
Kunoichi Yoruichi

What would you do if you lost your PP privileges? would you become an Eunuch or would you become a woman. Me, I would chose to become the best women in existence and I would destroy anyone’s balls that try to say otherwise. I would explore worlds, defeat my enemies, and creat a Yuri harem, but luckily or sadly that won’t ever happen to me… right? ___________________________ Yo new Arthur hear, I’m trying this out as a hobby because growing up I had a very big imagination and I always have these moments in life where I’m having thoughts like what if this happens or what if he never did that? so here I’m just bringing some of my imaginations to life. ENGLISH IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE, but I suck at it (I will try my best though) I don’t own the cover art, if it’s yours you can let me know I will take it down. you could expect 1 chapter every Friday at 9:00am PST(1 chapter a week,6000+ words guarantee) ___________________________ All rights are owned by there representative owners. I don’t own any characters or verse other then my own OC’s!!!

Beat_Man · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Still A Kid

~~~~~~~~Arthur's note ~~~~~~~~

Before anyone asks the Naruto world will be AU so don't expect everything to be like you remembered there will be some new OC's, also some characters age's will be changed(but nothing drastic).I will try to keep the original story in mind and keep it as close to canon as possible. But like I said lots of things will change.

KEEP IN MIND-> this fanfic may contain some heavy topics that you could expect in a ninja world, to name some this story will contain rape, drug use, alcohol abuse, slaves, and many more including some fucked up shit. So this story may not be for everyone.

But I hope you enjoy! and if you have any questions ask them right here I'll try to answer as many as I can :)


(Year 48) Sarutobi Hiruzen POV

If someone told me 16 years ago that I would become the Hokage, I wouldn't have been surprised. I have trained myself for this position ever since I can remember. There may have been a time where I was against the idea, But my Sensei believed in me so I gave it my all.

Yet if I could go back in time, I would probably refuse the position. Not because of the responsibility it requires, but because of all this dam paperwork!

Before I can keep complaining about my suffering, I was interrupted when my door was opened .

"Hokage-sama an urgent report from the Intel division." I drop the papers from my hands and look up at my secretary, or as I like to call her eye candy.

I nod as she proceeds to pass me a scroll that barred the marking of the Yamanaka clan. Opening the scroll I began reading the contents.

'Team 6 and 5 have failed to reach outpost 16 at designated time 5/07/48 17:00. As of writing this message at 5/08/48 8:00, teams 6 and 5 failed to send a message hawk requesting extra time for their mission. I Inosuke Yamanaka request for a search party of anbu black ops to survey the route to find the missing teams.'

Still holding the scroll I was about to call for an Anbu captain when two of my students came through my door.

(Tsunade IMG)

(Orochimaru IMG)

"Aaa Tsunade, Orochimaru right on time I was just about to call for you." I smile at my two students while gesturing for them to come in.

"Is it another mission Sensei?"

"You are correct Orochimaru, this is an urgent S rank Mission." I spoke to my student as I wrote the mission details on the same scroll before handing it over to Tsunade.

As Tsunade reads the mission details I elaborated to them. "Your mission is to head Northeast, and locate the whereabouts of teams 6 and 5 which consists of 2 Jonin, 2 Chunin, and 5 Genin."

I received a nod from both of them before they turned around and proceeded to exit my office.

After they leave I sighed in exhaustion after looking at all the stacks of paperwork on my desk that doesn't seem to end.

"… Hmm Hokage-sama forgive me for asking but weren't you going to send an Andu squad instead of them?" I look to my left at the standing woman wearing a puzzled expression.

'Forget she was there for a second.' "You remember what I said correct."

She nods in confusion, still not getting my reasoning. I just smile kindly at her expression before proceeding to explain my reasoning.

"You see two Jonin went missing out of nowhere, and that usually means two things." I bring up my hand pointing two fingers up before dropping one.

"One is if they went rogue and betrayed the village, which is unlikely but can happen." I drop my hand all together.

"And lastly if they got killed in action now tell me, would a normal squad of Anbu be able to take on whatever ended them." I reached for my pipe as I finished explaining myself to her.

"But sir if someone or something was able to take down two teams, then what can those two do?" Blowing smoke through my pipe I was getting irritated by all these questions but chose to ignore it for now.

"I know this is your first week on the job so maybe you don't know them all to well, but those two are some of the strongest ninjas that this village has produced in a long time. And I didn't just send the two of them, but a third as well." I smile as I watched the confusion from her eyes disappear slowly before realization appears.

'Looks like she finally recognized the two…. But still, to have two squads go missing on a transport mission is odd…Stay safe you three.'

(Outside Hokage tower) Tsunade POV

"Sigh* Just when I was going to ask for some days off." I sighed with a hand on my forehead looking at the clouds moving along, minding their own business. 'Wish I was a cloud.'

I looked over at Orochimaru who was deep in thought, probably thinking about the mission.

"What's on your mind?"

"… just a thought, The mission states that both teams were doing a transport mission near the land of hot water, but… what transport would require two teams of experienced ninja?"

He does have a point, but luckily intel gathering is not my thing. "You're right that is strange. How about you go and collect any info you can gather, while I go and grab the idiot. I will meet you at the gate in twenty."

He nods before disappearing using the body flicker technique.

"Alright now to find the pervert." I look towards the only place I can find him at this time… the female bathhouse.

Utilizing the body flicker jutsu I disappear from my original position, only to land on the roof of a building. Using the technique again I arrive at my destination. I scanned the outside area until I heard a scream.

"KYYAAA PERVERT!" 'Found him.'

I made my way to the entrance only to find a man being sent flying into the bushes.

I walk over to the bushes before stoping a few feet away from them and crossing my arms under my breasts.

I waited for three seconds before getting impatient"… you getting up?" But Instead of a reply all I was able to hear was soft mumbling that made me want to punch the idiot's face in.

"…D no no,… double D…Hmm might need another look."

Walking up to him I look down at his mug before raising a fist and bringing it down with enough power to destroy multiple trees.


I didn't even look down at the crater I created, instead I looked straight ahead where stood a tall man, he had white hair that was longer than my own, a relatively handsome face with short red lines coming down his eyes.

(Jiraiya IMG)

"Hey Tsunade, when did you arrive?"

I was tempted to go after him again when he tried to pretend to be clueless, but sadly...

"Sigh* Not today Jiraiya, we have a mission." I throw him the scroll that I got from Sensei.

He catches it before he starts reading the mission details. As he's reading his expression goes from carefree to serious in seconds.

Deciding that I wasted enough time as I still need to prepare my things. I tell Jiraiya of the meeting location and time before I disappear from my position heading to my house.

(18mints later)

Arriving at the gate last as I can already see both Orochimaru and Jiraiya. I moved in between them before I nodded at both of them as they responded the same.

After making sure we didn't forget anything we where on our way to outpost 15 where the cargo and teams where last spotted.

Running and jumping from tree to tree, I asked Orochimaru about the intel he gathered.

"It wasn't much, but I did get the names of both Jonin and Chunin."

"They are Jonin Ray Akaru, Jonin Kaito Kato, Chunin Haruto zen, and Chunin Yuzuriha Shihouin."

Although I didn't know the names of the first three, the last one does ring a bell.

She is a 17 year old ninja that I had the pleasure of running into multiple times at the local bathhouse. Yet that wasn't enough for her to stand out to me. What made her unique in my eyes is that no matter how much bloodshed she has seen, she always had the same beautiful smile on her face as if saying everything will get better.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Jiraiya.

"Anything on the cargo?"

"Only that it was shaped like a coffin, but I hardly believe that a body is kept inside. I guess it's probably full of important information."

But it doesn't make sense If what he says is true. So I asked.

"If it's just a box the size of a coffin can't they just put it in a sealing scroll?"

"Normally yes but strangely the box was covered in some kind of anti sealing seals that was speculated to be casted over 500 years ago."

That made me and Jiraiya raise a brow.

Orochimaru just smiled wryly and shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter, our mission just requires us to find and rescue the two teams." Saying so he speeds up which makes the both of us do the same.

(5/07/48 14:36)Yuzuriha Shihouin POV

(Yuzuriha Shihouin IMG)

"Are we there yet Ray-Sensei?"

"Just like the first 6 times you asked me no."

I giggled at my Genin teammate, as she won't stop bothering our Jonin-Sensei

"Saya-Chan stop bothering Sensei." I playfully taped her head.

She looked my way before sticking her tongue out at me. I just smile at her.

She returned the smile playfully before heading back into her position.

As we walked I kept thinking about the mission that we were assigned. Because apparently in the middle of the Shinobi war Mito-sama has found this casket, and she was so intrigued by it that she buried it under ground to pick it up after the war.

Sadly she forgot about it or something prevented her from retrieving it. Although when I look at it, I can't seem to see what's so special about it.

I mean I am intrigued about what's inside. But I don't really think there's anything in it that is worth all these days of exploration that took to retrieve this box.

'Hmm it doesn't matter to me anyway. now, what should I do with Saya-chans relationship problems?'

I look over at my young teammate that kept stealing glances at our Jonin-Sensei. 'Please saya at least make it less obvious.'

Ever since I joined team 6 I have known about Saya's obsession of tall strong handsome man, and apparently our Sensei fits the bill.

I mean when you look at him you wouldn't blame her. He is strong handsome man with brown hair and a chiseled face. Even I would have gone for him if I didn't know Saya already had feelings for him.

Although at first I thought it was weird to like someone 8 years your senior. But when you lived in this world for as long as I have, you would find that this is normal and actually not the worst it can get. Like I once met a couple that had an age gap of 34, now that was absurd.

Back to Saya's situation, I actually pity the young girl that's 2 years my junior. Because although her feelings are painfully obvious, yet Ray-Sensei appears to have no idea. When I told Saya this she didn't mind and said that he can take his time. But when I thought about our short lives, and how at anytime we could be killed. I know in my heart that waiting to long will just be painful for her.

'Looks like I will have to confront him myself. Now how do I go about this?' Before I can complete my thoughts I was interrupted by the voice of Ray-Sensei.

"All right everyone let's take a break."

"Hmm but Sir we are only 3 hours away from our destination, couldn't it wait."

"We could keep going but we all haven't ate anything for the past 12 hours. And I see a clearing up ahead, so you wouldn't mind taking a short brake now would you Haruto."

Haruto was about to reply and probably disagree when out of nowhere his stomach grumbled, making his face turn red in embarrassment.

"Well since no one is against the idea let's set up a fire and cook some meat."

Although we usually rely on food pellets, it's good to get some regular food in our stomach.

About 10 minutes later everyone was eating while Ray-Sensei was keeping watch. Finding this as the perfect opportunity to confront him I walk up behind him after eating.

"Sensei can we talk for a second."

"Hm? Yuzuriha, sure fallow me." He started walking towards the trees to give us some privacy.

Making my way behind I felt a gaze on my back drilling into me. 'Don't worry Saya-Chan I won't steal your man.'

When we got far enough he turned around at me while resting his back Ana tree.

"So what is that you want to talk about?"

'Here it goes, nice and simple. You can't mess this up.'

Clearing my throat I began by explaining to him that Saya has feelings for him, and how I don't want him to hurt her feelings by ignoring her intentionally or unintentionally. After I finished my rant I looked up at him only to see him smile wryly.

"You do know that I'm a jonin…and it's not that hard to see that she has feelings for me." After his words there was a moment of silence between us, and it wasn't because I forgot that he's an experienced ninja. No I was keeping my silence for another reason.

"…Wait… you knew the whole time…for 3 years and you didn't confront her about it?"

"Yes what of it?"

"WHAT OF IT! SHE IS HURTING BECAUSE SHE THINKS SHE'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO BE NOTICED BY YOU." There was another moment of silence between us, when I looked straight into his eyes all I saw was boredom.

It was broken by me mumbling softly. "Why?"

Hearing no reply I raised my voice louder but not to the point of yelling.


"Because of you."

"Huh.. what do you?"

"Because I like you Yuzuriha."

"But… S-Saya.."

"What about her? You know when I first noticed her feelings 3 years ago I thought about it and was going to accept them, that was until 2 years ago when you were transferred into my team."

Both of us were having a staring contest at this point.

"When I first saw you I was instantly enhanced by you. At first I thought it was your personality that made me keep thinking about you. But after some more time passed , I figured out that it was all of you. Your laugh, your smile, your hair, your face, your personality. Your body, and especially your heart."

"W-What do you mean to say?"

"What I mean is." He gently puts his hand against my cheek. "Yuzuriha Shihouin I love you."

One, no two seconds passed before I stepped back and swatted his hand away from my cheek.

"You…You disgust me." My words were laced in disgust.

He frowned and was about to speak up when we heard a very particular noise.

"Kyaaaaa" we both turned towards the noise.

"SAYA!" I ran with all my speed alongside Ray. When we reached the clearing I froze in shock.

Out of the six people that were left at the clearing three were not standing. The two Genin, and the other Jonin-Sensei where on the ground headless, soaking in there own blood.

I was brought out of my shock when I noticed kunai flying my way.

Jumping to the side I narrowly escaped the kunai. Landing I looked over where it came from ti find a big harry white man reaching for into his belt for more.

"Ayyy idiot watch where you throwing those things, you almost killed the bosses girl." Hearing another voice I glanced its way to see another man but this one was short and skinny with darker skin.

"My bad Benji its just when I see their beautiful white skin I just have to mess it up." Hearing the bigger man's reply my disgust from the previous conversation comes back with full force.

"Pfff hehe, look Deki I think she likes you."

While the two of them we're having a conversation I looked over at Saya who was trembling in tears looking at our old teammate headless body's.

"SAYA!!! PAY ATTENTION!" Hearing my voice she snapped back to reality.

Yet at that moment I made a big mistake. When I screamed I momentarily forgot about my opponents and was too late to react when the smaller man appeared next to me sword in hand. He was already in motion heading for my neck.


But when I turned back I noticed a second blade stopping the first.

Not wasting the opportunity I quickly pulled out a kunai and stab the man directly into his jugular.

Or at least that is what I thought I did.

When my kunai goes through his neck I felt no resistance, at the moment my body moved before I can think and put up a guard before I felt a slamming force hit my arms making me fly into the woods.

While I was flying backwards I tried and successfully regained my balance landing back on my feet.

When my feet touched the ground I immediately put up my guard. Which was the right move as a fire ball the size of a house was moving my way.

I quickly perform hand signs in quick succession before sucking in lots of air into my lungs, and uttering "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough"

Blowing out a powerful wind blast from my mouth that has the power to uproot couple trees easily redirects the fire ball away from me.

Looking past the fire ball I notice the skinny man standing there with bloody hands and with an even more bloody sword. I notice that he looks fatigued as he was breathing hard.

But it wasn't until I noticed his pocking crotch that I figured he was actually horny not tired.

"*Heavy breathing* hey don't you think *Heavy breathing* that the boss will let me have a go with you?" His breathing continued to get sharper and faster as he reaches for his own neck.

"I don't need your whole body just your head will do." The more I listen the more sick I felt.

So not giving my opponent a chance to react I quickly rush past him while simultaneously pull out the blade that I held behind me.

When I reach him I slash my blade in quick succession while simultaneously letting my Chakra flow through the blade making it sharper and faster.

After I reappeared behind him I sheathed my blade back and turn around. I looked at my opponent who was on the ground missing both arms and a single leg.

"heheh…HeHEH.. HAHAAH"

Bringing out my kunai I was about to end him for good when he started laughing making me stop my kunai from descending further.

I looked at his crazed eyes before asking him what was funny.

"HAHAHAHA heheh you really are stupid hehehe."

After listening to him I sneer. "If your talking about your so called boss then believe me Ray is handling him"

"Hehe your really never been in real combat before have you."

I narrowed my eyes at him before it clicked, 'wait but if Jonin Kaito was killed that quick without as much as making a sound then that mean…' I didn't get to finish my thoughts as I heard the scrawny amputee speak up in joy.

"Aaaa welcome back Boss did you find your blade?"

"Yea, I guess I threw it with a little too much force."

Quickly turning around towards the sound of the voice. I was prepared to fight but instead I stopped and froze in dread and disbelief when I noticed six different heads hanging of a rope that was tied across the man's waist.

It wasn't until I heard the voice of the man again that I stopped paying attention to the heads and instead pay attention to the man himself.

He was a very muscular black man carrying a huge sword that's about the same size as myself. As he slowly makes his way toward us I noticed that I seem to know him from somewhere.

"…Zumoshiari the barbarian"

"Oh you know me, let me guess… from the bingo book."

(Zumosshiari the barbarian IMG)

He was right, Zumoshiari the barbarian is a well known S class criminal worth 45 million Ryo, he was known for betraying the Raikage and destroying multiple villages in his path taking the women and valuables.

(3rd POV)

"Hmm? Oi Benji looks like the lass got you good."

"She's a feisty one that's for sure, hey boss man how about when you're done with her you can pass her to me. what do you say?"

"…Sure but only after I get bored with her."

"Yes! You heard that bitch."


"Wait.. where'd she go?"

"While we were talking she ran south she's about… 2km away by now." Replied the barbarian.

"Heheh running from boss, she funny."

Zumosshiari just smiled his way before focusing on the fleeing Chakra signature. Licking his lips he spoke in a hungry tone. "I will love crushing her last hope at escaping." Before disappear in a flash of lightning.

(Yuzuriha Shihouin POV)

'Run… get away… faster, Faster!' With my mind set into running as fast as I possibly can, I ran full speed to get some reinforcements.

I have always been a runner, ever since childhood I was known for being a fast kid. even at this moment I was known to be the fastest Chunin in the hidden leaf. But to my horror I wasn't fast enough to escape the monster.

"AAAaa!" he appeared like a ghost behind me, and before I can do anything to him he grabbed my left leg then proceeds to crush my bones.

"Heh where you going lil bunny?" Before I can respond with an attack I was knocked out with a chop to the neck.

I don't know how long I was knocked out for, but all I know is that when I woke up I was tied with chakra surpassing chains, naked on a bed.

Opening my eyes all the way the first thing I noticed was that I'm inside some kind of tent that was horribly set up. Next to the bed was the same coffin that we were carrying around. 'Looks like they grabbed it.'

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard screams coming from outside the tent.

"NO PLEASE DONT.! AAaa, STOP.. aaa. Clap* clap* .clap*!.."

What followed the screams and begging where sounds of clap followed by sobs and more begging.

Listening closely I seem to recognize the voice.

"Oh you're awake." Hearing that same dreadful voice coming from my right I look over to see Zumosshiari with his dick out. Sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"I was about to actually wake you, saves me the time."

It was hard to hear him when the sounds of sobbing and clapping were so loud that they flooded the noice in the tent.

Probably noticing my distraction with a smirk he proceeds to stand and walk over and open the tent.

"Are you wonder what those sounds are.. well let me show you."

When he opened the tent up I immediately closed my eyes after seeing what was on the other side.

Saya naked with cuts all over her body getting raped in both lower holes at the same time consistently.

"Agh Please STopp.. aaaa please aaa."

"Hehehe you're lucky your so beautiful or else that would be you right about now."

With my eyes still closed I heard him making his way to me. It wasn't until I felt his hand spreading my legs that i opened my eyes in horror.

Thrashing around I momentarily forgot my leg was broken so when I moved it pain shot through my system.

Tears started to build up in my eyes when I noticed that there's nothing I can do.

So when his dick made its way into my snatch I silently scream in pain because of the huge foreign object making its way inside.

"AGhhh you're so tight *clap* *Clap* *Clap*"

At first he was going slow but slowly he increased his speed

"Fuck your tight… Unlike the other girl."

Biting my lip I tried my hardest not to let out any sign of pleasure or pain as I bet those would only please him.

"I see what you're doing Agha… let's see how long you can last." in the middle of raping me he squeezed my broken leg making me shutter in pain.

Tears run down my face as I was forced to endure it until some help arrives, or until he gets bored of me and finishes me off.

(hours later) Tsunade POV

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the outpost. When we arrived we instantly got briefed on the route that the teams took, or were supposed to take to reach outpost 16.

After some more questions and answers we set off following the route.

About 1 hours in Jiraiya asked me a particular question.

"Tsunade what will we do if they actually betray the village?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Hmm? That's because the Hokage personally gave you the mission scroll so that makes you the leader for the mission." He says with a shit eating grin knowing full well that I hate leading.

"*Sigh* We take them in of course."

"That makes sense, hey how about after the mission me and you go ou-…"

He goes silent after we stumbled upon a destroyed clearing. We stopped on some trees examining the area.


We dropped down to examine the destruction trying to find any clues about what happened.

"Hey Tsunade come take a look." Hearing Jiraiya's voice I make my way to him only to find six headless, skinless bodies stacked on each other behind some bushes.

"Any identifying features?"

"Don't bother, they're our guys…"

Ignoring the others I was already pulling out the bodies and checking them to find any clues about what happened.

5 minutes later I stood up and gestured to Orochimaru to get rid of the bodies.

While we waited for him to finish I answered to Jiraiya's curious look.

"Orochimaru was right it's our guys, all male. all killed with there heads cut off, and judging by the clean cuts on the body they were skinned after death."

"*Gulp* freaky stuff."

I just rolled my eyes at him. We didn't have to wait much longer as Orochimaru came back relatively quickly.

We discussed a little more before we decided to split up and search for an hour, if we don't find anything we return here.

Having agreed on splitting we all take different directions before disappearing.

(20 minutes later)

Jumping tree from tree I kept thinking about both of the missing girls. Since they weren't included in the pile of body's, I was relieved. That relief didn't last long though because I realized what those girls were most likely going through. And because of that thought I speed my self up.

About half way into the hour mark I spotted a big cluster of rocks in an open clearing. I slowed my self down before I tried to pick up on any chakra signatures. Not only didn't I sense any human Chakra, but not to pick up a single Chakra signature including bugs I figured that this was there hideout.

Before I made my move I pulled out a peace of tracking paper that the three of us share. Splitting it down the middle I set one side on fire while keeping the other. With this done it should let the others know I found something and give them my location.

Creeping up on the rocks I use the method grandma Mito taught me to find any Fūinjutsu seals that may be scattered around to detect intruders.

Not finding anything except some privacy seals I move around them trying to find a way in. When I found a large round rock that seemed to move I first checked if it will blow my cover if moved, not finding anything I moved the stone slowly.

Making my way in I noticed that the area inside was hallow. Going in Deeper I was making progress until I stopped moving when I heard the sound of laughter.

"Hahaha and that bitch kept weeping stop please help hahaha"

"Yea I know dumbass I was there…"

"Hahaha… I forgot… hey Benji,"

"Mmm what's up?"

"What are you going to do with all the skin you took, are you going to make another tent?"

Listening to there conversation I was momentarily shocked when I heard them talking about making a tent out of human skin because right beside them was a huge tent that can easily fit 30 people inside. 'How many people have they skinned to make this, sick fuckers.'

"No I don't have enough for that.. maybe some clothes?"

I stopped paying attention to there conversation yet still kept a close eye on them. I looked around trying to find anyone else around before I make my move. Not finding anyone else I was about to make my move when something in there conversation stopped me.

"... hey when do you think the boss will be done with the purple haired girl?"

"Hmmm soon, he usually takes couple hours so he should be done with her by now."

"Yea I'm ready for another round, say did the other one wake up yet?"

" I don't know… I'll go check."

The smaller of the two stands and goes to the other side of the tent giving me the perfect chance to act.

Quickly I moved in with a kunai in hand, and when I reached the bigger man I use the kunai to stab him in the neck while simultaneously covering his mouth with my hand making sure he doesn't make a sound. At first he trashed around before going limp.

Before his buddy can come back I take the body of the bigger man and hide him behind the rocks. With that finished I quickly took notice that the other man still isn't back so I quickly move to position before using the transformation jutsu to appear exactly like the bigger man whose name I don't know.

About 20 seconds later the small darker man or should I say Benji came back while scratching his head.

"I don't know she isn't waking up."

He looks my way before taking a seat next to me and grabbing some water from his container.

"Hmm hey Benji."


"Can I tell you a secret." I mimicked the way he spoke and the same stupid hand gestures he would make to sell my act.

"*sigh* if it's about you craving for-…"

"No no, it's something different come fallow me." Standing up I lead Benji behind a different rock.

"Hey Benji how does boss look like again?"

" you really are an idiot, he's tall, black, very muscular. Does the name Zumosshiari ring a bell."

"Hmm that one will be tricky to take down."

"??? What does you mean-."

He didn't get to finish his sentence when out of know where I took out two kunai and implanted them both into the idiots brain.

As he falls to the ground I quickly moved in to stop it from making any noise. After setting the body down slowly I made my way behind the tent to check up on the girl that apparently sleeping.

When I neared the area I was instantly blasted with the smell of cum and blood. Fearing the worst I made my way behind a pair of curtains where I quickly took notice of a female body on a table.

To my shock and horror her body is in a worse state than I imagined. She is missing an arm, with parts of her body missing all over including an ear which in replacement has a hole that's leaking out a certain white substance.

I bring my hand up to my mouth to stop myself from puking. 'Fucking animals.'

I don't even need to check if she's breathing because nobody can survive getting literally skull fucked.

Sucking up the barf that was threatening to spill out I walk over to the body before putting a hand on it where the semen wasn't located. Then I proceeded to put the body into a storage seal.

With that out of the way I silently move over to the entrance of the tent. Before taking a peek into it.

When I peeked in I quickly notice that the inside was made up of little rooms that were separated by walls made of skin.

Making sure nobody was around I made my way in. When I stepped into the tent the lingering smell of semen was stronger inside than it was out probably because it was allowed to be built up.

Still using the form of the bigger man I start making my way deeper inside.

It wasn't until I took two more steps into the tent I was able to hear a distant soft slapping sounds that carried occasional grunts.

I gained a reproachful look before thinking of a plan.

I figured the best way to keep the girl from harm is to lure out Zumosshiari into the open. Zumosshiari although now a rouge was one of Raikage's right hand men at one point. So sneak attacks that wont put others in harms way won't work on an opponent like him.

Now all that's left is to sell the act.

"Boss, BOSSS!!"

The clapping slowed until it finally stopped.

"*Sigh* what is it Deki?"

'So Deki, noted' "I-it's Benji He H-He, He-"

I was still in act when out of nowhere Zumosshiari comes around a corner still in motion of putting his pants up.

"Slow down, what happened to Ben?"

'Ok keep it together Tsunade, all you have to do is get him farther away from the tent, You go this.'

"Benji h-he , fell down and won't get up."

He placed his hand on his forehead before looking up and releasing a sigh "Dumbass.."

Placing both hands to the side he makes his way to outside the tent.

"So where is-" he quickly puts up a hand up to stop my Chakra enhanced fist that was sent his way.

And just like I feared he managed to react to it but sadly for him my strength isn't worse than his own.

He opened his eyes in shock when he noticed that my fist isn't stopped at all, and actually managed to send him flying into the rock formation that surrounded the tent.

I gave chase after him utilizing my movement technique.

When I reached where I sent him I noticed that he was sent through the rock formation.


Stepping outside I was finally able to sense the Chakra of others again. That was how I was able to sense a fist coming my way from behind that was empowered by Chakra.

Moving my hands in super sonic speeds I was narrowly able to escape by using the Substitution Jutsu.

Replacing my position with a tree trunk I moved farther away from their camp.

And like an obedient dog he followed me for some time before I stopped and turned his way.

He stopped about 10 meters from me, before pulling out a sword from his storage seal.

"So, mind telling me who you are."

Seeing that there's no point in keeping the transformation I revert back into my original appearance.


His eyes widened for second, before he smirks in awe and lust.

"Why hello, you look like one fuckable piece of meat."

I just frown at his poor choice of words. 'No wonder he resorts to rape.'

"Sorry I'm taken, but I can give you something else."

He frowns "Oh and that would be?"

"A Gouwan (strong arm) to the face."

'Ok from what I know he utilizes his strength and lightning Chakra to enhance his speed and power, so I will have to be careful with him.'

Finishing my thoughts in less than a second I made my move first by punching the ground, and making sure that I spread my Chakra into it to maximize the effect.

When I made contact the ground exploded sending dirt and rocks everywhere.

Using them as a cover and distraction I moved quickly and was able to catch Zumosshiari off guard.

He wasn't an idiot as he jumped high into the sky and coated his sword in lightning chakra before sending an arc of lightning into the pit that I created.

It was useless since I was already out of there, and right over him sending an overhead kick his way.

He reacted fast though and mange to turn his body mid air and block my kick with his sword which sent tingles into my leg as it was still coated in lightning chakra.

After blocking my kick he managed to grab my ankle. As he started squeezing I reinforced my leg even further with Chakra to prevent it from barking.

Not being able to do what he wanted he went for the nest best thing and threw me into the ground with all his strength.

Getting caught off guard with the throw I landed in a bad a position. Momentarily open for an attack which he didn't miss.

Appering before me he sends a quick slash diagonally towards my torso.

Yet I managed to twist slightly making sure that he doesn't hit anything fatal.

Feeling the hot metal cut into my side it stuns me as the electric current runs through my body alongside it.

When my body halts for less then a second it gave him another perfect opportunity for an attack which he took.

Since he can't use the sword again he goes for a powerful kick that managed to land on my stomach making me loose my breath as I was sent flying into the trees.

I was able to stop myself only after braking couple of trees on the way. Standing up I was about to commence my attack when out of know where a huge shadow covered the area making me smirk and my enemy to frown.


Dust gets picked up into the sky as a big red toad lands in between us.

I release a sigh I didn't know I was holding, when I heard a very familiar voice.

"OY!! You bastard how dare you hurt her! Gamabunta let's destroy him."

"You summoned me for this… what a disgrace you are."

The before confident voice now sounds meek and embarrassed.

"B-but with you, I-I was able to get here fast enough and look cool."

I wasn't able to hear the later half of his words as someone approached me from behind.

"Looking pretty bad there Tsunade, why don't you leave this to us." From behind the shadows Orochimaru comes out with a confident look in his eyes.

Now I can feel at ease because although Zumosshiari is strong he won't be able to handle both of them at the same time, not to mention Gamabunta.

Nodding I look over at Zumosshiari's hideout before telling Orochimaru That I'm heading over there and when they're done to head to me.

He nods as I make my way back to the rock formation that was slightly destroyed. Getting inside I was able to locate the seal that stopped me from sensing anything, destroying it I made my way over to the girl that I left behind.

When I reached her side I quickly used medical ninjutsu to check her body. I breathed a sigh in relief when I noticed that she seemed to be breathing and in good condition if you ignore the semen on her body and broken bones in her leg.

Ignoring the semen and leg injury for now. I started performing medical ninjitsu on her body heeling any marks that were left behind by the aggressor that include choking marks, bite mark, bruising, and swollen body parts from excessive use.

It didn't take long to heal her back up, although when she wakes she will be tired and most likely frightened from her trauma so I decided to stay by her side until she awoke.

Before I can sit and rest I needed to dress her so I pulled out some clothes from my storage seal and made her wear them even if they were couple sizes too big. While I was in the middle of putting something on her I finally noticed what she was laying on.

Taking a closer look I noticed it resembles an old ancient coffin. It clicked in my head that this was most likely the cargo that the teams were bringing back. I pick up the girl after getting her slightly dressed and put her on a sleeping bag that I pulled out alongside the clothes.

After that I looked back at the coffin and noticed something strange. It was cracked open which should be impossible according to the report.

I lifted the top off of the coffin only to be surprised by what I saw within. "It's empty!? Wait maybe they took out the contents." I was about to go look around only to stop myself when I noticed Yuzuriha's change in breathing pattern.

Looking over at the girl I saw her opening her eyes in confusion before they instantly transferred into panic as she desperately looked around while crawling backwards only to wince in pain when she tried to put pressure on her leg.

Looking at the frightened girl I slowly made my way to her. I spoke up softly to not frightened her further. "It's ok you're safe now."

Jumping slightly at my voice she looks my way before her eyes widened in recognition. Before I can do or say anything she jumps into me ignoring her injurie.

Catching her in my arms I just held her, letting her cry silent tears for a while.

'*sigh* she still just a kid.' Hugging her tighter I sat on the ground with her while occasionally brushing her hair and back to calm her down.

Calming herself she eased up a little as she finally speaks up, but in a hoarse voice.

"A-are they.."

"Yes they're gone."

"Saya… is she fine?"

'Probably the other girl..' I staid silent as I couldn't find the words to tell her, so I just hug her tightly while shaking my head.

She looked down but since she cried all her tears away she just eased back into the hug.

About 5 minutes later my teammates decided to make their appearance.

"Aye Tsunade we collected both of the bodies that where out any luck find-…"

He stopped himself after he made his way into the tent, finding us in a hug.

He looked at us for a moment before taking out a towel from his storage seal and handing it to me.

Taking it from him I nod in thanks as I watched him leave. Looking back at the girl who had managed to fall asleep in my arms.

Smiling softly I proceeded to clean both of us up from the filth before gently poking her awake so we can start heading back.

Waking her I proceeded to explain to her that I would need to tie her to my back so we could head back to Konoha.

After getting everything ready my team and I met up outside after moving the coffin there.

We all look at it before Jiraiya looked over to the girl strapped to my back. "Do you know how it was open, or what was inside?"

She shakes her head. "They were… too busy with us to care about it."

Hearing her answer all of us frown in thought. 'It wouldn't have opened by itself would it?'

Deciding to question her more on it later we started making our way back. That was until Orochimaru spoke up.

"Wait let me try something." He walked up to Jiraiya or more specifically the coffin he was carrying, before placing his hand on it making it disappear.

We all looked at him in confusion before asking him how did he know he could store it.

"I figured that whatever was inside prevented it from being stored, so now that's it empty we can store it."

Nodding Jiraiya turned around and continued walking but I stood still and looked at Orochimaru before questioning him if he thinks there was something inside of it beforehand.

He nods seriously before we all started making our way back to the village not knowing that what awaited us there was one particularly pissed Uzumaki.


Around 7,300 words

Also if you haven't noticed this will be slow story at the beginning until it picks up after MC joins the academy.

Some of you are probably wondering where the MC is, he… my bad She will show up soon maybe next chapter??

Also expect lots of time skips in the next couple chapters.

BTW I will be posting 1 chap a week for some time until I get comfortable with writing.
