
Kumo-Tori! Spider and Chicken, so what!

Kumo desu ga nani ka? x Classroom of the Elite Fanfic Wakaba Hiro attended ANHS instead and one day as classes were proceeding as per usual, a green laser swallowed up and killed everyone in the school. Everybody reincarnated into another world, all as something that suited them. Wakaba, the loner in the class became a spider, while most became humans. Ayanokoji and some others ended up in a similar situation to her...

MrCluckYou · Anime und Comics
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Snake & Evolution...?

Well first things first, let's test Razor Sharp Beak. This is the evolved version of the piercing beak so let's see. The piercing beak already created a water bottle radius impact when hitting the floor at max level and things should go better with an evolved version.

I slammed my beak into the floor and lifted my face up to see the impact. The thing is, there was no crater as usual. There was a hole in the floor, the size of my beak. I felt little to no resistance when hitting it, like a hot knife against butter.

And this is rock, what does it need to be this powerful for?

I did it again and began walking backward, and was met with more resistance obviously. That doesn't change the fact I cut a divot on the floor while moving.

Moving onto the next test, I began walking up the side of the wall keeping my wings by my side. I took step by step, anchoring my feet in the wall. As I neared the ceiling I repeated this process upside down, then proceeded down the next wall.

As I reached the floor...

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『3D Movement LV1』was acquired"

Assuming what it is, I stepped on the wall again and walked normally, with no anchoring at all. It's almost like gravity changed directions. While this is useful, It's not unlimited and I still can't run without falling. My MP bar slightly decreased in the process of experimenting.

I think flying would work better still...

Deciding I should test it now, I turned on Detection for the second time and was once again struck with a headache. I briefly looked around, sensing motion, danger, and heat for animals. There was a spider that I saw last time in the same spot, and the large snake remained between us in a large chamber.

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Heresy Resistance LV2』 has become 『Heresy Resistance LV3』"

If that spider is reincarnated, I believe having them join us would be best and improve our survival odds. While there was the worry we might level slower, I believe Kei's skill would solve that, sharing levels between the three of us.

I hope so at least.

Regardless, the snake was screaming danger but certainly not as much as before. It was similar to the Randanels I defeated so quite possibly, I could beat it too.

That's important but I had to check out close surroundings. The only thing that can reach us right now is a different spider, so let's fly there to challenge it. Turning off detection, I was left with a headache that faded similar to how it was before. However, the pain significantly dropped.

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Heresy Resistance LV3』 has become 『Heresy Resistance LV4』"

I stepped in the proper direction, taking a glance at Kei before leaving, and flew how I usually did. This time was vastly different though. I felt not only balanced but lighter, the wind going against my feathers. It was different though from how I imagined.

When the skill was called turbulent, I assumed I would fly but still struggle, similar to before. It was the opposite and I flew rather smoothly. However, there was a lot of air pressure forming around me with a flap.

Let's say a human was close and I flapped my wings, they might lose their balance from the force. If I use it on a spider, despite its smaller size, it's lower to the floor and has 8 legs, should be fine.

Either way, flying still feels smooth, as I could go straight ahead and turn pretty fast too. It might tire me out more than normal walking or running, but I'll get to my location much faster. See, I was nearing the spider right now.

『Smaller Lesser Taratect LV6 Status: Walking Failed to Appraise Stats』

While I'm aware this is the Elroe Labyrinth, why do the spiders not have Elroe in front of its name like all other monsters? I don't because I didn't come from here I think, so does that mean the spiders aren't indigenous to the cave but rather, came from elsewhere? That means something must've been strong enough to enter and leave the cave, doesn't it?

Either way, it noticed me already as I'm not exactly quiet.

I swooped down in order to attack it and it jumped at me as well. I pulled to the side, and then quickly went back, then dug my nails into my back, picking it up with me as I flew. While it was still bigger than me and probably looked strange, I learned a while ago not to apply physics here to things like this. Skills change a lot, and many other things possible here are impossible in my past planet.

Since I had already picked it up, I turned back, feeling it trying to escape my grasp. I unhooked one claw and placed it in a different spot to face the same direction as it. From there placed my talons in the forward direction, brought my legs up a little, and pecked at the neck of the spider.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Poison Resistance LV1』and『Night Vision LV9』was acquired"

Dead already?

"『Night Vision LV9』 has unified into 『Perception Expansion LV1』"

"『Poison Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Super Poison Resistance LV2』"

"Unable to withdraw two skills due to incompatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 70% of stats"

Same as before, spiders don't have many skills so there isn't much to gain. They do taste the best though right after my eggs.

I lugged the body back to where Kei slept that way I had something to eat. She should be fine since sleeping saves energy.

I started eating it as she slept, and soon after I finished she was still sleeping.

Should I just abandon her?

No, she's partially necessary. I could kill her and take the skill I need but there's no guarantee I could get it.

You know what, let's just leave her alone. Even without the skill, she has other uses I suppose. I'm not in the mood to kill an actual- even if former- human and I don't think I'll be ever. Unless their death is necessary or I was unaware, there's no helping it.

As I waited for Kei to wake up, I sat in place and did multiple things mentally, to raise my skill proficiencies. While I would do physical training simultaneously, I don't have any food handy and might starve. Besides that, I need to be in a fully ready state if fighting.

Some time passed and eventually, I heard Kei's voice in my head along with a yawn from the rat beside me.

[Hi Kiyotaka, good morning.]

{Good morning.}

Is it even morning though?

[Did you not sleep?]

{No, I did not. I don't feel any need to sleep in this body}

[Is that healthy?]

{I haven't a clue, but it's probable that its species or skill related}

[Oh... I see. What were you doing then?]


[Uh, why would you do math here? We don't have school anymore]

{Experimenting with a skill}

[Hehe, same Kiyotaka as always...]

It would've seemed like an insult if she didn't laugh in front of that.

{Let's go get food again, there's a snake a little bit away.}

[Eh, snake? Do they have those here? I heard they taste like chicken... Oh sorry! That may have made you uncomfortable.]

{It's fine. If anything, it made me more motivated.}

Her face turned to me and she deadpanned with,

[Isn't that cannibalism?]

No, it's technically not.

{Just don't think about it too much. We need food to live and it's not like the snake really is a chicken.}

[I guess so, let's go then!]

{Oh, stay back from this one too. I don't want you getting hurt.}

[E-eh? Hai, got it!]

『Elroe Greym LV6 Status: Embarrassed Failed to Appraise Stats』

While I wasn't sure why she was embarrassed, we walked, going in the direction I remembered from detection. Near the corner to enter the room, I turned to Kei who was following closely behind me.

{Ok, we've arrived. Stay in this tunnel, it'll be done once you get a level like last time.}

[Got it, good luck Kiyotaka! Stay safe!]

That's kind of pointless to say to someone who is fighting to the death with something many times its size but understood.

Stepping from the hallway to the chamber, I was baffled by its size even though I was semi-aware beforehand. If this creature stood on the tip of its tail, it would be 4.5 stories high. Comparing me to that, it's around 30 of me stacked up. That's disregarding the width of it, which can probably swallow a man whole.

It was curled up and curious as to its status and level, I used appraisal.

『Elroe Baladorado LV9 Status: Unconcious Failed to Appraise Stats』

Nearing it to prepare my attack, before I even jumped, it woke up. Apparently, it has some sort of sense and I was silent as a dead person.

It uncoiled itself, immediately launching its tree-sized tail in my direction and my only hope was up.

One hit from this thing looks to be fatal, so I have to dodge with everything I got.

I threw myself in the air and began circling above it, searching for an opening.

It shot its head towards me attempting to bite me, and as it's head shot past me, I pierced its neck, torso, body, whatever the term for it is, with my beak. As quickly as I did it though, it tried slamming me against the floor by dropping itself at a fast paced.

I, who was prepared for such a thing, kicked off it with my talons and took flight again, piercing the other side of it's head.

It almost immediately rolled over, crushing me under its weight. It feels like a truck hit me and I had little control of my limbs. While this hit in particular didn't reach a speed to be lethal, this weight would be troublesome if it persisted.

I began moving my head and beak, pushing and the wound more. The snake shrieked but persevered through the pain, continuing to crush me. I decided to use my evil eyes and did my best to claw and move my wings.

It didn't move one bit.

I had 30 seconds left before my health bar depleted to zero at the pace it was going.

I gathered every single piece of knowledge I could from my past life.

I don't have the strength of Hercules and I also don't have an extremely poisonous body. All of it led to moving, but I was too weak to move. Nothing would work except magic.

Giving one final shot to escape, I activated detection, sensing the magic in the air, and warped it to my will. I have magic power perception yet this worked far more efficiently currently, despite the severe headache as a drawback

What was the magic?

Was there a keyword to activate it?

『Heresy Magic: Fear』

『Heresy Magic: Frighten 』

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Thought Acceleration LV8』 has become 『Thought Acceleration LV9』"

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Parallel Thinking LV7』 has become 『Parallel Thinking LV8』"

I attempted countless different combinations of what I knew were associated with mental states.

『Heresy Magic: Discomfort』

The snake immediately squirmed and backed away and I knew it had worked. The first level of Heresy magic was called discomfort.

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Heresy Resistance LV4』 has become 『Heresy Resistance LV5』"

I canceled detection and immediately moved, taking advantage of the Snakes scattered mind currently.

I with full force slammed my beak into the roof of its head, a cracking sound coming from beneath. Even though I was sure I hit its brain, that much wasn't certain to work on a monster of this caliber.

Continuing the flow, I flew, keeping my beak in place, and then proceeded to run it down along its entire body, like a knife filleting a fish.

I landed on the floor next to it, checking appraisal one last time to verify its death, before Kei did for me.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Tiny Lesser Chicken LV7 has become LV10"

My body fully healed, Even the few broken bones I was unaware of.

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Turbulent Flight LV 3』 has become 『Turbulent Flight LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Razor Sharp Beak LV 2』 has become 『Razor Sharp Beak LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Parallel Thinking LV 8』 has become 『Parallel Thinking LV9』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Heresy Magic LV 1』 has become 『Heresy Magic LV2』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Detection LV 1』 has become 『Detection LV2』"

"Skill point gained"

Not only did I raise three levels, but I also leveled a lot of skills.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skills『Poison Resistance LV5』『Dragon Scales LV 2』 was acquired"

Dragon scales? More importantly, how can a chicken that has feathers have scales?

"『Poison Resistance LV5』 has unified into 『Super Poison Resistance LV3』"

"Unable to withdraw 2 skills due to incompatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 70% of stats"

The power rushed into me, and I felt almost double as strong as I previously was.

[I leveled four times! It says I can evolve now!]


"Conditions met. Individual, Tiny Lesser Chicken can evolve"

"There are multiple choices of evolution. Please choose from the following.

Lesser Chicken

Small Chicken

Poison Chicken


Evolution options?

All of them more or less make sense but what's up with cockroaches?


{Ah, same for me. Come in the chamber now, it's safe}

[Got it]

I saw her poking her head out for a few seconds and watch the color leave her face.

[You said it was a snake!]

{It is}

[Well, it is but isn't this a bit too large to be called a snake?!]

{It's still a snake}

After sighing over the thought communication, Kei switched the subject, tired of the current one.

[Anyways, good job Kiyotaka! I think the fight was shaking the cave a little too!]

It was? I suppose she was close so it makes sense.

{Interesting. Oh Kei, what are your evolution options?}

[I had Rock Greym and Poision Greym]

Rock seems good for defense but usually, movement speed slows down. Poison ups attack without any downfall so perhaps poison is the best.

{Which one do you have in mind?}

[Poison Greym]

{Sounds good to me}

[Got it! Let me evolve now...]

As soon as she said that she slumped over, passing out. Isn't that too fast and instantaneous?

I was hesitant about doing the same thing but quickly remembered I didn't sleep. I wasn't certain if that applied to evolution too but it wouldn't be risky anyways. When activating detection before, nothing was around us still.

Looking through my four options, I decided on the best one.

" Individual, Tiny Lesser Chicken is evolving into..."

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!

Kiyo's Current Information:

Species: Tiny Lesser Chicken (Evolving into...)

Level: 10

Stats (Not Known yet):

HP: 201

MP: 89

Yellow SP: 182

Red SP: 176

Offense: 133

Defense: 119

Magic: 70

Resistance: 100

Speed: 139

Known Skills:

Appraisal LV5

Eggs LV6

Mental Arithmetic LV9

Memory LV6

Razor Sharp Beak LV3

Thought Acceleration LV9

Parallel Thinking LV9

Turbulent Flight LV3

Steel Grip LV2

Diverge LV3

Perception Expansion LV1

Super Poison Resistance LV3

Corrosion Nullification LV3

Heresy Magic LV2

Taboo LV2

Stealth LV1

Pain Mitigation LV2

Acid Resistance LV3

Accelerated Growth LV3


Petrifying Demon Eye LV1

Magic Power Perception LV1

Magic Power Operation LV1

Petrification Resistance LV2

Detection LV2

Heresy Resistance LV 5

Poison Attack LV 1

Cooperation LV 10

Dragon Feather LV 2 (better name suggestions???)


Super Computer Brain

Gross Feeder

Kin Eater

~Author's note~


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