
Chapter 5: Desert Library

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The air was dry on her tongue, and the sand scrapped across her exposed skin like shards of glass. For the fifth time that day, she wiped the sweat on her brow breathing in the desert heat. It was all bemusing to realize that the destination did not meet the expectations of its name.

The misleading advertisement was an understatement of what she saw, and for a few minutes, she doubted herself and her ability to read a map and its landmarks. But there was no mistaking the glacier markings right?

Yet when she walked through those dry mud walls, all she could find at the center of that town were slivers of what used to be a glacier surrounded by a few small buildings and huts, barely any meant for lodging, rather establishments that suited the needs of wary travelers, looking to pass through within the same hour.


Sakura finally arrived at the Misty Palms Oasis, after days of relentless travel through the harsh, arid terrain.

Contrary to its barren aesthetic. The oasis was a bustling hub of activity, with travelers from various regions seeking respite and resources. As she walked through the oasis, she noticed several wanted posters plastered on a notice board as she entered the area. One in particular caught her eye: a poster of the Avatar, according to the description. The image depicted a young boy with distinctive arrow tattoos and a determined expression.


Intrigued and hopeful, Sakura took note of the details before heading into a nearby bar. The establishment was dimly lit and filled with the low hum of conversation. Patrons sat at scattered tables, sharing stories and drinks. Sakura approached the bar, where a grizzled man was wiping down glasses made of ice.


"Excuse me," she said, sliding onto a stool. Sakura waited for the man to turn his attention to her completely. "This desert, do you know anything about a library here?"


The bartender looked at her with a ruffled expression, not that she didn't expect it. After all, how could a library be found in the desert of all places? But this wasn't an ordinary library to begin with, and these were not ordinary circumstances to cast doubt on before confirmation this was falsehood and folklore.


"Ah, what are you another quack researcher?" He asked, slamming the cup down on the table. "Seem a little young, maybe a student? What's with you, scholars? Wanting to get yourselves killed in a heap of sand, digging through to sand for some fantasy spirit library that doesn't exist? I really gotta hear about this again?"



Setting aside the sortments of insults, Sakura asked. "Do you mean someone else is looking for that library?"


"Ha, bet he's one of your teachers. The whackjob professor spent the good half of this year alone going into that desert to find his ancient lost library. Blabbed on about how it belonged to some spirit."


"Is he in this place?"


"Nah, last I heard from him, he was skulking out with a bunch of kids back into the desert. Didn't come back this time though, so probably won't be seeing him again." The bartender shrugged callously. There were too many types of wanders for him to get attached. Most of them are unsavory, while others are downright peculiar. "They were unusual too. Especially that bald kid with the arrow tattoo."


Her body perked at the mention. "Do you know which way they went?"


The bartender glanced at Sakura with a curious expression. "Nah, just know they strolled into the desert. Actually, they were going on and on about that library. That professor roped those kids in." he said, his voice gruff but not unfriendly. "It wasn't too long ago, a few hours. Well, he's usually back by now so I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you. The desert's a treacherous place."


"Oh, I can manage,"


Sakura couldn't believe her luck as of late despite relying on scraps of information that might have been false prophecies or mere coincidences, she had managed to get this far. Each step had brought her closer to the Avatar, the key to unlocking the mysteries of her situation and potentially finding a way back home.


As she left the bar and prepared to venture into the desert, she couldn't help but reflect on what had led her to this.





Sakura exited the room and returned to the waiting area where Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot were still patiently sitting around. But they were quick to notice the rather solemn expression on Sakuar's face as if she had a dark cloud hanging over her head.


Aunt Wu's assistant emerged, calling out, "Aunt Wu is ready for the next person!"


Jet turned and waved her off. "We're good, thanks,"


"You might as well," Sakura said with a shrug. "You guys waited here for me, so…"


Truly none of them intended to participate in this fortune-telling gig. It was a hoax, something they considered closer to a performance. Yet, that was the thing, performances offered a moment of reprieve, freedom from the solace in this world. And fortune telling, despite all the scrutiny surrounding it, existed, if not for the sole purpose of giving people (even the delusion) deeper insight into their lives. Answering questions that they could not reach.


In the end, all three of the freedom fighters stepped into that room one at a time, met Aunt Wu, and had a brief session of fortune-telling before insisting that enough moonlight was burned in that house.




When the four walked through the streets of the town, they were somehow filled with as much life as it had been in the day. There was an awful silence for a good while. They were discussing perhaps going to buy more supplies to continue their journey, but Sakura hadn't been participating thus far.


"What's wrong with you?" asked Smellerbee.


Sakura shook her head, trying to dismiss her unease. "Nothing really. Just…trying to make sense of…everything," she replied, not quite ready to explain that she might be putting faith in what could just be mystical mumbo jumbo. What could she rule out at this point?



"You sure you're okay?" Jet tapped her shoulder.


"Yeah," Sakura said, forcing a smile. "Actually, I need to look into something. Why don't you guys head to the lodgings? I might be a while."


Jet exchanged a look with Smellerbee and Longshot, then nodded. "Alright, we'll see you later."




Sakura wandered through the village, asking locals to point her in the direction of a library. Eventually, she was directed to a small, almost hidden building at the edge of town. The exterior was unremarkable, and as she stepped inside, the place seemed practically empty. Rows of dusty shelves lined the walls, and only a few scattered books and scrolls were in sight.


She approached the front desk, where an elderly woman with keen eyes and a warm smile greeted her. "How can I help you, dear?"


"I'm looking for information on spirits," Sakura said, "Anything you have would be helpful."


Despite the request tasting odd on Sakura's tongue, the librarian didn't seem to share the sentiment, as she just nodded thoughtfully and disappeared into the back for a moment. When she returned, she was carrying a line of scrolls, and three books underarm. "This might have what you're looking for," she said, handing it to Sakura.


Sakura took the books and found a quiet corner to sit in under the lantern light. She carefully opened the cover and began scrolling through the pages. The book on spirits was pretty thin, despite confirmation that they existed, what was known about spirits and their world was limited. And whatever was known, had text warning readers to take the information with a grain of salt, as confirmation wasn't a viable theme. The illustrations were even faded and admitted to the imagination.

The book contained a brief description of several spirits, including a swamp spirit and a face stealer, much of the information linked back to the avatar included encounters with said spirits.

Sakura was trying to be thorough, in case she came across anything that might indicate a spirit being responsible for her predicament. And if so, perhaps ways to contact said spirit and get them to return her to her world.



 No such luck which was disheartening but then Sakura discovered an entry that caught her attention—a detailed account of an owl spirit of knowledge known as Wa Shi Tong. The text described how this spirit had brought his vast library to the physical realm and how his knowledge-seeking foxes continued to gather information to fill its shelves.


Her pulse quickened as she read further. According to a professor from Ba Sing Se, who had published this article, the library was rumored to be hidden in a specific desert. The professor's research suggested that Wa Shi Tong's Library was a treasure trove of knowledge, that stretched beyond the realm of mortals.

This text was enough for Sakura to understand, that this meant the library likely held information about the spirit world and its inhabitants.


After taking notes, and reading through almost every text she had been offered so as not to miss anything, Sakrua finally pulled back from the books. Her chest felt lighter and her eyes shone with relief knowing she had finally made some headway to solving her otherworldy dilemma.


She closed the book and returned it to the librarian. "Thank you," she said sincerely.


The librarian nodded. "Did you find what you were looking for?"


"I think so," Sakura replied. "Can I see a map of the area?"


The librarian pulled out an old, worn map and spread it out on the desk. Sakura studied it carefully, tracing her finger along the lines and markings until she found the desert mentioned in the book. It was a vast, sprawling area, daunting in its sheer size and inhospitable conditions, but it was the best lead she had.

 The journey to the desert would be tough, but the potential rewards were worth every risk.




That evening, back at the inn, Sakura prepped for her journey, sorting through her belongings and noting what supplies she may need before leaving. Though she nearly forgot all of that preparation; feeling like dripping water trying to penetrate the stone, her impatience would not calm easily.


The flickering light of a single candle cast long shadows on the walls. She carefully rolled up the map she had obtained from the library and tucked it into her bag. She was excited, eager to step out into the daw and set off towards this new ray of hope. So much so, that her mind had swept away all present concerns, including her recent travel companions.

That was until one showed up at her door.



A soft knock interrupted her thoughts.


"Come in," she called out, closing her bags and straightening up.


Jet stepped into the room, a concerned look on his face. "Hey, Sakura. Can we talk?"


She nodded, gesturing for him to sit on the edge of her bed. Jet looked around the sparsely furnished room before turning his attention back to her.


"Something the matter?"


"No, not…" Jet trailed, glancing away from her momentarily, trying to catch his tongue. "You just…I thought you might let us know when you were back."


"It's pretty late though," She pointed out.


"I wanted to know if you were able to find what you were looking for or if you need any help."


While he likely took her actions as her being considerate and not wanting to wake them in case the lanterns were already blown out, Sakura had simply forgotten she wasn't on this journey alone. However, Sakura understood that status couldn't stand for much longer.


She must've had a shift in her expression, because Jet asked her then, "Is something wrong Sakura?"


"No actually," She pinched the fabric of her clothing between her fingers as she spoke, making it her point of focus. "I was able to find some information that might help me."


"To find Aang?" Jet addressed the avatar by his name, and by now Sakura had committed it to heart. "Don't tell me that fortune teller's advice helped."


Sakura shrugged, pulling at the fabric some more, "I'm not exactly sure if it's reliable, but I may have found a clue. At least it's something. Even if it turns out to be wrong, I can still ask around just to be sure I'm heading in the right direction. I'm decent in these sorts of things,"


"Alright, so when do we leave? Tomorrow? The others might want to rest a little longer, it's been a rough couple of days, and they finally get proper beds to sleep in."


Jet's eyes followed Sakura, watching her exhale leave her lips, her pink hair bouncing with the steps she took around the room to place her bags down, and then her eyes, even under the dim candlelight were as bright as gems. Her features were remarkable enough to be captivating, not just eye-catching. It was no wonder she hid them, especially her hair. They reminded Jet of flower petals. There was also a lot of irony that someone with floral features could be as hard as steel.


Sakura took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Jet, I'm grateful but I'm going to be continuing this journey on my own."


His expression shifted to one of surprise. "What? Why? We've been doing well together, haven't we?"


"You, Smellerbee, and Longshot, it was great traveling with you three, however, you told me you were heading to Ba Sing Se for refuge." she reminded him, her eyes hardening as she placed a hand over herself, "But I have my own goals, and I can't go with you."


"Why not?" Jet asked, reaching over to grasp Sakura's hand. "Join the Freedom Fighters. We could use someone like you."


"You don't even know me,"


"And yet, you've saved us so many times. Is it that important for you to find the avatar?"


Pulling her hands free, she placed them in her lap, watching the ceiling floor with a focused expression. She spoke with a calm, distant tone. "I appreciate the offer. But my path is different. I have to find answers, and I believe this spirit library might hold the key. I can't lose sight of the goal I have. It's so important that my life is on the line."


Jet was stunned by her brash statement, and it hit him like a hammer, but it was hard enough to drive the nail in to understand there was no changing her mind. And that resignation would be the best course of action.


"I understand. It's just… we're going to miss you. I'm going to miss you."


Sakura smiled softly, touched by his words. "Thanks, I'll miss you guys too. You've made this trip far more bearable."


He stepped closer and reached out, taking her hand in his once again, watching her eyes, captivated by their emerald shine. "Just promise me you'll be careful out there. The world's a dangerous place, especially with the Fire nation."


"I promise,"


The next morning, as dawn broke over the horizon, Sakura slipped out of the inn quietly. The streets of the village were still and silent, the world just beginning to wake. She took one last look at the place where she had found temporary solace and friendship before turning her gaze forward.





As part of her training, Sakura had learned how to best prepare for different situations, including battling the elements. She ensured that she was well stocked in supplies to fight off dehydration and the desert sun before setting off on her new journey, towards her very odd destination. 


Sakura trudged through the vast expanse of the desert, her steps quick and controlled as the scorching sun beat down on her relentlessly. The heat was unbearable, and the landscape seemed endless, with no sign of the library she was searching for or the avatar. While desperate and capable, Sakura had to keep her head on straight knowing that a desert trip was dangerous even for a ninja. This place stretched far, but as long she had a compass, she would know which direction to follow to get out. The downside would be if she got out empty-handed.


After two hours of burning through the daylight, she finally decided to take a break, seeking refuge in the sparse shade of a large rock she found. She still had breath to breathe, but didn't know if the opportunity for shade would present itself to her again. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Sakura sat down, pulling out her water skin to take a sip. As she rested, she couldn't help but feel a sense of despair creeping in. The desert seemed to stretch on forever, and despite her best efforts, there was no indication she was getting any closer to her goal, and she had traveled with haste to make it at least halfway through by now. But it seemed that her goal was so far-fetched, she could barely see it in the corner of her mind let alone in reality.


'A library in the desert…'


Just as she was about to close her eyes, she noticed movement out of the corner. A small, graceful fox with russet fur and intelligent eyes approached her cautiously. Foxes were not indigenous to the desert as far as she remembered, however, her research came to mind and Sakura recalled reading about the foxes that assisted Wa Shi Tong. But she had held onto a sliver of thought that the foxes were some sort of spirits as well. But this creature appeared perfectly solid and unbothered by the heat despite its coat.


"Hello there. Don't suppose you can help me find the library? Or better yet the avatar?"


Despite the peculiarity of the animal's appearance, she couldn't help by chuckle at herself, knowing it sounded ludicrous to talk to a fox and expect an answer.


To her surprise, the fox tilted its head and then stepped closer, gently tugging at the edge of her scarf with its teeth.

"Hey, don't do that!" Sakura yanked her scarf gently, not wanting to risk a tear but the fox persisted. Although it didn't release her, it didn't show any signs of aggression and Sakura couldn't sense anything of the sort either.

Finally, she conceded and stood up, and the fox released her, turning tail and stepping away only to look back with rather expectant eyes.


"No way," Sakura breathed, gathering up her belongings, her gaze still fixed on the fox that wouldn't turn away from her. "Does it want me to follow?"


There was only one way for her to find out.



If you want to get a hold of these latest chapters check out my TUMBLR where you can join as a member. You can also get the update schedule to follow. As well as Fanart posts.



-Commission: Demon slayer x My hero academia

 Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatar x Naruto crossover) (6,7, 8, 9, 10)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter (71, 72, 73)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter (28, 29, 30, 31)

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 21, 22, 23

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 26, 27, 28, 29

-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6

-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi

Want more INFO on my STORIES and ARTWORK lookup Katsura369 in your search Tab!




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