
Ladder of Destiny - Martial Spirit Bonding

Ladder of Destiny, Martial Spirit Bonding is a satirical cultivation fantasy novel co-written by brothers Brent and Joe Rost. On the Jangchi continent, cultivators must bond martial spirits, powerful remnants of the past, in order to increase their own strength. Born powerless in a world where martial strength determines everything in life, Li Kang is cast out from his clan for having no potential. Determined to prove his clan wrong, he must venture into the unknown to bond a martial spirit and forge a powerful destiny for himself.

Joe_and_Brent_Rost · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 18 - Wanyi Interlude

'Li Kang was now a 4th stage bone tempering cultivator, however, even at his current level he couldn't be considered weaker than a cultivator at the peak of the bone tempering stage. He knew that this was all due to his hard work and good fortune, having used his cunning and strength to acquire not one but two grade one heavenly treasures. In addition to this, he had Master Guansho's tome to fall back on whenever he needed information to aid him on his journey as the old man had included all of the good tomes from the Li Clan's famed library. Now, exiled from his clan by the Li Clan elders, left to fend for himself, he had pilfered the antique tomb of the Lo Chang Dynasty, survived an encounter with a member of the shadowy Wanyi Group, and even caught the eye of their mysterious boss. Now, he continued with his plot to enact revenge on the Suhn Clan for attempting to instigate a false war with the Li Clan, hunting down their hunting parties and draining their ki to build the most powerful foundation the Jangchi Continent had ever seen…'

"Hmph, even more interesting than I had dared hope." The slim man deactivated his ki energy power 'Spirit Reading Future Renderings: 1st Form: Past and Present' and the book of blank pages which had been filling with text before his eyes slammed shut on the rich mahogany desk behind which he sat.

Here, in a shrouded fortress deep in a hidden mountain range on a far away continent, sat the hidden leader of the Wanyi Group - The Shadow Cultivator!

He opened the book again and his ki aura flared with power, staggering every member of the Wanyi Group in the compound. He eyes glowed golden and his power spiked again, causing a mass exodus of herons that had been resting in the mountain pools surrounding the fortress. The image of a beautiful golden woman, phasing from the maiden to the matron to the crone, larger than life, appeared behind him. His powerful martial spirit, the Oracle of Delphi! He lifted his quill pen and began to write. 

'Even now, the wheels long set in motion by fate have begun their ponderous turning. Many carp attempt to swim in the river but few are able to reach the waterfall. Even fewer still have the ability, the strength and cunning, remaining after their long journey to overcome it and become dragons. The son of a poisoned father stands alone, the sun sets, and a fallen angel reaches for lost paradise. The foundation of this world trembles, I am not long for it. The plane of the gods awaits me, I know, but give me a little more time to see this unfold, I beseech thee.'

The book slammed shut once more and the man steepled his fingers on the desk. He could see the higher realm, the plane of the gods stretched out before him, and it took his every effort to remain a mortal.

"Just a little more time," he said.