
Ladder of Destiny - Martial Spirit Bonding

Ladder of Destiny, Martial Spirit Bonding is a satirical cultivation fantasy novel co-written by brothers Brent and Joe Rost. On the Jangchi continent, cultivators must bond martial spirits, powerful remnants of the past, in order to increase their own strength. Born powerless in a world where martial strength determines everything in life, Li Kang is cast out from his clan for having no potential. Determined to prove his clan wrong, he must venture into the unknown to bond a martial spirit and forge a powerful destiny for himself.

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22 Chs

Chapter 5 - Grade 1 Heavenly Treasure

Three robed cultivators stood, seemingly locked in a heated discussion. Their robes were embroidered with elaborate sun and moon designs. This marked them as members of the rival Suhn clan.

 Not good, Li Kang thought. These Suhn clan villains either know about the rejuvenation pool, or if they don't, they soon could come across it by pure chance. Li Kang slowly and carefully made his way through the underbrush so that he could listen in on their conversation.

"I'm not sure about this, Boss." The lanky cultivator wheedled. "If the Suhn clan finds out that we borrowed the Dagger of Avarice from the treasure hall, we could be in big trouble."

"Yeah Boss, I'm with beanpole, why did we come all the way out here into Li Clan territory with the dagger anyway?" The other lackey, a portly young man, questioned.

The boss, a strong youth with sharp facial features, replied with a devilish grin, "Silence peasants, do not question…" then seemingly having a change of heart, drew the dagger, a glittering treasure, from the breast pocket of his robe. All three Suhn members stared raptly at the dagger. Even Li Kang found himself enamored. Could this really be a grade 1 heavenly treasure? While heavenly treasures could range all the way up to grade 9 and above, due to their scarcity, most cultivators would never even lay eyes on a grade 1 treasure. For a weak regional power such as the Suhn clan, this dagger would represent a significant portion of their overall strength.

Still holding the beautiful weapon, the young Suhn clan heir explained to his cronies. "As you may be aware, due to famine, the Suhn clan has seen a sharp decline in relevance over the past two years." He sat down on a flat stone and continued, "My father and the other elders sit and ramble on about honor and policy while we continue to weaken, hence it falls on me to devise a plot to bring our clan back to glory. If I could instigate a righteous war with the weak and pathetic Li clan it could bring us everything we need and more." Sheathing the dagger and returning it to his robe he continued. "But that plan will be executed later, for now, just make camp in the entrance to this cave."

Li Kang silently exclaimed, "This devious villain!" While it may not have been obvious to his moronic cronies, it was clear to Li Kang that the Suhn clan heir intended on slaughtering them and blaming the attack on the Li clan. Not only this, but with the stolen treasure, he would be able to absorb their ki and even their life essence to become stronger.

While Li Kang had no love for the clan which had abandoned him, he clearly saw that this was a rare opportunity to steal a grade 1 heavenly treasure. Such an item would rarely be seen outside of the highest levels of security. Truly this was a fortuitous stroke of luck. 

Still hiding in the brush and observing, he considered his opposition. The cronies would be either level 1 or 2 Bone Tempering level cultivators, while the heir would be at least a level 3 or 4 cultivator. Fortunately, bone tempering level cultivators could not draw on ki abilities however their toughness, speed and strength would outclass a normal man by far. Killing these cultivators with his current strength level would be near impossible, unless…. Li Kang recalled the glittering dagger and smiled.

Timing would be crucial. The young heir would likely murder his cohorts while they slept, however once he had powered up from their strength, Li Kang would miss his window of opportunity to strike. With this in mind he sank into a meditative state and waited.