
Lady Kagome

Kagome runs from Inu Yasha thinking he betrayed her. She ends up running into Sesshoumaru thinking her life has literally gone to Hell. Despite her travels to find the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her journey is about to get much more fickle than ever.

Nile_Flores · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 28

Kagome entered the city hall building. Once within, she saw a long corridor filled with doors on each side. She scanned the blackboard to her right and found the room she needed to go in order to state her case. She had remembered to throw on her priestess outfit, white top with blue pants, just like her grandfather. It was official business so she thought it would be more convincing if she dressed this way. She had left early, so she could be first in the doors at opening as she was not sure how business City Hall could be, so she was ecstatic to find no line.

"Hi, I'm Higurashi Kagome. We had a fire at the Sunset Shrine and the main house was burnt down," Kagome stated to the official behind the counter, handing her papers proving her ownership.

"Ah, we've been expecting you. All plans have been arranged. We only needed to verify you were around. We're sorry about what happened to your family. Some of your friends mentioned that you are often sent away for illness, so we took the liberty of hiring two priestesses to keep the shrine. We can send them in two days to await your instruction," the official said, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

Kagome sighed with relief, "Thank you. I wasn't sure what to do. I set my stuff in the guest house. I will not be home when the new priestesses come, however, please inform them to not go in the guest house or the well house. There is a second guest house they can occupy until the main house is rebuilt and then they can move there. In that pile of papers is a list of belonging lost in the fire. Since the city insured our house, I hope most of it can be bought or I can be reimbursed, so I may replace it."

"I am sure something can be worked out," he replied and jotted down her request and made a notation about the list, then tucked it in a folder with all her paperwork.

Kagome drove back, relieved that her day was not full of running to and from building to building. She stopped at a convenient store and bought some ramen, meat, and vegetables. She giggled, knowing Inu Yasha would be happy about the ramen. Within Sesshoumaru's home, she had no ramen and knew InuYasha missed his favourite food. Tonight, they would sit down for a meal as she decided it was best to stay the night and then head back to Sesshoumaru's palace in the morning.

As she climbed the steps of the shrine, she met InuYasha at the top.

"Mmm, ramen! I missed eating that," InuYasha exclaimed, drooling as he peeked inside the grocery bag that Kagome had brought in.

Kagome found his devotion to his favourite food quite humorous and laughed. InuYasha grinned and pulled her close.

"But you look tastier," he said huskily, then swooped in to claim her lips with his greedy ones.

Kagome gasped and InuYasha took advantage, plunging his tongue into her honey cavern. He growled possessively, as he broke his kiss from her lips and starting licking and nibbling from her jawline to her ear. She felt ticklish and started giggling, "That tickles. Come on InuYasha, let me cook this."

"Not until I have my appetizer first," he said as he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the guest house that she had taken up.

Once within, he put the grocery bag on the kitchen table and pulled Kagome over to her bedroom. Her pushed her down on the bed and crawled up, his grin very feral, and his eyes alight with passion, almost making his amber eyes look like real flames. He crawled over her, and kissed her heatedly. She welcomed his advances, already over her giggling as she could not deny that her current situation under her was a definite turn on.

InuYasha could smell her arousal and unabashedly sniffed.

"Something smells really good," he said as he leaned down and kissed her again, trailing over her jawline once more and down to her collar.

His hands kneaded her breasts through her haori, and then slowly made way to untie it. Kagome helped him, shrugging her haori from her milky shoulders and then helped him with his own. Her hands burned to touch him as his haori and juban fell away, reveal his tanned skin. His only scar was in his chest where he had been pinned to the tree, but otherwise, he was flawless. Where Sesshoumaru was winter, InuYasha was definite summer. He leaned down and gently took one nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the areol as he kneaded her other breast, occasionally pinching it. Kagome gasped, the pooling of warmth in her belly spreading further as her hands found refuge in InuYasha's thick main of silvery white hair.

Kagome was not sure what she was feeling except it was good. She had never done this with anyone.

She froze as his hand ventured toward her pants. She wanted him, but it was not the time. InuYasha paused, feeling her body tense, and slowly ventured up to kiss her lips once more.

"InuYasha, we can't do this yet. I want to. Sorry, but we need to defeat Naraku before we focus on becoming mates," she said, and kissed him softly.

InuYasha groaned and rolled off her. He was so hard and the room was filled with the spike of her scent that is was maddening.

'She's right,' he grouched to himself.

Sighing disappointedly, he kissed her one last time and found the bathroom to take a very cold shower. Kagome changed her clothes into something more comfortable, shorts and a tank, before going to the kitchen to cook.

InuYasha leaned against the tile wall in the shower and pumped himself to full release, imagining it was Kagome. He was not disappointed that they had stopped, but knowing she would be his mate one day was wreaking havoc on his mind.

'Shit! I'm gonna beat the fuckin' shit out of that stupid houshi for making a pervert out of me,' he cursed to himself.

Once he was done, he dressed in some clothes that had left on her bed. He relished the lingering smell of her arousal before going out and watching her cook. She looked up and smiled at him. He almost became hard again, seeing her in the very short black shorts and the revealing baby pink tank top. He quelled the thought.

'Can't think of that now. Okay, think of Jaken naked,' the half demon said to himself, determined to behave.

"Ahhhhh! Fuckin' gross!" he yelled out and then realized he had said that out loud.

Kagome giggled as he blushed.

"We will stay tonight and leave first thing in the morning. Everything is all set. The only thing we are bringing is that metal chest," Kagome stated, pouring the ramen into two bowels.

"Sounds like a plan," InuYasha grinned, then took his bowel and started to scarf it as he usually did.

She was used to his eating habits and although she was a bit appalled, she thought it endearing as it was his way of letting her know that he liked it.

Kagome shook her head, "You should really learn to eat properly. As much as I find you adorable, your barbaric eating habits are killing me."

"Shaddup and eat," he replied, smiling. "I eat how I want to eat. You and pretty boy can get after me all you want."

Kagome picked up a rice ball and threw it at him, but it did not hit him. Instead he caught it in his mouth and she scowled as he smirked at her, his mouth full of rice.

After dinner, Kagome flipped on the television and watched the recent news. InuYasha fell asleep by the time it was over, so she placed a blanket over him and went to her own bed.