
Kumo-Tori! Spider and Chicken, so what!

Kumo desu ga nani ka? x Classroom of the Elite Fanfic Wakaba Hiro attended ANHS instead and one day as classes were proceeding as per usual, a green laser swallowed up and killed everyone in the school. Everybody reincarnated into another world, all as something that suited them. Wakaba, the loner in the class became a spider, while most became humans. Ayanokoji and some others ended up in a similar situation to her...

MrCluckYou · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

SS 4: The Fallen Two

All of a sudden, on the first day of my 2nd year in school, It all ended. I felt extreme pain and everything went black before I knew it. It felt like I was here for hours but at the same time, it felt like only a minute had passed.

It felt like I was trapped and I couldn't help but almost panic in this scenario, I toss and turned, trying to break free from this jello-like feeling that held me and then I began to see more and more light around me. It's working!

Once I heard something break, like a loud spitting sound I heard in videos Yamauchi sent and I rolled over on the floor, down on my stomach.

I immediately stood but my body felt weird. I felt shorter and heavier, fatter almost. I couldn't even stretch my- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Is that my hand?! Before me, there were blue webbed hands, almost like that of a frog's foot. I looked down at my body and my feet were the same. No, no, no, this can't be happening. This is a hyperrealistic dream! Or maybe a realistic VR I was miraculously chosen to experiment with like SAO!

There's no way I'm a frog! Wait, frogs don't have arms and don't stand upright. What the hell am I? Not that I am it, but what would it be? I can only think of a frog, maybe they do stand up, paying attention to Sae-sensei may have helped me...

As I was panicking, I fully convinced myself this wasn't real. Yep, it's all fine. I walked around, looking at the egg I came out of and soon saw another animal next to me. This is an interactive monster roleplay huh?

It turned around and stared at me with its eight eyes and sharp fangs and immediately charged toward me. Is this a monster fight game?! Also, why does it look so disgusting, how did it make the guidelines exist?!

I put my hands in front of me showing I meant no harm, as I backed away. It continued running at me with its fangs bared though! Huh, If this is a spider and I'm a frog, why is it so huge? I think this is a fighting game if I'm being honest!

As the spider lunged towards me to bite, I dodged to the side and slapped my hand down on its back to deal damage. It felt like hitting a fat person's stomach, squishy and unpleasant. It didn't help that it had hair. As if even angrier, the spider turned on the spot and jumped toward me again and I put my hand out to block the attack only to feel a lot of pain as my vision blurred and I saw my strange hand not there.


It's 100 times worse than scraping your knee!

Isn't this game far too realistic?! As if by instinct, my tongue shot out and wrapped around my wound before coming back inside my mouth. Huh, why did the pain disappear slightly? Not that I'm complaining!

Wait, frogs have long tongues! I definitely didn't forget about that and I'm being honest. Yep, definitely the truth.

I spun myself around to see the spider getting ready to run towards me again but then I shot my tongue out as fast as I could, smacking into the spider's face, making it collapse for a moment. It was hissing a lot, but this time, more of a sizzling sound reached my ears. I'm poisonous? Hell yeah!

OH! If I'm poisonous, can I shoot a spitball like that weird raptor from Jurrasic Park?

I tried it and shot my spit at the creature and its back began to burn even more. Movie knowledge is the best! I'm so glad I get most of my knowledge from there, probably why I'm able to be this intelligent. The spider tried getting up multiple times and I began to chuckle at it, knowing I'm the victor. It's going to die right?

I wanted to stomp on it so bad but I stopped myself. I'm not that dumb you know? There's no need to put extra effort into something that's already done. I'm too busy laughing about beating my first opponent that It's already taken up my energy.

Little by little, the spider lost more and more movement until finally, I think it died. It took my hand though, can I grow it back here? Do I need a potion or something?

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Elroe Frog LV1 has become LV2"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Poison Synthesis LV1』 has become 『Poison Synthesis LV2』"

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Acid Attack LV1』 has become 『Acid Attack LV2』"

"Skill point gained"

A female voice spoke in my head, do I have a cute spectator? But aha!

This is a game! Level ups, skills, it truly is one! Now, it seems like I'm acidic and poisonous! Also, what does synthesis mean again? It looks familiar...

Anyway, if this is a game, there must be a status I can look at right?




The Menu!




I tried all 10 I can think of and nothing worked. Are you kidding me? I level up right? How do I see my skills, how do I see my stats? This is a pretty crappy VR game despite its graphics. Maybe I should say a report to my viewer?

Hmmm, what if I want to buy skills huh? Is there a gacha I can use? If I had a skill, what would I want it to be...

Super strength!

I want to buy super strength!

"Number of skill points currently in possession: 10,000. The number of skill points required to acquire skill 『Herculean Stength』: 2,000. Acquire skill?"

See? I can buy skills!

YES, 100% YES!

"Skill, 『Herculean Stength』was acquired. You have 8,000 Skill Points remaining."

Huh... If I get another skill, what would I want it to be? OH! If I'm super strong, I need to be fast too! I want Super speed!

"Number of skill points currently in possession: 8,000. The number of skill points required to acquire skill 『Acceleration』: 2,000. Acquire skill?"


"Skill, 『Acceleration』was acquired. You have 6,000 Skill Points remaining."

Now that I'm strong and fast, I think I was to have a ranged attack. What is it called again? The one where you move things with your mind? Telekinepsis?

"Number of skill points currently in possession: 6,000. The number of skill points required to acquire the skill 『Telekinesis』: 6,000. Acquire skill?"

YES, that's the one!

"Skill, 『Telekinesis』was acquired. You have 0 Skill Points remaining."

Wait, I didn't mean to acquire it! I guess it's fine though, I wanted it anyway.

I tried lifting the spider with it but it didn't even budge. Isn't this too weak?

I slapped the dead spider and it looks like I did a bit more damage, but it's still kinda weak.

Ah, this is annoying. They are duds! I'm feeling hungry now, let me try logging off.

I was mortified to find out this wasn't a game after. No settings whatsoever. If it's not a VR game, then it's a super realistic dream. Maybe this is one of those lucid dreams I heard so much about.

Well, I'm definitely not eating that spider. Let me wait until something else comes over here...

And so, a day passed...

I'm getting pretty hungry you know...

Are there no animals I can eat at all? Do I have to eat this spider right here?

I feel extremely bored too, isn't this dream lasting too long?

I stumbled toward the exit of this little chamber I was in until I saw something yellow standing on the floor a good distance away.

Is that a chicken?

Meal found just gotta secure! This should be easy, I'm a lot bigger than it!

Ready, set, spit! The poison ball from my mouth went towards the chicken but felt like it would fall short. Yikes, it's going to run if this misses! Errr, uhm, Telekinesis!

I used my new skill to lift the balls and push them slightly farther and much to my luck, it landed!

Instead of jumping in pain and running away as I expected, it just stood there and turned its head turns me. I guess chickens are really dumb, especially this one. I was already running at it though and shot my tongue at it but it dodge it by running to the left of it. I pulled my tongue back quickly and tried shooting another acid ball and got it so close to hitting but it dodged again. Damn, this thing is fast! Also, why is it almost doing a circle around me?

All of a sudden it flew up into the air, trying to jump over me. Is it that dumb? I can hit you easily when you are in the air! As soon as I expected it to pass overhead, it stopped flying altogether and landed straight toward me. Suicidal muc-oooowwwww!

My eye! Why can't I see out of one? My vision is blurry and it hurts like hell. I immediately brought my left hand up to my eye, pressing down on it and feeling around but all I felt was pain.


As I turned to look for it once again, I felt a sharp clawing pain in my back. GET OFF DAMN IT! I shook, trying to deal with the pain and there was suddenly less pressure on my back.  Gotcha.

I spun my body around, striking the chicken square in the chest with my leg, sending it flying into the nearby wall. I added telekinesis to make its impact even more brutal. Take that stupid bird! Humans are much smarter than idiotic animals like you! You might be confident and all if you tried to kill me, but that's just, uh, cocky, yeah cocky, of you!

I started laughing at my second kill, and the chicken I would soon eat. Can you imagine how it maybe had a chance of escaping by running but it tried fighting instead? It might have been a little tricky but that was it. I laughed so hard that my eye that was closed was tearing up and I opened it to catch the pitiful appearance of the chicken again and before I had time to react to its disappearance, my eye closed again. No.

It was destroyed much like my other. Ow ow ow ow! I can't see a thing now! Where are you? Where are you?!

I batted my arms around and started shooting poison and hitting randomly with my tongue but no matter what I did, nothing came in contact with anything that was living. Then all of a sudden, my body dropped to the floor, my legs failing me. Huh...? What happened...?

Am I dying?

Well, this is all a dream so I suppose it's fine...

If this is fake then, why does it feel so real? Why do I hurt, why can't I see, why am I starving and why did I lose? To something much smaller than me no less? It must be fake if that thing somehow won. But then I felt a shiver up my spine. As If, something was watching me. Something predator-like. Was there another monster...? Or was that the chicken...?

I shivered in fear and began panicking as my convincing of myself was being undone. Deep down, I knew this wasn't fake. I was dying. Even now, I could hardly feel my body. Why was I put through this? My friends at ANHS and I were all excited about the new school year. We went to class, shared what we did over break, and sat in class as our teacher spoke about History or something.

My initial time at the school, the sudden revelation of the S System, Class exams, and even someone who I wasn't that close to but knew enough about being expelled, all ran through my head.

My junior high friends, elementary school experiences, and my parents I haven't said goodbye to when I went and died.

The very same parents that gave me my name. Would anyone else remember me? Would even they remember me?

I know I'm dying now but I want to make one wish that I hope gets answered.


Remember me...

Remember Soshi Miyamoto...

And then I felt nothing again.

This time...

It stayed that way.

~YAY! The next dead person's POV :)~

It's been around two weeks since I came to this hell hole. It was cluttered and reeked of animals that I didn't know I would have so much hatred for. Monkeys. Damn Monkeys. And here I am, reincarnation into one myself. This feeling is the worst. At the very least, I'm stronger now than in my past life but really, these creatures that are apparently my family are idiotic.

All of us can pack a bunch and there are 100 or so all together here. Why did I call them dumb apes that can't relax for a second? It's happened around 5 times now. The first was a day after I was born, and a screaming sound filled my head.

All of the monkeys turned their focus toward the direction and immediately began sniffing as all of them moved like rabid beasts toward the scream. We were met with a corpse of a monkey being eaten by a giant spider. It was huge. We had 300 of us fighting one thing and overwhelming it. 100 of us died to something that can only feed 30 monkeys max.

And that was only the start of it.

Another died away from the pack, and we went there only to see 3 raptor-like things, eating the corpse. They were so weak that only one of us died. The thing is... How is that enough food to sustain this whole horde of monkeys?! Adding onto my frustration we had another 100 of us killed in a fight with a mantis and another one of those spiders. That's why there are only 100 of us left. I managed to get the last hit on the spider, hence my level now. I sound like a geek even mentioning the world level like one of those video game-crazed morons in middle school.

The point is, I knew staying here with them was safer, but if they kept doing this, they would die to something and drag me along with them. That's why I decided to step out just now. I might be able to get more food and If I at least spot something strong, I won't charge at them like a moron. I'll just hide at the side, even if that hurts my pride a lot. I walked around, checking out tunnels and all sorts of stuff until I came across a bee, the first thing I decided to kill.

Since it was flying a little bit away, I picked up a nearby stone and started screaming, a surge of power spreading throughout me. While its a shame since it was alerted of my presence, the stone had already pierced through its torso as it turned around to look at me. I used something or the other called piercing enhancement on the stone which made it more deadly and I checked around while being cautious.

I went out to grab my kill and brought it to a tunnel to eat as I cursed whatever person put me in this position. I'm stronger here than in my past world but that's the only plus. There are stronger beings than me here and I know that. Ones that can cause immense havoc if they so pleased. It's like pinning a human against a bear and asking which would win in a fistfight. The bear would almost always win and that's another source of my irritation.

I was the strongest delinquent across school districts in junior high. This feeling of being weaker really does irritate me. At the same time though, it excites me. The challenge of a life or death battle, the blood running through my veins, what can I do but get excited? I'm no murderer despite my personality but at least here, I can fight to the death.

I'm aware I had a skill called Adrenaline Rush due to it leveling up twice. I think it fits me to a T, and that's how I've been able to overwhelm weaker opponents and even the stronger evolved monkeys in my pack. I'm not sure what their strength was but whenever I was screaming, I was superior. There's no leader of it though, despite their large size.

While I tore leg after leg of this bee, I sat in silence still angry at how something happened. I died, and I haven't a clue how. I heard that another strong leader of a delinquent group near me attended this school.

Kakeru Ryuuen.

And I didn't have a chance to see if he was as strong as others said.

Then again, I could care less about a dipshit in my past life. I just gotta kill and keep killing here to get stronger and stronger. And so, after eating this bee, I left the exoskeleton behind and moved on to the next opponent.

An hour or so after walking, I found it. A long snake, that can possibly swallow me whole. Well, this is interesting.

Instead of throwing rocks like before, I wanted to battle hand-to-hand with this animal. I started running and it quickly uncoiled itself and woke up in a near instant as It hissed at me, reading itself for my attack.

I then started screaming, closing the distance between it and me much faster. I then swung my fist forward, and the impact sent the snake sliding back slightly, reeling as the blunt damage may have caused some internal problems.

Tricks are alright in fights, winning is the most important thing you hear?

I halted my screaming momentarily to catch my breath and in that window, the snake who was tossing around spun itself and used its tail to swat me to the wall.

Youch, the difference in size is really tricky indeed. I stumbled up to my feet again as quickly as I could and once I did so, I started shouting again. Kicking off the wall, I jumped up and threw my fist right on its jaw while using impact enhancement.

From there, I quickly changed my positioning, holding my hands together, and slammed them down into the body of the snake while adding piercing enhancement to myself. The part where I hit made a large cracking sound and I successfully split it off halfway. Maybe slightly less than half, but there was an obvious chunk missing from the body of the thrashing animal.

I backed up to the side then caught my breath again, then went straight back into the fight, yelling at the top of my lungs. I leaped and began punching the upper body where a neck would be for a human repeatedly, and soon after, it stopped squirming and the annoying monotone voice signaled my victory.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Anogratch LV7 has become LV8"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Rage LV5』 has become 『Rage LV6』"

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Impact Enhancement LV5』 has become 『Impact Enhancement LV6』"

"Skill point gained"

It felt easier than I wanted to though, but It was satisfying to thoroughly crush the snake. Now I hope I have a decent meal to eat. It should taste better than a fucking bee...

I started prying off the scales so I could actually eat them until my whole body froze in place. What is this feeling...? Something is watching me, and it's coming right towards me. It's strong, extremely strong.

I glanced to my right, deeper in the tunnel and I came to sight of a large deer with crystal-like horns, walking towards me. Not running, walking. It's not hostile...?

I just watched it until it stopped a few meters away. Even If I said deer before, It was a deer scaled up to 4 meters high with a muscular body. Double my height, but I'm aware stature doesn't amount to much in this world. I defeated that snake just now after all.

It was as if it radiated fear into my soul though, something I don't recall ever feeling. I know with every fiber of my being that I cannot win. Will it leave me be, will it kill me? Even though I can't win and it does attack, what's the harm in trying to?

Defeating something this strong would possibly be the most thrilling thing I can do in both of my lives. Of course, I'm logical enough to hold myself back but I'm aware, I have to make the first move if a fight breaks out.

And so I immediately charged at the monster while screaming with my voice and my muscles for my hit to make contact. I activated cutting enhancement and piercing enhancement and pulled my fist back to punch it right in the snout. Before I could make it halfway through, my knees buckled as a jolt spread though out my body.

I've had a Taser used once on me, and this was similar but of course stronger. Due to my body going limp from the electricity, I face-planted on the floor, my arms not following my orders to catch myself.

{How rude. I was standing here, why did you attempt to attack me? I'm rather surprised you even tried to fight}

A voice spoke directly in my head but it wasn't the usual monotone female one I knew. What is this...?

{It seems you aren't able to speak, maybe talking to you is useless...}

If it's someone who can understand words, I have to try to reason with them. I don't want my life to be over, especially not yet. As irritating as it is, I'd even become subordinate temporarily to save my life. No, scratch that. I rather die than be beneath anyone else. Speaking still wouldn't hurt but much to my bafflement I couldn't. Was it the shock? But I'm able to think still.

What's this stinging in my shoulder too?

{I'll ramble on anyway. You, the monkey, will assist me in fighting a monster that has caught my attention. It's not an option, you are going to fight them. You see, watching you fight this Baladarado here made me think of something. A group of three, 400 meters away I think? Kill as many as you can. Start with the human. Shoo.}

What makes them think they can order me what to do? This fuc-

What, why am I standing? My body turned away from the deer and sprinted away at full speed without screaming. Without my will as well. My body moved on its own and I told it to stop but it didn't work one bit. Why is this happening? To fight 3 random monsters. Wait a moment, monsters? They mentioned a human, there are humans in this world?

Damn it, this is infuriating.

Why did I get reincarnated as a monster? Why the fuck am I being controlled like a puppet? As much as I struggled against whatever it did to me though, it was futile. I'm sure my body didn't even look like it flinched with my fight for control. And after running for a bit, the exact group he mentioned came into sight.

There was a blonde-haired girl in underwear with mouse ears in her tail but she was the only apparent human. I tried halting myself, perhaps a human isn't hostile but I failed to do so. She was seemingly peeling a few eggs but turned in my direction, and immediately stood and prepared to fight. I threw the first jab towards the girl as a spider ran to my side a distance away. There was also a black chicken sitting, staring off into space.

She blocked my attack and I threw another fist with my other hand which she blocked again. Her arms were already bruising though, since I had impact enhancement active. Why was I told to murder people that person would've been able to do easily? If I started screaming, I might be able to kill her in a few hits.

And with that, my controlled body shouted and my fist whistled past the blonde's arms hitting her with a right hook in her face. I might have enjoyed this if it wasn't for my body not moving to my wishes.

Suddenly, my danger perception skill went off and I dodge with minimal effort the projectile that came towards me. Webbing... getting stuck in that won't be good.

Even though I could see it in my peripheral, it's not like my eyes or head turned to see it. It was more focused on the girl who took a tumble to the side. I screamed unwillingly once again and rushed to her, raising my foot above her stomach and then slamming down as hard as I could.

The human if that's what she is, rolled out of the way and the same webbing I saw earlier now latched onto my legs, cementing me in place. Since the hypnotized me had been screaming in shorter intervals, I'm not sure if it was due to a lack of necessary emotion or not, it struggled to get out. Then it yelled and once again, and broke free from the spider's web.

Also, the ground is shaking and spikes are doing in the back ground. A sense of foreboding filled me.

Instead of charging at the girl this time, we aimed to kill the spider first which I probably would've chosen to do in the first place. I shot a fast jab, solely focused on making contact, the force behind unnecessary and it dodged, even with screaming. This spider is really fast compared to the other freakishly weak ones I've come across that are its size.

It evaded it narrowly, its body blistering slightly from the pressure and I raised my arm to do another until my body stopped.

Huh? Do I have control again...?

I tried moving my body but it once again didn't listen to what I said. Before I could retort to the situation that gave me genuine hope, I was lifted into the air by some flying creature.

What the hell? Can chickens fly here? I never knew I could be so irritated and frantic at the same time though. The thing I saw coming from the ground before were spikes. I could already tell it planned to drop me on them.

The strangest thing it did was digging its talon into my neck as if trying to get something out.

I tried all I could do to save myself but it didn't work. As it hovered over the spikes, it sadistically turned off its spell on me before releasing me, causing me to go plummeting toward my death.

I'm not sure if it was truly being high and mighty or if it did it for another reason. As I fell, I screamed and braced my body for impact in hopes to survive and I saw elements of all kinds rushing towards me. And as soon as I saw those, I know my life was over.

It's the worst feeling I've ever felt.

Not due to my impending death.

Not due to the pain I already feel.

But the pain of knowing my last fight, wasn't even one I participated in, saddened me the most.

Fuck the chicken and fuck the deer.

If I ever reincarnate and see either of your kind again ...

I swear by the name of Kazuomi Hosen...

I'm going to run your species to the brink of extinction.

Then my overly colorful word from the magic, turned pitch black.

~Authors Note~

Hope you enjoyed it, this chapter was more of a goofy one but as well as hints towards the future yep yep. The first POV, I had to purposely use less complex words so I feel like the quality was bad 💀

Anywho, Join the discord server for updates and suggestions you may have!


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This is will update Monday and Thursday (East America time). I swear I'll try my best to adhere to this and possibly throw in a extra chapter here and there yep yep.