
Kyo Kaneko: Creative Endeavors

Kyo lives an unhappy life. Chronic pain, isolation, hospitals. That is, until he was blessed and isekai’d to a new world by the moon. His first day at Iluna, Institute of Mystics, he makes new friends, discovers new, life changing events, and becomes the inspiration he wanted to be. “Chaos? I call it fun.” Let’s show as much love as we can in his last two weeks! If the artist of the cover wants me to take it down, I will do so if told. I will also be including many NijiSanji EN members to ad onto the adventures Kyo went on.

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8 Chs

First Day: Homeroom/Phys Ed

"How the hell did we make a mistake?" A student asked, putting his feet up on the desk in front of him. "This is the best school around. What could've been mistaken?"

"What a foolish child," Miss Kosaka had slightly smirked at that. "Why don't I start off with explaining everything to you."

Every student who wasn't sitting started to lightly glow a magenta color. Is that magic? They didn't seem to have control over their bodies since they all yelped, the magic, i think, forcing them to sit down. 

"Wonderful," Miss Kosaka smiled gently. "Now, let me start explaining how things will work. If you look inside your desk, you'll the see mobile phones. These are your new cells. They work like a normal phone, the only difference being that they are programed by the school itself."

Everyone pulled out the phones from inside the desk. Once I looked at the screen, it turned on immediately with a quick flash of white. All the other phones did the same, looks of shock appearing on the students' faces.

"Those phones will contain contact info and your point currency." 

"Miss?" A student raised her hand. "Point currency? Can you further explain that?"

"Of course," She pulled out the same phone from the front desk. "The point currency is how you will pay things in school. Do to safety and privacy, you will stay on campus from now on. You will not be allowed to leave unless you sign a form explaining what you will do off campus. That's where the point currency comes in. Everything you need, from hygiene to entertainment, will be here on the school grounds. You'll see on your phone, there's an app that has a lock as the logo. You click on that and there is your bank. Remember, you're all special. Keeping you on campus is the safest option for you."

I did exactly as instructed and she was right. There were exactly 100,000 points shown on the screen. Just how many points do we get at the start of the year? 

"Each point is worth ten dollars." Miss Kosaka continued on. "This should last you the year. Well, I very much hope it would."

"I still don't see how we could've made a mistake." The same dude from earlier interrupted. "All you've talked about is how we need to stay on school grounds and stuff. What's so scary about this school? C'mon, old hag."

"Ah, such a disappointment of a man," Suddenly, Miss Kosaka was standing right in front of him, looking at him with an intent not quite for killing, but definitely enough to plant fear in him. She grabbed his lower jaw and forced him to look at her. "As much as I'd like to wait for you to find out, you'd be much better off knowing now."

Jesus christ, talk about overkill. He looks like he's genuinely scared.

"You won't be treated like your untouchable nor will you be coddled. You will be pushed and shoved by everyone. Everyone here see you as a rival, even the member in your groups. The teachers will be no acceptations either, they will be just as harsh. So, do you think you made a good choice?" 

He didn't do anything, didn't nod or shake his head. He looked like he was too stuck in fear to answer. That answer was enough for Mrs. Chrysalis since she let go of his jaw and smiled, almost sinisterly.

"Well then," She said and walked back up to the front of the room. "Let's get started, shall we?"


"Just what the fuck goes on at this school?" I demanded an answer from Ren. "The teachers are insane, teleporting everywhere and threatening to expel us and shit. And how the hell does the school pay for our point currency?"

"I dunno," Ren sat on the ground next to me and stretched. "I just kind of go with. No point I'm wondering when other people know what they're doing."

Do you have no sense of curiosity or something?

"Are you going to continue sulking about how things work?" Aia put her hands in her hip and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you just stretch and warmup, then things will get done faster."

Right now was Phys Ed, our magic classes apparently. Everyone had light blue sweats and a short sleeved shirt on, the uniforms for the specific class. Everyone was either talking with their group or stretching and warming up before class officially starts.

"I've been wondering," Aster tucked his hair behind an ear and looked at me. "What kind mystical power do you have, Kyo? You haven't said much about yourself." 

"I mean, I prefer to keep to myself." I answered bluntly. "It just keeps everyone away. If they don't know much about me, then they won't be able to find things to make fun of me for."

Aster, Maria and Ren looked at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes ever. I think I might've made a mistake saying something so blunt. It didn't look like pity, but I didn't like their expressions. 

"What'd I say?" I asked, pausing stretching and crossing my arms. "You wanted me to talk about myself. That's one of my traits."

"There's no way you're like that," Scarle said before wrapping me in her arms. "Let big sis give you a hug. Huggie wuggies."

"Ayo! I didn't ask for that! We just met!" 

Scarle squeezed me in her arms, real tight. I won't say I didn't like it, cause then I'd be lying. But it felt nice, comforting and warm. Actually, I kinda liked it. She's long enough arms so they wrap all arounf me. Wait...


How did I just realize how fucking small I was? Everyone here looked about 17-19 when my body looked like a 14 or 15 year old, maybe younger! Is this because of the moon blessing crap? Screw the moon! Why'd it have to give me this tiny, little man body? Man, you suck, damn moon!

"All right, you punks, get off your asses and line up!"

The P.E. teacher, Mr. Sonny Brisko, shouted and clapped his hands together.

Everyone immediately stood up and formed a single file line. Some students were trying to hold in their laughter, they looked a little older too. Others looked nervous, they were probably first years like me.

"What's up with him?" Aster, who was right next to me, looked over at Ren, who was on the other side of me.

"He's trying to be more assertive this year." Ren answered. "The other teachers say he's too nice."

"Aw, but I like the nice Phys Ed teacher."

"Shut up!" Mr. Brisko "Now that I have your attention, let's start with a jog around the field. Five laps!"

I had no clue what the field was because the field was so damn huge! Since I didn't know where to go, I followed the 2nd and 3rd years, they surely knew where to go, and they did which helped me a lot.

All the 3rd years were jogging so lightly, pumping their arms just for show. Is Mr. Brisko really that nice? All the older kids aren't even running. Is that allowed?

"Kyo!" I heard Maria behind me before she was caught up to me and ran by my side. "I found you. When everyone started running, I got left behind."

"Oh, that sucks." I answered how I always did. "Maybe they forgot they have first years with them. Dumbasses."

"Maybe that word is a little much. I hope they plan to help us during the main part of class."

"Main part? There's three hours just for this class. What the hell is the main part?"

"I heard we're doing an obstacle course to test our physical strength, stamina, speed, al that stuff. I don't think we're working on magic today."

Magic, huh? That still confused the hell outta me. I don't even know what magic I have.

After the five laps, everyone seemed pretty winded. I mean, at least the first years did. The 2nd years were proud of themselves and the 3rd years were practically showing off how they were completely fine. Mr Brisko was just standing there, his arms crossed as he gave everyone a moment to catch their breath.

Now that I notice it, he looks like a highlighter. My intrusive thoughts suddenly took over my mind. I wonder what would happen if I compared him to one.

"That's just a taste of what will happen today." Mr Brisko tried to sound like an dominating alpha, but he really sounded like he was forcing his toughness. "As it said in your schedule, you will spend three hours of Phys Ed with me, Sonny Brisko. I welcome all of you first years, but be warned, you aren't going to have an easy time here."

Well, that figures, literally everyone keeps saying that. You think we're deaf or something?

"Unfortunately, today, you will keep you mystical abilities to yourself."

Everybody groaned at the statement. The 1st years really wanted to show off, didn't they? This is good for me though, I have a chance to actually figure out how my weird "moon blessing" powers work.

"Now, now, quit complaining. We're going to have fun today. To test your strength and stamina, speed and endurance, we will be doing an obstacle course!"

He pulled a remote from his pocket and pushed the red button on it. The ground started shaking, almost like a minor earthquake. The green grass wasn't exactly real, I found that out when it started to fold and open a hole in the ground. The obstacle course was literally rising from the dead and out of the ground, like zombie leaving it's grave. Gasps left the 2st years' mouths, amazement filling the air.

"Today, you will test yourselves."

I cried multiple times during Kyo's last stream. It's officially Kyover. BUT! It may be the end of Kyo Kaneko, but it's also the return of Quinn Benet(at least I think so)!

Also figured I’d add some other NijiEN members to the story as well.

I’m also sorry for the short chapter!

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