

Xu Lee got inside the palace after greeting Grandma Chen and went straight to her suites . She opened the door and closed it and she found someone on her bed, without the person realizing that she had gotten inside.

From the back of her neck, she looks too familiar.

Don't tell me it's who I am thinking about...

She walked towards her and stood frozen at her back as reality dawned on her. She was her godmother who she took for a mother when her mom died. The lady seemed to have noticed the breathing in and out of Xu Lee as she turned around immediately.

" What are you doing in here?" Lee asked, showing venom in her eyes. " Who permitted you into this palace let alone this house."

" I called His Highness before coming. He gave me permission okay." She said, getting up from the bed.

" I see..." Lee said. " But I believe that he didn't give you permission to come into my room and seat on my bed."

" Well I got permitted on that as well," she said. " Grandma Chen allowed me to wait here."

" Okay, now your wait is over." Lee said, wiping the tears trying to fall down her face. She must not look so weak in front of who had abandoned her. " Can you kindly leave my room now or I oust you out."

" No my dear, that is not the only reason I am here. I came to ask for your forgiveness." She said, reaching out to touch her.

" Don't you dare touch me. " Lee said, taking her hands away.

" I know I had wronged you and that is why I am here to apologize. " She said.

" Keep your apologies to yourself because it is not needed anymore, " Lee said. " You left me to myself when I needed you the most. "

" I know all about that and I don't know why I did what I had done. " She said, as tears were streaming down her face. " I had some issues with my husband, had to choose between family and you. But that does not explain the thing I did wrong. "

" I don't get you, was your husband against our relationship? " Lee asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Yes it was but it is something you will not understand. " She said, looking her straight in the eyes.

" I guess this is not the reason you had to come back here for? " Lee asked. " You didn't come through those distance just to tell me this, did you? "

" Of course not, not at all. " She said, as she moved towards the window and lifts the curtain up a bit. " It had nothing to do with you at all my little angel. But it concerned your mom. "

Xu Lee couldn't take it in, what did she say? '...

" What about my mom?" Lee asked.

" On that day I found out that my husband had some past with your mother. He told me he wanted to marry her before your mom married your father. He had begged her to give him a chance to prove himself worthy but she refused and told him she loved another man.

" But that was not the reason , was that it?"...

" Why should I be paying the sins of my mother's?

" It's not paying for sins, it has something much more than that. "

" Okay because of my mom, you were asked to stop associating me? " Lee asked.

" Yes my baby, I guess so too. "she said, giving her a warm smile.

" But won't he be angry with you if he find out you were here? " Lee asked, concern showing I'm her eyes.

" It would not matter because I divorced him already. "

" Why is that? " Lee asked.

" Story for another day. " She said, embracing Xu Lee more tight.


The king and and Grandma Chen are laughing over a joke that Grandma Chen cracked. Grandma Chen told of her youthful story of how her and her husband met, they both had met in a party where she had bumped into him as her drink spilled on him.

He had looked at her with amusement instead of anger, and she had not known what to do that she started to laugh at him. Funny enough, he had not taken it to heart then. The two were laughing their hearts out not minding the guards and maidens present.

It was the scene that Xu Lee and her godmother met when they came down.

" What is amusing His Highness and Her Majesty?" Xu Lee asked, making herself comfortable on the seat.

" It is Grandma Chen." Xu Lee's father said, trying to stop the laugh from coming out. " She has been very hilarious. I can't help laughing."

" Grandma Chen tell me, I want to share in the laughter too?" Xu Lee asked.

" I am not sure you would want to." Grandma Chen said, before turning to look at Xu Lee's godmother. " How are your children?"

" Ashley and Michael are abroad studying. They don't know yet that I divorced their father." Lui Weng. ( She married an American dear readers, so that's why her children's names are not Chinese.)

" Don't you think you should at least inform them?" His Highness asked.

" I will when the time is right." She said.

" I really need to speak with them one of these days. " Xu Lee said, smiling at her godmother. " What level are they in now? "

" They are in their Second level. " Lui Weng said, rubbing her palms together. " When are you going to college Lee?"

" I do not know." She said, looking at her dad for a moment before continuing. " Anytime I am ready."

" I have been telling her to go to school but she is adamant." His Highness said, not minding the dagger of a look she was throwing him.

" Let her be." Grandma Chen said to Xu Lee's father. " She will go when she is ready as she said."

" I want to go to to the theater your Highness. " Xu Lee said, standing from her seat.

" You may go but go with a maiden." He said.

" No your Highness, I can do very well on my own." She said, glaring at him.

" Then take a guard with you." He said, refusing to let go.

" This is 21st century dad, no harm can come to me." She said, shaking her body in anger.

" And this is not America where you are allowed to do as you please remember. This is China. " He said, as he turned to on the AC.

" Grandma Chen talk sense into Dad. " She said, almost loosing it. Grandma Chen who had not want to step between the argument of father and daughter looked at her at a loss for words.

" I don't really know what to say Xu Lee, your father is right after all." She said, looking at Lui Weng for help but got none. " Maybe you could take Emily with you."

" Who is Emily?" Lui Weng asked, looking from Grandma Chen to Xu Lee. Grandma Chen explained to her who Emily is, as Xu Lee left to call her before they both left the palace.

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