
Chapter 221: Sound Of Dawn (Part 1)

Lan Wu Cheng had a thunderous expression.

He knew this would happen. Curse his mother's persuasiveness!

This is a mistake! A grave mistake!

"Damn it." He gritted in annoyance.

"Having trouble with your parents?" Lan Wu Cheng head snapped towards the voice.

"Ah Kun!" Lan Wu Cheng wailed to his best friend.

Song Mo Kun's body was shaken back and forth by Lan Wu Cheng.

"Those old fools are making a mistake! Did their age already caused them to be blind?! How could they mistaken my beautiful wife to a fucking clown?!" He fussed childishly.

Song Mo Kun's blank expression did not faltered. He indifferently grab Lan Wu Cheng's hands and place them back to his side.

"Then make them see the truth." The solution was simple. How is this a dire situation?

Lan Wu Cheng deadpanned. He's asking the wrong person. This guy have high IQ but a negative EQ!