
Kurumi's Multiverse Journey

Previous name of Fan-Fic: Multiverse: Journey of Kurumi [Current World: Dxd, Crossover worlds on it: Date A Live, Solo Leveling, Oshi no Ko. (can be added more.)] Kurumi Tokisaki, a powerful spirit who spread her fame as 'Nightmare,' an S-Rank criminal and the most villainous spirit ever to exist. But even this formidable being fell at the hands of the First Spirit. Spirit of Origin. Kurumi was defeated and thrown into a completely unknown world. But luck didn't abandon her; it gave her a system mainly named the 'Chat Group System.' Now, with new powers and in a new world, can Kurumi finally kill the Spirit Of Origin? Let's find out together. (I hope this synopsis was good. I tried some things lol.) Anyway, I think this is all. I don't have any particular update day or something. If I have the motivation to write, I will write and post it but if I do not have any motivation I won't write any chapter. I too want to have at least fun while writing fan fiction. I do not write fan fiction for someone else or something. Enterally I wrote it for myself, As I couldn't find any fan-fic and wanted to read my own fan-fic after a year or something. But if you have any advice or suggestion feel free to comment. (Any criticism is very well appreciated. I'm welcoming any improvement suggestions on my fan fiction. But If the comment is purely for hating and not for a suggestion or something I will delete it. I simply don't care about something that stupid.)

Ali_Ceyhun · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

[5] Second Day at the School and a fellow sadist

Finished Part 2 of Honkai Impact just a few days ago, maybe I can add a charachter to chat group from it. Shu of Pleasure maybe lol.

( ups wrong name of chapter, changed it :3 )

[Photo of Akeno] - (I will sleep now, It's night here, will try to make a new chapter tomorrow can't promise. I have some new tricks to do next chapter so It's can be quite late, 1-2 week maximum.)


The morning sunlight streamed into Kurumi's villa, rudely interrupting their peaceful sleep and leaving Kurumi quite annoyed. She was hugging Kuroka tightly, shielding herself from the heat of the sun.

"Ughh... I swear I'll put something there," Kurumi grumbled as she finally rose from the bed after a while. Despite the comfort of the bed, she knew she had a lot of work to do that day.

"Yawnn Hahh... First, let's take a bath and then open the rewards from yesterday," Kurumi said, casting one last glance at Kuroka before getting up from the bed and slowly making her way towards the shower for a refreshing morning bath.


"Truly, a morning bath is the best," Kurumi said with satisfaction, feeling all the fatigue from yesterday vanish as she soaked in the bath. Despite being a spirit and not needing things like food or rest, Kurumi still held onto human habits from her past life, finding comfort in familiar routines like morning baths.

After a while, Kurumi emerged from the shower, towel wrapped around her perfect body, and opened the bathroom door to return to the bedroom. There, she noticed that Kuroka had finally woken up, though she pretended to still be asleep.

"Hm? You're awake?" Kurumi remarked, observing Kuroka's attempt to feign sleep.

At Kurumi's words, Kuroka flinched momentarily before opening her eyes, a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

"Haha... I thought you wouldn't want me to see you," Kuroka offered an excuse, though it sounded feeble even to her own ears.

"Pft~ Why wouldn't I want you to see? Just don't stare too much," Kurumi responded with a flirty tone her confidence in her own appearance evident. But who could blame her?

"Anyway, you can't sleep forever, y'know? If you want to sleep, then sleep, but I have work to do. After putting on my school clothes, I'll make breakfast, take a bath, and then come downstairs. I did put some clothes for you in the bathroom, but I don't know if they'll be too big for you." Kurumi didn't wait for Kuroka's response as she dropped her towel, revealing her body, and began to dress in her school uniform right in front of Kuroka without any shame.

Kuroka couldn't help but once again ogle Kurumi's body. Her body was simply perfect. Even though Kurumi still hadn't activated her [Angel Body], its effects were still evident, making her body perfect in almost every way.

After admiring Kurumi's perfect body until she finished dressing in her school uniform, Kuroka let out a deep sigh. She shifted her gaze from Kurumi's body to the bathroom, her face flushed with embarrassment. Knowing that she also had work to do today, she reluctantly got up from the heavenly soft queen-sized bed and began to walk slowly towards the bathroom.

Upon reaching the bathroom door, she opened it and stepped inside. Before closing the door completely, she turned back for one last glance at Kurumi, then closed the door, leaving Kurumi alone in the bedroom.

'Ara~ What a cute pet I found on the street,' Kurumi couldn't help but think to herself as she saw Kuroka looking at her body without shame. She noticed the blush on Kuroka's face, but to Kurumi, it only made Kuroka even cuter.


"Oh? You've come, huh? Come on, sit. I've already made breakfast," Kurumi said as she saw Kuroka slowly descending the stairs and approaching the table that Kurumi had prepared in the kitchen.

"*sniff* *sniff* Huh!? What is this smell? It's so good!" Kuroka exclaimed suddenly as she entered the kitchen from the stairs. Being a cat-like being, Kuroka's sense of smell was more sensitive than that of most beings, inferior only to creatures like dragons or gods. Initially preoccupied with her thoughts, she hadn't noticed the aroma of the food. But now, as she emerged from her reverie, she finally caught wind of the tantalizing scent.

"Hahaha~ Is my food that good?" Kurumi's light laughter and comment broke Kuroka's reverie about the food, causing her to quickly fake a cough after taking a seat at the table.

Once again, Kuroka couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She couldn't believe how often she found herself in such situations over the past two days. Normally, she was the one teasing others, but now? She was the one being teased. Reminding herself of this, Kuroka couldn't help but inwardly sigh. However, the aroma of the food quickly captured her full attention once more. Kurumi had even cooked fish! It was as if she was truly treating Kuroka like a cute pet cat.

[Achievement Unlocked! 'Master Chef']

[Description: You, who have cooked for past hundred, if not thousands, of years, have finally mastered the concept of 'cooking'. This achievement won't grant you anything physical, but it will imbue you with an affinity toward 'cooking' in every sense—not just in the kitchen, but in battle as well. Rejoice, mortal! You will witness the true power of 'cooking'.]

Kurumi glanced at the system panel with an amused smile before returning her attention to her food, which Kuroka had already begun to devour.




"Then, see you later, Kuro-chan~" Kurumi said as she walked towards the gates of the villa. Kuroka decided to rest a little more in the house before going to work, so Kurumi left her in the villa, knowing that she wouldn't do anything. Even if she did, there wasn't anything that Kurumi cherished, so it was no problem for her.

"Mhm... See you later, Kurumi," Kuroka replied. She had no problem with staying behind; she wouldn't gain anything by trying to do something anyway. Besides, Kurumi's food and head pats were too good for Kuroka to pass up.

- At the Entrance of Kuoh Academy -

"Hello Kurumi-san," Sona, upon seeing Kurumi at the entrance, couldn't help but greet her. Sona didn't know why, but she felt an attachment towards Kurumi. It wasn't love, Sona knew, but perhaps admiration. Whatever it was, Sona was determined to figure it out.

"Hm? Oh~! Isn't it Souna-chan~?" Kurumi's cheerful and flirty tone was melodic to Sona's ears. She almost lost her calm demeanor at that, but quickly composed herself and responded to Kurumi. "Y-Yeah. I saw you, so I couldn't help but talk to you," Sona said with a small stutter at the beginning.

"Oh~? Is that so~? You can call me anytime, y'know? We are friends, aren't we~?" Kurumi said cheerfully and suddenly hugged Sona. Sona was dumbfounded but couldn't say anything as she was buried in Kurumi's quite ample bosom.

The students and teachers passing by the entrance of the Academy couldn't help but look at this scene with shock. After all, Sona was strict and quite cold towards displays of affection like this. Seeing her buried in someone else's bosom was a huge shock for everyone in the academy, including Sona's peerage.

For a moment, everyone stopped in their tracks and just looked at the duo of Kurumi and Sona.

Sona, for a moment, felt her brain completely shut down. She didn't know what to do. But then she remembered that she was at school and quickly tried to compose herself and break free from the hug. However, something unexpected happened: she couldn't break free from Kurumi's hug!

She even used all of her strength as a Mid-Level High-Class devil, but it was futile. She couldn't even budge Kurumi's hand or break the hug. For a straight three minutes, she forcefully (not so forcefully) stayed in Kurumi's embrace. After Kurumi released the hug, Sona managed to create some distance between herself and Kurumi.

After extricating herself from the hug, Sona couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the situation. Her face was as red as a tomato as she entertained a myriad of possibilities that would not happen.

"It was a good hug, Souna-chan~ You really look cute like this~ Then see you later," Kurumi's words brought Sona out of her thoughts, and she quickly regained her composure. Sona nodded at Kurumi's words and watched as Kurumi walked towards the main waterfall of the Academy.

Once Kurumi was completely out of sight, Sona adjusted her glasses and cast a stern gaze upon everyone, a gaze that could almost freeze the underworld. Everyone shuddered when they felt Sona's piercing gaze and quickly resumed their walk towards the school.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- (Ultra Mega Scene Changer)

"Ara~ / Ara~" Kurumi and a girl with black hair said suddenly as they saw each other on the left side of the main waterfall. When they saw each other their thought was the same: 'A Fellow Sadist.'

Call it instinct, both of them knew that the girl in front of them was a sadist.

"Hello, Miss?" Kurumi was the first one to speak. She had already seen Akeno's name but preferred not to say it and waited for her introduction.

"Ara~ You don't know me?" Akeno said, surprised. She was not in school yesterday so she didn't know that Kurumi enrolled two days ago.

"Do I Need to know? I just enrolled two days ago, miss~" Kurumi responded to Akeno without much difference. Her tone was flirty, carrying visible amusement.

"Haha... Of Course not. I'm Akeno Himejima, nice to meet you, miss~" Akeno introduced herself, giving a little giggle while covering her mouth with one hand.

"Haha... Nice to meet you too, Akeno-san~ My name is Kurumi Tokisaki. You can call me Kurumi though." Kurumi too introduced herself as she looked at Akeno with an intense gaze, as if their gaze exchanged messages without speaking.

"Then... See you later, Akeno-San~ You see, I have a class to attend unlike certain someone who don't~" Kurumi said with her 'cheerful' personality and tone as she walked past Akeno directly without waiting for her response.

Akeno, of course, sensed what Kurumi meant underneath her words and responded. "Ara~ You are really a bad girl, Kurumi-San~ Wouldn't it bite you back if you do it like this~?" Akeno was certain that Kurumi sensed her power and was also sure that Kurumi knew that she found her power as well. As a result, she responded like this.

Kurumi neither denied nor accepted it, simply deciding not to answer and walked to her classroom like nothing happened.


'System, I completed a quest yesterday, right? Give me its rewards,' Kurumi said inwardly as she remembered the quest that she completed yesterday. She was currently listening in class but quickly got bored. After all, she knew all the things the teacher said from the first place. Over 10,000 years of experience was no joke. But still, she planned to go to the library of this world to learn more about it.

"There are 'hunters' and 'gates' as the Humans of this world call them," Kurumi took great interest in them. [1]

[Yes, Host, the quest 'The Hunt' Completed. The rewards are: [1000 SC] [Info Section of Shop]. That is all, Host.]

'Info Section? What is that? Explain it to me.' Kurumi said inwardly. If it's like her rasiel then it's a really powerful tool for her, but still, she wanted confirmation from the system to be sure.

[Indeed, Host. It's as you think. With this, you can buy any kind of information, but unlike Rasiel, this skill can give advice too and can see the past, present, and future. Its have 2 downside first its price is really high and lastly you can use it only 3 times.] Instead of System, Lilith answered the question. After all, this kind of thing was her responsibility. She also liked Kurumi quite a bit and was curious about her. As Kurumi's first and last host.

'Ah- Then... I can save 'her', right? How many points do I need for her whereabouts?' Kurumi said inwardly, her voice was sad and nostalgic. Remembering her high school friend, she was her best friend and first friend. If it's possible, then Kurumi wanted to save her, at least in this world.

[Sawa plays a huge role in Host's Life. As a result, that kind of information price is higher. It's 5600 SC, Host.]

'Tch. I knew it wouldn't be this easy.' Kurumi clicked her tongue inwardly as she looked at her SC. She had 3000 SC currently. She used 2000 to upgrade Observe and this much was left. Now she regretted that she upgraded Observe. But at this moment, the system voice and Lilith's voice echoed in Kurumi's consciousness.

[The Quest 'Main Quest: Old Friend' Given to Host.]


Quest: Old Friend.

Description: You who desire to see and save an old friend, determined to find her whereabouts and save her from the hands of fate. Your love for her clearly exceeds that of a 'friend', but You didn't accept it. The day of acceptance has finally come.

Objective: Save Sawa and Accept your love for her.

Rewards: [10,500SC] [Extra Chat Group Member]

Penalty: No Old Friends and Love for you.


[Host, If you can kill one of the protagonists then I can give you a little reward for that quest. I can't give you items or something similar, but I can at least give SC of that quest.] The last one was Lilith's voice. Kurumi didn't respond for the whole moment, and at the moment she opened her mouth to speak, the school bell rang, signaling that school ended.

- (Edit)

'Only 2 days left...' Kurumi thought as she walked towards the school gate, today was the end of the second day of her new school. She found and discovered so many new things. It would be a lie if she said she was not happy about it.

"Kurumi-san~" Akeno's voice got into Kurumi's ear, prompting her to turn her head to see where Akeno was calling her.

"Ara~ Akeno-San?" Kurumi said, her expression one of surprise as she covered her mouth with her right hand, while holding the school bag with her left.

"Yeah... Sorry for holding you here, but you see, I wanted to discuss something important with you. Can you come with me to an empty classroom?" Akeno asked, her flirty tone unwavering even when discussing something serious, seeming to intensify when speaking with Kurumi.

"Ara~? I didn't know you swung that way, Akeno-san~" Kurumi said with a small giggle, putting her right hand to her cheek, as if playfully reacting to discovering a deep secret.

After hearing Kurumi's words, a thick vein almost popped out of Akeno's head. But at the last moment, she took a deep breath with a sigh and returned to her usual small and mischievous look.

"Who knows~? Maybe I am... Do you swing that way, Kurumi-San~?" Akeno retorted with a smirk towards Kurumi. But she forgot one thing: Kurumi was not a simple magical person. She was over 10,000 years old, the most proficient in mischievous and flirty behavior. After all, she embodied this personality flawlessly every time, even when alone. 

If someone could see behind this facade, they would genuinely praise and respect her. It symbolized her pride in her acting skills. Except for Sawa, no one else saw behind this personality.

"Hahaha~ Maybe? Anyway, that's not our reason to talk, right? I will come with you, Akeno-San~" Kurumi smoothly redirected the conversation without making things awkward. Her skillful evasion was like an older sibling offering chocolate to their sister, then snatching it away at the last moment.

Akeno's eyebrows twitched with annoyance and slight anger. This was the first time she had been teased so hard! She was usually the flirty one, and now she felt the tables had turned with this girl. Akeno also sensed that Kurumi was not simple at all; her responses and actions felt calculated yet natural, as if it were her second nature. It was like dealing with a natural genius or a monster, but who was Akeno to call someone else a monster while carrying the filthy blood of fallen angels in her veins?

Just thinking about it brought disgust to her face, which she quickly hid. But of course, it couldn't escape Kurumi's curious and interested eyes.

'Ugh... How problematic... I should torture some stray devils to relieve this anger,' Akeno exclaimed inwardly as she walked towards ORC, with Kurumi following close behind.


Word Count: 2876

A/N: I'm planning to make Kurumi's personality cheerful and flirty-like. If you guys did read 'About: Kurumi Tokisaki' aux chapter then you can see that behind this facade she has a manipulative, cold, and sadistic personality. I even showed it on her status screen, so I hope you guys understand. I didn't make her full psycopaht because If I did that then I couldn't make any harem for her.

A Fun Fact: I have whole txt in my computer for this fan-fic. My dead a*s brain can't remember everything lol

[1: I used terms of 'humans' because Kurumi is not human and gave up her human side and morality long time ago.]