
chapter 1

The world had come to a standstill. The air was filled with sorrow and grief, the kind of despair that felt like it would consume everything in its path.

The Black Plague had arrived and ran rampant across the entire planet, spreading death and misery amongst the masses. No one was spared, no matter their strength, status, or wealth.

Among the ruins was a young woman, Chloe, a fearless warrior who bravely fought against the darkness. As the disease brought about its deadly march, Chloe began to lose everyone she held dear - her beloved family, her closest friends, and even her one true love. Each loss left a deep scar, like a knife to her soul.

The pain was too much to bear and it eventually drove Chloe mad. She no longer cared about the world and poured all of her energy into fighting against the Black Plague - but her efforts were in vain. Everything that she had fought for had been taken away.

The anguish and anguish only deepened as Chloe lost more and more of her loved ones. In the end, she stood alone, the only survivor of a destroyed world - and it was her burden to carry.

Though the darkness of the world had consumed her, a new light appeared in her life: her unborn child. This new hope gave Chloe something to live for, something to strive for - not just for herself, but also for her new son or daughter. With a newfound determination, she mustered all of her strength to protect and to provide for the future of her unborn child, no matter the cost.