
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Arch-Magi's Book

Magi Cornelius swung the doors open and fell at Desser's feet. "My Prince! Your Highness! I've made you even worse by causing you to faint like a little girl yesterday! Please end my pitiful existence!"

"Shut the hell up! Don't you think before you speak?! And I did not faint like a little girl!"

Desser, aka Ladar, was sick of this man! 'First, the 'he needs to shit' incident and now this?!' Desser thought to himself. He understood that gender stereotypes were like fundamental truths in this medieval world, but it annoyed him, all the same, to be compared to a girl…

Unknown to Desser was that Magi Cornelius was the most extraordinary healing magi of his time. Cornelius had an excellent reputation as both a genius and a fool. He was incapable of holding his tongue, but his free-spirit personality also made him a genius in his field. Healing Magic is one of the most challenging forms of Magic that Desser will find out in the near future.

Magi Cornelius laughed and replied, "now you sound more like your father!"

For Desser, the very mention of his father felt strange and aggravating. In his old life, he wasn't present and was always used as a weapon against him by his mother. Desser calmed himself and asked Cornelius, "why are you here? Will you finish answering my questions from yesterday?"

"Your highness, your coldness hurts me but also makes me see you more as our future lord. Where were we in my explanation?"

"You were explaining why I am here," Desser answered.

"Ah, yes! Before I go into details, I must request that I explain the situation in secret with you."

Ladar looked at Cornelius with curiosity and ordered Sonia, as well as the two knights standing by: "everyone, leave us."

When the last person closed the door, Cornelius continued, "I'm sorry for the secrecy, Prince Mogar. However, most details as to why you are here are known only to the upper echelon and the royal family."

Cornelius sighed as he looked at Desser with a saddened and serious face:

"Currently, you are in Brahmut recovering because you suffered greatly from Arch-Magi's teaching. Arch-Magi passed on a book that only the royal family could read. It contains knowledge and cultivation techniques that have helped the royal Mogar lineage remain in power. However, the stronger the cultivation technique, the greater the ramifications. I have this book in my possession that King Mogar told me to give you when you wake up. Not to worry, though; no one can open the book without the blood and express consent of a royal Mogar. In a moment, I will pass it to you so you can further understand your situation. I hope it'll give you some insight on how to heal yourself.

"I am embarrassed to say this to you, my prince. But I could only restore your consciousness and upper body after 2 years of trying. I am known throughout Anthul as one of the greatest healing Magis of this century. Yet, I could not heal you completely. I am ashamed to have disappointed our great prophet's bloodline like this!"

Ladar somehow knew that Cornelius was being sincere, so he hastily said, "I know you did everything in your power and are loyal to my family. Tell me why it has been so difficult to heal me despite how important Magic seems here."

Cornelius noticed the word 'here' but had too much to explain to the prince to waste his time focusing on his wording. Cornelius replied, "Magic is a powerful force in the world. Depending on how many circles you have around your Magic core, you can unleash more Magic and cure even greater ailments. However, one of the greatest flaws we are still trying to understand and overcome is that Magic weakens when it is used to influence anything outside oneself that is living. For example, if I tried to manipulate fire, it would be a simple task at my circle. As a 6-Circle Magi, I can easily create and manipulate fire. But, if I tried to manipulate a monster's mind into becoming my pet, it would be near impossible. Usually, you cannot manipulate another living thing with Magic because it costs too much energy and would require specific conditions. I am a healer but the greater the injury, the more Magic I must use to manipulate the body of a living being to heal faster. I do not have enough Magic to force your body to recover at a faster rate. That is one of the greatest flaws in Magic."

Cornelius noticed Desser's expression. It seemed like all the information being given to him was overwhelming. Cornelius put his hand on Desser's shoulder to grab his attention and said, "it must be true what I heard through the door. I did not mean to eavesdrop, but your well-being is my top concern. You told your maid that you have lost much of your memories. It could be that the forced healing of your body had a toll on your mind."

'sure…let's go with that.' Desser thought.

"As I mentioned, I have Arch-Magi's sacred text with me; I will give it to you to re-read. It'll explain more about Circles and Talents--the two major forms of power for Magis. I hope that our great prophet's enlightenment will help you understand what has happened to you and where you must go from here. Our country depends on your success!" With Cornelius's final words, he handed the book to Desser and left the room while ordering the guard to not let anyone suspicious in while he reads the Arch-Magi's holy words.

Desser was left by himself, and his first thought was 'no pressure.' He felt an extreme responsibility placed on him that he never asked for after what Cornelius said.

It was time to learn what Magic was really about. What were those Circles and Talents that Cornelius mentioned?

I will be publishing more every 3 days. Keep me accountable if you notice it's been 3 days since I last released. Thank you so much for reading! And I hope you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment (or hate it enough to do the same XD)!

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