYasha, clearly upset, gave Kagome a kiss on the lips and one last look into her loving eyes, then quickly left. Kagome sobbed as Sesshoumaru stood by her and said, "It is for the best. You did well, Kagome."

"I hope so Sesshoumaru. I forgive him, but I hope he understands that me not being there, does not mean I do not want to be with him," she replied.

"Would you join me in the garden? Rin is already there and I usually accompany her at this time," Sesshoumaru asked.

"I would be happy to. I need some fresh air anyway after all," Kagome smiled.

Sesshoumaru offered his arm to help alleviate Kagome from putting too much weight on her healing ankle, as Izumi had informed him of Kagome's stubborn nature to keep walking. It made his respect of Kagome just a notch higher for her showing more perseverance. Many humans just accepted any help when they had a debilitating ailment.

Once they arrived in the garden, Rin came and hugged Sesshoumaru's leg. He gently patted her head. Rin noticed Kagome and squealed, "Kagome is here! Are you staying?"

"Yes, and I'm going to teach you and play games with you," Kagome leaned down and tapped Rin's nose in a loving manner.

Rin giggled and then said, "Rin is going to pick flowers for Lord Sesshoumaru and Kagome!"

Kagome laughed and turned to Sesshoumaru, "Well, she is certainly energetic. Adorable too."

"Indeed. She accompanies this Sesshoumaru on journeys, because she is usually too rambunctious for the staff," he replied, then walked away, his silver hair gently swaying near his knees.

Kagome sat on the ground, and decided to watch Rin pick flowers. She wanted to help, but he had strained herself a bit on walking for the day. Soon, she began becoming tired and laid back onto the ground, letting the smell of the flowers in the garden lead her into a gentle nap.