
Kurokawa clan

A boy down on his luck is reborn in the world of naruto only a few years from the founding of Konoha, will he be read https://www.patreon .com/lunático1995

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18 Chs

The Power of Divine Restoration

The battle on the border began to expand more and more, two weeks have passed since we arrived to protect the territory, and Kora's forces already reach four thousand samurai.

The enemy still has an advantage, as the general estimate is that they have approximately six thousand samurai but with the ability to send reinforcements.

The most important information is that the Ichi ninja clan, had begun to participate in the war, as we encountered some of their ninja.

Their participation cost us about ten casualties, but they lost about three times as many.

So far the clan forces numbered over a hundred ninja, to hold off an array of clans like the Ichi and roving ninja.

The disadvantage was becoming more and more obvious, but Lord Kano did not comment anything about this matter, Kora gave no sign of acting on this case.

The worst thing that could happen to the clan right now was to lose all its ninja in this war, it is to lose a quarter of the population and it would condemn us to be relegated from the ninja scene at least until the next generation is born.

But even if I thought about it a lot, all the time, for now it was far from my responsibility and my voice would not be taken into account.

I was getting my instruments ready, since the skirmishes had started again and we would leave to reinforce the weak sections of the front, but before I was ready someone entered.

Lord Kano: "You will go with me this time, take your battle gear, we will directly face the ninjas of the Ichi clan".

Aki: "How many ninjas?"

I asked automatically.

Lord Kano: "From what we are told there are at least forty elite ninja."

When he left the tent I began to quickly select another configuration of equipment, a little lighter, I did not want to have physical fatigue product of the armor.

After I was ready I met with the troop we would have thirty elite ninja to neutralize forty of the Ichi.

I hoped it would be enough and that our losses would be controlled.

Lord Kano: "Raiko you will leave for the eastern front, they need reinforcements, the others quickly follow me let's show those guys the superiority of our clan."

We disappeared from the camp and using the trees we headed to our objective.


One of the sensor ninja that came with us confirmed that the information given by Kora was incorrect the enemy ninja were many more than a hundred, even so Lord Kano did not order the retreat, if this section of the front was taken the rest would collapse.

They noticed us, we had lost the surprise factor, if we ever had it.

I used for the first time the Mugen shuriken, making it multiply hundreds of times, they did not expect that attack and some of them were wounded, I could not confirm dead at a glance.

Our ninjas took advantage and pounced, we needed to finish with as many enemy ninjas as possible, before they made use of their numerical superiority.

The characteristic sound of explosions and clashing swords flooded the whole atmosphere.

Kento and Yori were always by my side and we used our coordination to finish them off.

One ninja threw a powerful Katon that forced me to use an equally powerful Suiton technique Water Blast Wave Collision.

Yori at the same time used a wall using Doton, to avoid a shuriken attack launched at a medium distance.

But we were falling at a disadvantage, several of our companions had already fallen, but we continued fighting to avoid more attacks, I used the Mugen shuriken again, which this time did kill some unsuspecting ninjas.

I used the strength concentrated in my legs to give deadly blows and my sword to cut limbs, the blood began to stain the leaves of the trees, but no matter how many enemies I eliminated, they did not seem to stop.

So far my confirmed casualties are six ninjas, whom I surprised with my strength, I saw a group of four approaching, I made a signal to Kento and we focused on them, as they seemed to be a threat.

The guy I was fighting was skilled with the sword, he managed to make several cuts on my arms, but to his bad luck he wasn't just any ninja.

In the end I sacrificed a cut on my arm to give him a deep cut in the stomach, the pain was great, but even if it meant that I was still alive.

When I turned around to continue helping Kento who was on my right, I saw him on the ground, a sword had pierced his arm, with my sword I cut the throat of the owner of the weapon.

Aki: "Kento can you go on?"

I was really worried

Kento: "I can still go on"

I could tell he wasn't feeling well, but he was smiling.

Yori: "Go on, they didn't realize the situation anymore?"

Yori's pessimistic thoughts didn't help much.

Kento: "We are surrounded and at a disadvantage, I'll be lucky to get out of here alive."

He was quite convinced although he wanted to try to be ironic , Yori looked at him.

Yori: "It's been a pleasure Kendo, Aki".

Kento: "Same here."

I knew the situation was bad, but I thought we could overcome the enemies in the end, unfortunately that was not the case, we were completely surrounded.

I couldn't let them die, a feeling of despair flooded me, I had nothing to save them, and the techniques I knew to revive all my teammates, would cause my death.

But I'm not sure, in the anime it was thought that maybe Nagato with all his strength would have survived the Rinne Tensei no Jutsu.

I must give it a try

Aki: "Secret Art: Rinne Tensei ...."

[Kekkei Genkai non-hereditary Genkai unlocked]

[Aki-Yin Kekkei Genkai Aki-Yin]

[The user is able to unleash divine restoration on other ninja, in return it will consume the vitality of the people it is used on and a greater amount of the Yang reserves of the user who invokes it ]

It is not time to think about the side effects.

Aki: "Divine Restoration."

Kento's wound which was quite large was covered in black stripes and healed instantly.

Kento: "What did you do?"

Aki: "Now, help me get to the wounded."

Yori threw smoke bombs, which allowed us to break out of the encirclement and regroup with three other ninja surrounded, and I reapplied the divine restoration seal.

I grouped with me twelve ninjas that without realizing it we took a circular formation, they fought around me while defending me and if some received a serious wound, they approached me.

Lord Kano did not take long to realize the situation, as he came to reinforce us with four other ninjas.

My chakra was running low, and the core chakra in my forehead was not far from depleting, but now I must not fail myself.

-System uses the Chakra restoration card.

[Chakra restoration card successfully used].

The heaviness that had begun to surge in my body disappeared.

But I didn't want to abuse this ability anyway, its impact was very strong and it seemed to be very broken, so it must have some direct impact on me.

I sincerely hope that it is not something too deadly, as I can't stop now, everyone trust me and protect me as the only hope to win this battle.

Lord Kano was impressive and was making his presence felt as an enemy to be wary of, he only needed a two move exchange with each ninja he faced to eliminate him.

The enemy ninjas began to retreat as they didn't seem to eliminate anyone else.

Lord Kano: "Follow them, don't let any of them leave this place alive."

In retreat the numbers were no longer an advantage for them, anyway it was impossible to eliminate them all so some managed to escape.

I was happy the enemy troops had completely withdrawn, it was time to make a counter attack...

I can't move I feel very bad ...


I'm not sure what happened, but from what I remember it must have been a fainting spell, but the important thing is, why, I had plenty of Chakra, since I had activated the Chakra recovery card.

So the only valid reason should be a side effect of using the new Kekkei Genkai too many times in a short period.

But it was necessary to

-System any additional side effect that I have to worry about for now?

[Stable body condition, Yin Chakra and Yang Chakra reserves need large amounts of Chakra to replenish, it is recommended to reach the Quasi Kage level in the shortest possible time, to avoid exhaustion].

That is easy to say, but difficult to realize, my body can not advance more, according to what I have studied about the ninja should be at fifteen years that I finish developing my channels and my reserves will increase considerably.

Now I need information


[The system has received four hundred clan fame points, for the victory in the battle of the Kora front].

Although the reward was something to be happy about, the losses we took were too many twenty-two of us were killed by the enemy.

Although they lost, according to the bodies found about four hundred ninja, most of them wanderers who barely made Chunin, the Ichi clan must have lost a hundred ninja.

Our troops had been reduced to less than ninety, and the enemies were still receiving reinforcements.

For me it was not a good picture, I had been called to Lord Kano's tent, but I don't think it was to give my opinion on any strategy.

Raiko : "You know you even almost and I'm not even surprised that you come out with some new skills every now and then."

He said it with his characteristic voice, ironizing things, that I didn't know if I had to apologize for something.

Aki: "I'm sorry, I didn't know I had this ability until when I tried to execute it."

Raiko: "An ability that awakens in a moment of desperation, does it ring a bell brother?".

Lord: "Many ninja skills may have had the same awakening, and it is much more common among the Kekkei Genkai."

Raiko: "Looks like his is still evolving over time, his forehead mark has changed color, look it's purple now."

Outrageous, it looks like he just realized it.

Lord: "Do you know about any problems with using this ability, like fainting?"

Aki: "Yes, apparently I have two Chakra cores in my forehead, the first one was the one I already possessed that stored Chakra with yang element, the second one appeared during the battle and started absorbing Chakra to turn it into what I guess is yin element"

Raiko: "Yin Yang element, strange concepts, I'm not even surprised anymore."

Lord Kano: "Continue"

Aki: "Apparently by both cores needing to absorb Chakra to convert them, they cause a fatigue in me, the only way I have been able to research so far to avoid this effect is to increase my Chakra reserves, since the cores grow along with my reserves."

Raiko: "For now I don't think you can increase your Chakra reserves, your body hasn't matured enough."

Sometimes my uncle had his moments of seriousness.

Lord Kano: "One last question, do you feel any side effects on the people you use the ability on?"

Aki: "No, I have checked their wounds and body, but I don't find anything strange."

Lord Kano: "Well, unfortunately many enemy ninja escaped, enough to reveal most of the function of your Kekkei Genkai, now you will stay close to me."

How strange, it caused me to feel protected, if only for a second.

Raiko: "Aki, watch your movements on the battlefield, the enemy ninjas must have the order to eliminate you at any cost."

They both looked genuinely worried.

Aki: "Yeah, man."


They didn't tell me anything I didn't really know, I had to lie to them about the consequences on those I used divine restoration on.

In my first place because the theory of cell multiplication is too advanced for this time and I didn't want to delay too long.

Secondly, the consequences should be imperceptible, unless a person is seriously injured thirty times and needs me to use this power on him.

There I would notice the reduction in vitality.

Now what worried me most was how the clan would survive this war.