
Ladder of Destiny - Martial Spirit Bonding

Ladder of Destiny, Martial Spirit Bonding is a satirical cultivation fantasy novel co-written by brothers Brent and Joe Rost. On the Jangchi continent, cultivators must bond martial spirits, powerful remnants of the past, in order to increase their own strength. Born powerless in a world where martial strength determines everything in life, Li Kang is cast out from his clan for having no potential. Determined to prove his clan wrong, he must venture into the unknown to bond a martial spirit and forge a powerful destiny for himself.

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22 Chs

Chapter 4 - Foundation

Exiled from the Li Clan with nothing but the clothes on his back, his trusty sheath knife, a rucksack full of stolen food, a flint and steel, two hefty water skins, and the book Elder Guansho had given him, Li Kang had only one thing on his mind: cultivation. The first thing I need to do is prepare my cultivation to capture a martial spirit, he thought. The only issue was, as he had been viewed as a poor prospect to become a martial spirit wielder, he had not been afforded the basic ki force strengthening and regulating that others had, and he would need to rectify this as soon as possible if he wanted to have any chance at integrating a martial spirit.

With this in mind, he pulled out Elder Guansho's book and opened it to the first page. As he did so, a folded piece of parchment fell out. He stooped to pick up the parchment from where it lay on the ground. Shaking off the dirt, unfolding the parchment revealed it to be a detailed map of the area surrounding the Li Clan Village. What good fortune! Li Kang thought to himself. He was currently squatting in a cave about 15 miles from the Li Clan Village, having decided it would be best to put some distance between himself and his ex-clan as soon as possible. 

Surveying the map, he saw that Elder Guansho had marked several points of interest, circling them in bright red ink. One of these marks caught his eye. Ah, excellent! Li Kang thought. I'll have to buy the old man a drink when I return from my journey. I'll bet the Li Clan Elders don't even know about this!

The mark that had caught his attention was a cave to the west of his current location denoted by a single character meaning 'healing'. This would be the site of a legendary chakra enhancing hot spring, called a healing pool. Li Kang had heard of the regenerative properties of these springs before. Apparently they could heal even the most severe spiritual damage a martial spirit wielder could sustain in battle. 

However, there was another rumor that interested him even more. He had also heard that if a person with undeveloped cultivation entered one of these pools, the water would smooth out and regulate their ki channels to create the perfect foundation for cultivation. Apparently the water would heal this basic spiritual structure for a cultivator, but if the structure was incomplete the healing properties of the water would build it for you in a way no cultivator would be able to do on their own.

This is exactly the kind of deus ex machina cheat item that I need to begin my rise to the top, Li Kang thought to himself as he stowed his belongings in his rucksack and prepared to make the journey to the healing pool. Preparations complete, he set off from his cave down the game trail to reach the trading road. Based on the legend on the map, he estimated it would be a full day's walk before he reached the cave containing the hot springs. Figuring he might as well make the most of the long trek, he brought out Elder Guansho's book and began to read as he walked.

The first 40 pages were filled with alchemy recipes copied in the elder's meticulous handwriting. He skipped past them. I'll save these for the inevitable alchemy tournament/moneymaking arc later on, Li Kang thought. After the recipes, he found what he was looking for: a simple cultivation technique that he could practice before he got to the healing pool. 

The technique was called 'Simple Ki Channel Refinement'. As cultivators advanced, they normally moved on to more complex cultivation techniques. He assumed Elder Guansho would have included a few progressively more difficult techniques to utilize as he advanced so he flipped the page to see the next technique: 'Pure Meridian Expansion and Purification Ki Channel Fortification'. Ah, after I incorporate the ki energy from the healing pool I'll be using this one before I know it, he thought. He flipped the page and found the next technique in the series. It was called: 'Immortal Conquerer's Demon Realm Pact Bargain Blood Ritual Ki Channel Obliteration Under Heavenly Skies Before the Dawn Of Old Gods and New Deities, I Will Become Immortal and Indefatigable'. Li Kang flipped back to 'Simple Ki Channel Refinement' and began reading.

"So first I need to sense my ki channels," he said. "Then I need to focus on moving my ki energy through them laterally, getting a sense of where my 17 meridians are located." He returned the book to his rucksack and continued on, focusing on the ki flowing through his body and pulsing in his meridians. It was a pitiful amount, but through the meditation exercise he was able to actually feel it moving. 

"Aha!" He exclaimed. "This is the foundation upon which I will build my power." He continued hiking, occasionally stopping to consult the map and position of the sun. Eventually the cave which supposedly concealed the healing pool came into view. Li Kang pulled up short and crouched behind some bushes. Trouble, he thought. There are people outside the cave!