
Kanai Takeuchi

Now before we search for Jon's soul, for now we go to Japan to look at the life of Kanai Takeuchi.

Born to a middle-class family in 1980. She was the 3rd among 4 siblings of 2 boys and 2 girls. They were a very close family. This family is located in a rural area in Sendai and moved to Tokyo when Kanai was still a four-year-old girl. Their father got a big work in Tokyo, but due to the 1980's bubble, the Takeuchi household's father was out of work, but due to his cleverness and resourcefulness he was able to bounce back and have another job within a month, as sports trainer and this job lasted until his retirement in the early 2000s.

The Takeuchi is a very peculiar household they have their strange quirks, the Father, Ryoma, was a sports man, he watches various sports and knows every sport he watches, he seldom plays those sports when he has the time. 

Taeko, Ryoma's wife and Kanai's mother is a housewife, but she has her episodes of cleverness and resourcefulness, as she was able to build a small convenience store in their area, where convenience stores were not a thing yet in their area. 

The firstborn son, Ichiro, has shown early interest in animation, so his goal in life was to be an animator. 

The first daughter, Mayumi, has a knack for learning languages, she had foreign friends in her school as she was the most approachable Japanese student, and due to her friendliness, she was able to learn their languages such as English, Filipino, and Korean. She aspired to be a translator. 

The last son, Mitsuo, since he was a kid, he has shown proficiency in video games and arcades, as he grew older he became a game developer.

Lastly, Kanai may perhaps be the most normal of the Takeuchi household, she was the glue of the house as she got along with her family and their wants. Perhaps this was her skill, a people person or a very sociable person. But her real skill is that when she studies something she can quickly get it, like a quick memory retention. That's why she gets along with her family.

Back to Kanai's life, as she got into college, she decided to go and study a Psychology Course, as she didn't really know what to do in life. Kanai was able to go to a prestigious University in Japan. Life may be hard but college was harder. Since she also rented an apartment since her school and home were far apart.

Kanai was a good student until she got into her 2nd year at 19 years old when she met Matt Smith, a 23-year-old fresh Marine from the USA, who was on a "vacation" in Japan. They met when Mayumi introduced Matt to Kanai as an international friend. 

As Kanai knew how to speak a little bit of English to the point where she and Matt understood each other, they were able to bond pretty quickly. First, they became acquaintance, then they became friends, then best friends then as lovers, boyfriend and girlfriend. As Matt was an approachable and kind foreigner, many people didn't hold a grudge against him until one fateful day, which we'll tell later. 

Matt was your typical average Joe in the USA, but in Japan he was like a star, due to his kindness and meekness, the "xenophobicness" in the Takeuchi's place in Tokyo quickly subsided as Matt has also shown willingness to learn Japanese, and proficiency at such a quick pace. But more importantly, Matt and Ryoma quickly bonded over basketball, so Matt was someone who they treated as family.

Since he was in the Marines, Matt was an avid basketball player, but due to his father's wishes, he enlisted in the Marines. But in Japan, he was free to play basketball and teach it to young kids.

Kanai and Matt's relationship still continued to evolve up to 1996.

One fateful night in 1996, Ryoma and Taeko were on a vacation back in Sendai to meet with family, the kids stayed in Tokyo due to work and school. Matt felt that he wanted to progress his relationship with Kanai and did the deed.

2 weeks after that fateful night, Matt was sent back home to the US as his father died, and subsequently seeing that his father died and he was still in his prime, he quit the Marines and entered the NBA, successfully. Matt had his success story of being a Marine and then an NBA player at the age of 25 and had 15 years of playing in the league

Kanai on the other hand was shocked by Matt's action as he quickly flew out of Japan. What Matt did badly was he ghosted Kanai after he got back to the USA and became an NBA player. Matt's private life was not known after he became an NBA player as he chose not to reveal it to the world.1 month after that fateful night, Kanai quickly moved on as she still had to finish her college degree. 

2 months after that fateful night on a Saturday morning, she was puking and was too weak to walk, so Mayumi (who was with her at the apartment) rushed her to a clinic nearby. The physician there consulted on Kanai's health and saw that she was not showing any signs of sickness but one thing, so she advised Kanai to take a final test in the toilet with a stick-like apparatus. 

After Kanai got out of the bathroom, it showed 2 vertical lines. The doctor saw it and told Mayumi and Kanai "Kanai-san congratulations, you're pregnant"

The sisters were shocked but Mayumi was bewildered and guilty, while Kanai was staring. 

After a minute the physician then introduced a new OB-Gynecologist doctor to Kanai and Mayumi as she knew Kanai wanted to keep this a secret. To which both sisters have gone for a consultation. 

The doctor told the same thing to Kanai, so the news is true, she's pregnant with a baby. 

While walking back to their apartment, Kanai told Mayumi, "Nee-san, please keep this a secret from Mom and Dad, I don't know what to say to them" Kanai then wept on Mayumi's shoulder.

So this is the beginning of the KnB (Kuroko no Basuke) Universe, this would be our humble beginnings.

Also, the next chapter will be my MC, so I will say it now, I am bad at describing people's faces and features, but if you can do an art for my MC (or other OCs) please feel free and post the art on the comments on any chapter.

After the OC introduction, I might post his character page in an auxiliary chapter.

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