
Kumo-Tori! Spider and Chicken, so what!

Kumo desu ga nani ka? x Classroom of the Elite Fanfic Wakaba Hiro attended ANHS instead and one day as classes were proceeding as per usual, a green laser swallowed up and killed everyone in the school. Everybody reincarnated into another world, all as something that suited them. Wakaba, the loner in the class became a spider, while most became humans. Ayanokoji and some others ended up in a similar situation to her...

MrCluckYou · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Sharing is Caring & The Idiot Trio

I stood up a minute later, setting my legs up properly, glad to have them back. The pain from detection was already dissipating and didn't linger all too much.

However, I learned multiple things from it.

I can't sense levels with it of course from my knowledge but I can see creatures near me. I felt a huge 20-meter-long snake somewhat close and 3 velociraptor animals even closer.

There was also a spider at the edge of my detection surrounded by something I think is the thread. Did I mention they were dancing?

I'm not sure what I was witnessing to be completely honest. I wonder if the spider reincarnated like me as it's far more upbeat than the other two spiders I ate.

Despite all of that, there were more spiders and frogs around but those don't matter so much anymore.

Something else was near though. Looking around the cave chamber, I walked in its direction.

I approached it cautiously unaware if it was strong or not. I didn't feel danger from it like that large snake or dinosaurs, so I believe it should've been weak.

According to detection, there was a rat-shaped creature hiding in the area. Whether it was scared due to the fight or waiting to attack like the basilisk, it was still hiding nonetheless. If it was hostile, it would've made sense to attack when I was eating or when I collapsed just now. The question is, why didn't it? Perhaps it has a similar nature to rats or mice in my other world, timid but if backed into a corner, it'll bite back.

Once I saw it in sight, it hid once again. We repeated this a couple of times much to my annoyance and while I wasn't hungry, I considered killing it. It might have skills I could use despite appearing like that.

I gave up trying to catch it in a nice way and decided to just jump up on the rock that was separating us, and stared down at it. This might be a good time to test the evil eyes seeing I'm not hungry currently. As I activated it, it squealed nearly instantly and tried to run away but I pinned it under my claws. I saw that but it's the size of me, not a normal-sized rat either. The rat struggled for its place, tears forming in its eyes. Do rats cry?

[I'm nice! I'm nice, I'm nice, I'm nice, I'm nice, I'm nice!]

What is this noise?

[Don't kill me!]

It's like it's in my head. Stopping my petrifying demon eye, I continued staring at the rat, not letting it go. Was it speaking in my head? The voice sounded freakishly similar to a classmate I had at ANHS.

Attempting a similar thing to what it did, I said:


The rat turned with its eyes full of shock.


{Are you Karuizawa Kei?}

[Y-yes! Kiyotaka, is that you?]

So she did recognize my voice.




[Why are you a chicken?]

{Why are you a rat?}

[Fair enough, now let me go!]

{Okay then.}

I jumped off of her while still on guard as she stood up. I have to be cautious. While I can tell it's not imitating her voice due to the nearly identical speech pattern, perhaps I'm being put through a hallucination right now. I need to see if this is real or not without letting it know I suspect it.

[I'm glad you're here though Kiyotaka, I was in class until I woke up here as a rat.]

In class, I see.

{I turned into a chicken as you can see.}

『Elroe Greym LV2 Status: Relieved Failed to Appraise Stats』

You're level two and relieved. Since it actually showed up I suppose she is really here. I was overthinking it.

[Do you know what happened? Didn't we reincarnate?]

{I believe we did. I'm not sure how we died though. Anyways Kei, how'd you survive for two days?}

[Uh... I had to eat a frog my pack killed. I ran away when they started attacking a Giant snake, I thought we didn't stand chance.]

Something was off. She must've gone a decent time without food

{Did you land the final hit?}

[No, I just stayed back and watched, why?]

{Then how did you level up?}

[I leveled up when it died, I'm not sure why.]

{Did any skills level when you leveled up}

[Uh... I think Stealth and Sharing is Caring leveled up. I can't really remember though.]

Oh, found the culprit, how convenient.

{I think the Sharing is Caring skill is probably what caused you to level. Perhaps you get a share of Experience points from whatever group you're in. Did you buy a telepathy skill}

[Yup, bought it just now for only 100 skill points! Glad I did too!]

I'd like to believe if she had her previous face, she'd be smiling. Right now her rat face looks like it's adorning a mischievous smirk, which is oddly disturbing looking.

Ignoring the weird expression, did she say only?

{I had 100 skill points in total, how many did you have Kei?}

[That's it? The god of the world must not like you Kiyotaka]

She was holding back a chuckle and while she stated it jokingly, I wondered if there really were gods here.

[I started with 50,000 skill points, I have 49,900 now hehe. Any suggestions on what to get?]

Did I hear her correctly? Yes. She received a lot. The question is, why didn't I receive that many? Maybe the god of this world, if there is one, really does hate me.

Part of me wants to get all the skills I want and then kill her and take them for myself. That's just a joke by the way.

Moving on to her next question,

{Try acquiring Appraisal. It can tell creatures levels down the line and should prove useful. Save the rest for a different time.}

[Got it- huh? This is 1000 skill points though, didn't you say you only had 100?]

Well isn't that strange.

{Perhaps, the cost changes according to the person?}

Appraisal is an analytical skill so it might cost less to someone like me and more for someone like Kei.

[Maybe... Ah I got it. Anyways Kiyotaka, That was so cool before! You dropped it from way up high! I know you finished those, but do you have some food?]

{No, just the ones i at- actually, want a egg?}

I remembered I could lay eggs and that should hold her off until I kill something else.

Instead of her nodding her head and saying yes, she looked taken aback and disgusted, taking a few steps away.

[NO THANKS! Also, are you a girl chicken?]

{No, I'm male}

I pretty sure I am since I was lacking the eggs skill in the beginning.

[Then how-]

She unexpectedly halted and a gloomy aura went over her.

{What's the matter?}

As I asked her that, her sadness paused and was replaced by a nervous aura instead. If you're wondering I could tell from the body posture of a rat; I can't.

『Elroe Greym LV2 Status: Embarrassed Failed to Appraise Stats』

Appraisal is pretty handy.

What was she embarrassed about?


Why is she hiding it now too?


{You're hungry, right? Let's go hunt something then. You stay on the sidelines so we can test that skill of yours. If you level up during the time I kill something then that means it's probably an experience share of sorts. Sounds good?}

[Kiyotaka... Isn't that dangerous? Didn't you just fight? You might get hurt.]

{Kei, remember this.}

{No one can beat me, even when I'm slacking.}

What I said, even if it was true in the other world, doesn't apply here. It's best to keep that to myself though.

I checked her status one more time before we began to walk:

『Elroe Greym LV2 Status: Arroused Failed to Appraise Stats』


Nearing the spot of our target, I hid along the wall with Kei in tow.

[Why are we stopping?]

{We're here. They're around the corner. Stay here, there's no other creature here besides them around this area.}

[Got i- wait, them?!]

Not giving any more explanation, I flew out directly targeting one of their necks while appraising the three of them.

『Elroe Randanel LV4 Status: Surprised Failed to Appraise Stats』

『Elroe Randanel LV3 Status: Surprised Failed to Appraise Stats』

『Elroe Randanel LV7 Status: Surprised Failed to Appraise Stats』

Only one above level 5. I saw this trio with detection but their level was unknown.

Nonetheless, with each person added, the difficulty rises exponentially. I have to gain a lot of experience points though so I can estimate how much Kei receives through her skill.



I also wanted to test a trick I thought of previously against a group of people. Aiming to take out the lowest level one first, I clawed and gripped its neck, planting myself in place. It shook itself slightly, trying to get me off until one of its friends did it for them.

It charged and at the last moment, I let go, dropping myself to the floor. The Randanel LV 7 was almost there with its mouth open, not being able to stop properly and while it didn't close its jaw since it knew it would cause more damage, its sharp teeth grazed across the entire front U of the LV 3's neck.

It let out an in-pain roar, pulling its neck out from its friend's mouth, causing more damage than if they separated carefully. During that, the LV 4 Randanel was trying to stomp on me but struggled due to my size and its other friends in the way.

Taking that chance, I flew towards the LV 3 again, piercing my beak through a slit in its next then opening it. They learned from last time and didn't charge in blindly, letting it attempt to get me off by itself.

Due to its short arm and my placement, it couldn't read me. That's when it decided to crash into a wall, tilting its head up, its neck and I were about to collide with the wall. I unlatched and then swung my left foot into the side of its neck and then repeated the process with my other foot in quick succession. The raptor, slammed its throat against the wall as I pecked the side. It started to slide down the wall, was it dead?

『Elroe Randanel LV3 Status: Unconcious Failed to Appraise Stats』

It's sleeping then. I have to take down this one for good while avoiding attacks from the other two.

Standing on its body that lay on the floor, I ran while dodging the bites and tails that the two higher-leveled raptors spun, adding emphasis with each step. Stepping stronger created scratches along its skin, and when my positioning was right, I ducked under the tailspin while pecking where I believed its heart to be.

Not even 10 seconds later:

[I leveled up!]


It does work then.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skills『Poison Claw LV3』『Poison Resistance LV3』『Cooperation LV7』 was acquired"

"『Poison Resistance LV3』 has unified into 『Poison Resistance LV10』"

"Unable to withdraw 1 skill due to incompatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 70% of stats"

The stat increase helped me feel full of adrenaline and poison claw, looks like I'll switch up my attacks slightly.

Flying off the now corpse, I began targeting the next lowest level.

I stretched my talons out in front of me and narrowly dodged the bite from the by-standing raptor. The raptor in front of me ended up biting near my left wing, its tooth grazing it slightly. Because its head was forward I passed it, landing on its back.

Once on its back, I scratched it, creating multiple deep wounds. The LV 7 Randanel started trying to bite once again and came closer to hit me with its small arms. It has little chance of hitting or injuring its friend due to the angle, hence why it started again.

The Randanel that I was on repetitively tried to shake me off, making it difficult for me to maintain my balance. My foot slipped every now and then, unintentionally creating more scratch wounds.

The two raptors timed it perfectly, as one shook to throw me off balance, the other bit and scratched in the little open windows.

While I almost always dodge the bites due to the obvious signs such as neck adjusted and slightly ajar mouth, I got hit with its claws here and there. Due to my high poison resistance, I took little damage over time besides the actual scratches.

As soon as it tried biting me again, I moved to the side and pecked its right eye. A bird's beak is perfect for such a thing, hence why I do it so often.

The high-level raptor stumbled backward and I planted my feet in the one I'm currently standing on and ate pieces off of it in order to dig deeper. Before I could fully do so, it collapsed on the spot.

[Another one!]


[What are you killing?]



"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Tiny Lesser Chicken LV6 has become LV7"

My body was fully restored, putting me at an unfair advantage against the remaining Randanel.

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Iron Grip LV 8』 has become 『Iron Grip LV9』"

It charged first.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Wing Propulsion LV 9』 has become 『Wing Propulsion LV10』"

I charged as well.

"Skill point gained"

Instead of jumping, I continued to run.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skills『Poison Claw LV4』『Poison Resistance LV3』『Cooperation LV7』 was acquired"

"『Poison Claw LV4』 has unified into 『Poison Claw LV7』"

The Randanel instead of biting or scratching, attempted to stomp me into the ground.

"『Poison Resistance LV3』 has unified into 『Super Poison Resistance LV1』"

"『Cooperation LV7』 has unified into 『Cooperation LV10』"

"Unable to withdraw 1 skill due to incompatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 70% of stats"

I swerved between its legs and upon passing through, I jumped up, landing by the base of its tail. I drove my talons in, planning to stay stationary, and began pecking as fast as I chickenly could, it's tail.

As I reached the halfway mark a few seconds later, the tail began to fall the rest of the way, splitting as a board of wood does under stress.

Not only have I successfully removed one of its weapons, but I also threw it off balance. Most creatures that have a tail use it to stay upright and as it fell, I could tell the same applied to it. I jumped backward and as it's chin slammed against the floor, I landed on the back of its neck, piercing my beak through its head in rapid movements.

And done.

I finally finished off my ancestors.

[Two levels!]

{Nice, I'm done now. Come over}

Moments later, I got my final message for this fight.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skills『Poison Claw LV4』『Poison Resistance LV5』『Cooperation LV7』 was acquired"

"『Poison Claw LV4』 has unified into 『Poison Attack LV1』"

"『Poison Resistance LV5』 has unified into 『Super Poison Resistance LV2』"

"『Cooperation LV7』 has unified into 『Cooperation LV10』"

"『Cooperation LV10』 was maxed out"

"Unable to withdraw 1 skill due to incompatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 70% of stats"

I saw Kei come around the corner and she fully stopped, her rat jaw dropped.

[They're bigger than you! How'd you even kill them.]

{Scratches, pecks, and poison. Anyways, what skills leveled for you?}

[Uhm, Sharing is Caring rose one level, Poison claw, fang, poison fang, poison resistance, and petrification resistance did too! Thanks, Kiyotaka!]

{Yep, no problem. Dig in.}


She hesitated, probably being picky about the food. She soon complied after witnessing me eating it, and she ate a raptor slowly while visibly frowning the whole time.

I wonder if there's a skill to make anything you eat taste good...

After I finished eating two, she sat in front of a half-eaten one while muttering it wasn't very maiden-like of her to eat that much.

I told her that it was fine because she looked cute but her face just grew more conflicted at that.

I forgot she was a rat monster as I said that while looking away.

As we got up to move to our next location, it looked like Kei was nodding off. I thought monsters didn't sleep though.

{Kei, are you tired? Monsters don't sleep right?}

[Huh, what are you talking about Kiyotaka? The mice, frogs, and spider sleep, I've seen it.]

Well, this was quite puzzling. I'm not missing anything right? It's either that chickens don't sleep in this world, or that I have an unknown skill...

As Kei fell asleep, I awkwardly laid eggs.

Yes, eggs. Multiple eggs.

Three eggs to be precise.

I'm guessing it's because my hunger bar overfilled up a lot that I laid this many. I ate the first one:

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Piercing Beak LV1』『Iron Grip LV1』『Wing Propulsion LV1』『Night Vision LV2』 『Eggs LV1』was acquired"

"『Piercing Beak LV1』 has Unifed into 『Piercing Beak LV10』"

"『Iron Grip LV1』 has Unifed into 『Iron Grip LV10』"

"『Wing Propulsion LV1』 has Unifed into 『Turbulent Flight LV1』"

"『Night Vision LV2』 has Unifed into 『Vision Expansion LV8』"

" 『Eggs LV1』 has Unifed into 『Eggs LV5』"

"Every skill absorbed due to compatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Every stat absorbed due to compatibility"

My wing skill evolved into turbulent flight.

Does that mean I can fly easier now? I'll test it after this egg-eating spree.

Then the second:

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Piercing Beak LV1』『Iron Grip LV1』『Wing Propulsion LV1』『Night Vision LV2』 『Eggs LV1』was acquired"

"『Piercing Beak LV1』 has Unifed into 『Razor Sharp Beak LV1』"

"『Iron Grip LV1』 has Unifed into 『Steel Grip LV1』"

"『Wing Propulsion LV1』 has Unifed into 『Turbulent Flight LV2』"

"『Night Vision LV2』 has Unifed into 『Vision Expansion LV9』"

" 『Eggs LV1』 has Unifed into 『Eggs LV6』"

"Every skill absorbed due to compatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Every stat absorbed due to compatibility"

Then the third:

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Piercing Beak LV1』『Iron Grip LV1』『Wing Propulsion LV1』『Night Vision LV2』 was acquired"

"『Piercing Beak LV1』 has Unifed into 『Razor Sharp Beak LV2』"

"『Iron Grip LV1』 has Unifed into 『Steel Grip LV2』"

"『Wing Propulsion LV1』 has Unifed into 『Turbulent Flight LV3』"

"『Night Vision LV2』 has Unifed into 『Vision Expansion LV10』"

"Every skill absorbed due to compatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Every stat absorbed due to compatibility"

It seems the last was male sadly.

I wish I had eaten a female instead as I'm curious how the egg skill will evolve if it does at all.

Speaking of evolutions, let's test them. Since Kei has to sleep I should dedicate this time to training.

『Elroe Greym LV6 Status: Unconcious Failed to Appraise Stats』

I should attempt detection again before I attempt flying...

Kiyo's Current Information:

Species: Tiny Lesser Chicken

Level: 7

Stats (Not Known yet):

HP: 137

MP: 65

Yellow SP: 118

Red SP: 112

Offense: 78

Defense: 64

Magic: 50

Resistance: 56

Speed: 67

Known Skills:

Appraisal LV5

Eggs LV6

Mental Arithmetic LV9

Memory LV6

Razor Sharp Beak LV2

Thought Acceleration LV8

Parallel Thinking LV7

Turbulent Flight LV3

Steel Grip LV2

Diverge LV3

Vision Expansion LV10

Super Poison Resistance LV1

Corrosion Nullification LV3

Heresy Magic LV1

Taboo LV2

Stealth LV1

Pain Mitigation LV2

Acid Resistance LV3

Accelerated Growth LV3


Petrifying Demon Eye LV1

Magic Power Perception LV1

Magic Power Operation LV1

Petrification Resistance LV2

Detection LV1

Heresy Resistance LV 2

Poison Attack LV 1

Cooperation LV 10


Super Computer Brain

Gross Feeder

Kin Eater

~Author's Note~

Hope you like the fact I introduced Kei. There is a reason why she appears first :)

Also, hope you semi enjoyed the fight scene. I have to expand his skills more bc I feel like I might be getting repetitive at some parts.

Check out my patreon~!


Anyways, bai bai!