
Kumo-Tori! Spider and Chicken, so what!

Kumo desu ga nani ka? x Classroom of the Elite Fanfic Wakaba Hiro attended ANHS instead and one day as classes were proceeding as per usual, a green laser swallowed up and killed everyone in the school. Everybody reincarnated into another world, all as something that suited them. Wakaba, the loner in the class became a spider, while most became humans. Ayanokoji and some others ended up in a similar situation to her...

MrCluckYou · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

11: Solomon and Humans

We finished piling up the Ferects on the side of the cave.

It was a relatively fast process and this food should last a while.

I took 10 bodies to the side wall in 60 seconds, so the clean-up was indeed swift.

Due to my sudden stat increase, my hunger bar was halfway or so. I had more stamina than before but I'm unsure if it decrease faster due to my higher ratio in speed.

How many of these will I have to eat to gain 280 food points? If the raptor which is larger than this nearly filled up 200, let's say this one fills up 50 each.

Do I have to eat around six of these?

The Editable Eggs skill is convenient since I can choose my stats. However, at this point in time, hunting provides more stats. I can do both as I plan, as hunting gives levels and stats and my eggs give more on the skill spectrum.

I need to max it to 10 to get more skills options and I need to evolve once again to evolve my three main intrinsic skills.

[Kiyotaka, Kumoko is going to evolve now]

{Got it, as I said before, we will guard her.}

I wonder what options she has and what she would choose. I don't understand much about her besides she, is not the talkative type so it's nigh impossible to predict. However, she'll probably keep in mind the size of the evolution and choose what she thinks based on that.

Kumoko began to glow slightly a little while after, seemingly starting her evolution process.

Now onto appraisal.

Due to its new level, I gained the ability to see my skills.

I started to inspect them as I had done previously. In reality, there wasn't much to appraise as most of them were straightforward but I appraised some anyways.

『Appraisal LV 7: allows the user to get information about other objects within the System 』

That's understandable but what system? Is it referring to this entire skill thing and wouldn't that mean this is more of an add-on, not a natural occurrence? Who could create something like this and why? Deciding I should move on as this information is unobtainable currently, I appraised Editable Eggs.

『Editable Eggs LV 6: allows the user to manipulate its offspring's status while in egg form』

Sounds strange but knew already somewhat.

『Memory LV 6: expands the amount of information and clarity of it the user can remember』

Once again, something that was self-explainable from the name. Now skipping past some similar ones, I inspected Heresy Magic.

『Heresy Magic LV 3: Magic that directly assaults the soul』

Does it target the soul? I assumed it targeted the mind, hence the discomfort and phantom pain, making the target think they were hurt.

If it can hit the soul, is it possible it can destroy it as well? If that happens, the being struck by the onslaught would be an empty husk and would they move on instinct?

Most likely they'll drop dead on the spot.

Can't I use this on beings and kill them without doing physical attacks?

There has to be some catch though, so let's assume it takes an absurd amount of MP for the moment. Either way, leveling it to the maximum should be one of my top priorities.

I should use it no matter what I fight to improve proficiency since unlike the other types of magic, I need a living target.

Not only that, raising the resistance is extremely important as well, otherwise what I theorize might be used on me.

Anyways, the way it's worded says the assault on the soul. Is there magic that manipulates the soul in the way the user wants? From the knowledge skill, it mentioned nothing of the sort. Is there a limit or is it nonexistent magic?

I should experiment with this right now as I'm quite curious.

Now, what would you define as a soul? The soul or psyche comprises the mental abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, qualia, memory, perception, thinking, etc.

This is why I initially assumed it was just a mental attack. While they are correlated, they are slightly different. Depending on the philosophical system, a soul can either be mortal or immortal so the question is, can a soul be swayed?

If it's just altering a feeling one might have, I just have to have a vague understanding of said feeling. Let's say I wanted to make someone happy. Can I imagine dopamine interacting with their being, to promote happiness?

I tried using such a thing on Kei. Altering a feeling that can't necessarily be harmful unless permanent.

I tried that is.

No MP dropped and I felt little to nothing.

I attempted everything else but I felt nothing. I'm either not visualizing it properly or this magic does not exist.


Inside this system that was mentioned, there are skills. Are these set in stone or can they be changed? I find it hard to believe something called First Evolved Chicken was made, just waiting for a chicken to evolve.

First of all, why wait for an animal when you can do it for more vital creatures?

This leads me to believe they can be added and changed as someone pleases.

Who is that someone? Is it multiple people? The only thing I can think of if this system is part of the whole world is that they have to be extremely powerful. I might even believe it if they were a deity.

However, would they be able to make a skill that can control souls versus just disturbing them? Are they not powerful enough? If it's such a skill, it should be given that the user has complete resistance against it and full knowledge of how to use it.

It would cost a lot so an increase in Magic-related stats would be insanely beneficial.

This is just me speculating, as I doubt this could be-


A sound similar to what you could hear from a static radio filled my ears.


Compared with the other sounds, there was a dinging sound. This was similar to Voice-san in how it spoke into my head but never before has it done something like this. I've only heard a monotone voice so why the static?

"Upper Administrator D has accepted the request."

Adminstrator D? Accepting it makes it appear as if it's a being with intelligence. Accepted what though?

"Now constructing the skill 『Soul Full Solomon』"

Solomon? If I remember correctly, he was a great king, handling things smoothly even in dire situations. There was even a book titled, Wisdom of Solomon. Is this knowledge related? The Soul Full part is rather intriguing too.

"Construction Completed"

"Conditions are not yet satisfied. Cannot acquire skill 『Soul Full Solomon』"

It appears a skill was made but I do not meet the requirements to gain it.

Is it perhaps an evolution of other skills?

Checking all of them, I can imagine what his skill requires. I'm assuming Appraisal LV 10 and Detection LV 10 are necessary due to the intelligent nature of Solomon. For the Soul Full part, I can imagine the max level of heresy magic is required.

I feel like I'm missing something else. Due to the sound of the skill it almost makes sense for multiple ones to make it up. Overeating might be a factor in it, yet I'm unsure. However, it doesn't change much. I should still level as fast as possible, regardless of a new skill existing. Due to the fact it exists, others can take it as well so I just have to work that much more.

There is one thing I learned from this though. The person named Administrator D, might be the deity I hypothesized earlier.

The concerning part is that they were watching me and able to read my thoughts. How else would they understand what I was asking for when I said nothing was allowed?

Anyways, Soul Full Solomon probably has what I was looking for; Soul Manipulation and possibly knowledge and magic-related skills.

I decided to move on, appraising the rest of my skills not skipping over any.

I found two interesting:

『Dragon Feather LV3: Reduces physical and magical damage taken』

『Longevity LV2: Adds 10x the skill level to HP. Growth correction from each level up.』

The dragon feathers had the interesting ability to lessen the damage taken, and the longevity did indeed increase health.

My guess is that it is a tier 2 skill as Strength and Solid had similar bonuses but drastically less effect. Those two are probably tier 1s.

The question is, how could I level these up? Would slamming myself against the wall improve solid?

Will lifting heavy things improve strength? Doesn't that mean that if I exercise, I will improve skills like these? Wait, if I exercise, wouldn't martial arts be viable? I can try replicating some past techniques and adding twists as I have been doing.

My levels for my main three abilities, wings, beak, and claws are maxed until the next evolution so training them would be a waste. That leaves cognitive, physical, and magical then.

Let's begin. I moved farther off to the side, and activated appraisal consistently, doing math as well. I activated rock hardening to deal with the weight for training. I then started the magic wanted to try. Since my earth magic was the most relevant I started using the second level of it, earth spear.

This one is made around a 2-meter-high wall. the actual spear was somewhat wide and not necessarily a handheld weapon. It was more like a spike from the floor, wide at the base and slowly becoming narrower. I repeated this process 20 times in order to create a circle of sorts.

My MP dropped from max and I was left with 302/414. During the time I created it, three skills leveled up.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Earth Magic LV2』 has become 『Earth Magic LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Mental Arithmetic LV9』 has become 『Mental Arithmetic LV10』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Mental Arithmetic LV10』 has become 『High Speed Processing LV1』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Magic Power Operation LV1』 has become 『Magic Power Operation LV2』"

One skill evolved and finally, magic power operation leveled up. I was unsure why it didn't before to be honest.

I also unlocked Earth Magic Level 3 and attempted to use it again. For experimenting, I generated wind magic and popped it around my mouth. This oxygen seems to be cleaner too, making it more enjoyable to breathe in. Earth Magic LV 3 was called Merge.

I attempted it and the spikes gradually compressed. Eventually, I was left with a sturdy perimeter, and from there, my magic control once again raised.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Magic Power Operation LV2』 has become 『Magic Power Operation LV3』"

I proceeded to around and then added detection to my mental tasks. I almost halted what I was doing immediately but managed to fight the pain.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Detection LV3』 has become 『Detection LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Heresy Resistance LV9』 has become 『Heresy Resistance LV10』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Heresy Resistance LV10』 has become 『Super Heresy Resistance LV1』"

The pain dramatically lessened but it was still there nonetheless. Leaving detection on, I started to use water balls until the area was 3/4 of the way full. It took 40 spells, and my mana was low now at 90/414. From that though...

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Water Magic LV2』 has become 『Water Magic LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Thought Acceleration LV9』 has become 『Thought Acceleration LV10』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Thought Acceleration LV10』 has become 『Super Thought Acceleration LV1』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Magic Power Perception LV4』 has become 『Magic Power Perception LV5』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Memory LV6』 has become 『Memory LV7』"

My thought speed feels slightly increased but as per usual, there's not a drastic difference. Same thing with memory

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Rock Hardening LV2』 has become 『Rock Hardening LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Strength LV2』 has become 『Strength LV3』"

It's working apparently. My mana is running low though, apparently, Rock Hardening takes an MP every 5 seconds.

I walked over to the Ferects and grabbed two, beginning to fly. I dropped them in the water and repeated this process 4 more times. With 10 in the water, I deactivated Rock Hardening which conveniently raised a level along with strength and threw multiple fire spells using the rest of my MP.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Fire Magic LV2』 has become 『Fire Magic LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Detection LV4』 has become 『Detection LV5』"

Do boiled centipedes taste good?

I'm not sure.

I suddenly got an idea. If I gain heresy resistance from experiencing it, can't I gain something from this too? I hopped in the boiling water and was met with immense pain. My HP, despite it being full before, might be empty if I stayed in for an hour. Obviously, there was no need to do that.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Pain Mitigation LV3』 has become 『Pain Mitigation LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Pain Resistance LV4』 was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Heat Resistance LV3』was acquired"

I got out, determining withstanding the heat any longer could be bad. My health doesn't regenerate over time after all. I might actually be killed by something. Is there a skill that regenerates health?

"Insufficient Skill points"

Can I acquire Hunt?

"Currently, you have 130 skill points. Do you want to acquire the skill 『Hunt LV1』?"


I gained 80 from each level and 50 from evolution perhaps? The regeneration skill is expensive.

My legs are still tingling from the burns.

Since I ran out of MP, I couldn't work with magic anymore moment so I attempted to do higher quantities of physical work.

I ran back and forth, my Yellow SP running out. I decided to continue partially into the red SP bar then I would take a break. Through running, I received two skills.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Running LV1』 was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Persistent LV1』 was acquired"

Doing a quick appraisal of both, they appear similar to Strength and Solid. One works with speed and the other with stamina.

If there are some that work with increasing stats, shouldn't there be one with MP too?

I felt as if I should've gained it when I depleted it fully. Do I have to attempt using magic for as long as possible, more like an endurance side than a quick output? I should attempt that in the future as it might level MP Consumption Down.

Stopping for now to eat, I walked over to the giant pot I made and pulled out the centipedes, having to dig my legs in the hot water for a moment. Once taking them out, I thought of something. Can I boil...?

I immediately opened the menu and oriented it completely for magic stats. I then pressed 10 eggs, and all of them dropped into the water. If I wait for 20 minutes or so, they should be certainly cooked. This water cooled down slightly hence the longer time.

As I waited, I was about to try eating some of the centipedes when the familiar-looking spider walked over. It seems Kumoko has finished her evolution. Kei was in the background watching me somewhat while using some of the skills like appraisal as I instructed her to. She moved slowly but surely closer over time, so when I started to eat, she was already meters away.

I made 10 for the sole purpose of sharing in the first place anyways. Them gathering like this by themselves saves me the work of getting their attention.

We all stood without any words, and I ate the first bite. The texture was akin to eating a crab, at least from what I've heard about it should be similar.

In general, crab meat has a sweet, delicate flavor with a slightly briny taste.

Crab meat has a natural sweetness that is often compared to the taste of lobster or shrimp. This sweetness is particularly pronounced in the meat of larger crabs like king crabs and Dungeness crabs.

Crabs are also found in salty ocean waters, and this gives their meat a slightly briny taste. The brininess can be more or less pronounced depending on the species of crab and where it was caught. It also has a rich umami flavor, which is often described as a savory taste that lingers on the tongue.

This flavor comes from glutamate, an amino acid found in many foods that trigger the umami taste receptors in our mouths.

The texture of crab meat can vary depending on how it is prepared. In general, crab meat is tender and flaky, with a slightly firm texture that holds together well. The meat can be delicate or slightly chewy, depending on the species of crab and how it was cooked.

Crab meat has a mild, slightly sweet aroma that is often described as "oceanic" or "sea-like." This aroma can be more or less pronounced depending on the freshness of the crab and how it was prepared.

In summary, crab meat has a sweet, delicate flavor with a slight brininess and rich umami taste. The texture is tender and flaky, and the aroma is mild and slightly oceanic.

That was the opposite of this. The poisonous taste remained, and it was bitter.

Not only that, forget about saltiness, it feels like somebody put a full container of black pepper per square centimeter. Not only that, but it had a rotting smell. The only reason why I compared it to a crab was the texture, as mentioned in the beginning. Otherwise, it was completely different from it.

If I'm being honest, the taste was probably lagging behind the spider, but uncooked was worse personally. Let me keep in mind to not kill these excessively, there are other tastier things than them. I could possibly get high amounts of speed though so perhaps...

It's not like I'll probably come across a horde again soon though. I probably killed the entire group of them and I can assume they don't live especially close due to previous knowledge of bugs.

Kumoko just ate it as per usual, not showing many expressions and Kei had a wrinkled expression, her dislike of it obvious.

I wonder if there's a skill where you can deactivate your taste buds as you please. That might make it more bearable for all of us. Some time passed and I ate 5 that were already cooked and ate 5 more from the corpse pile. While these look slightly big, they don't have much meat on them.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Over Eating LV1』 has become 『Over Eating LV2』"

My health and magic recovered slowly but the effect wasn't great. I have 60 MP currently and the eggs finished a little while ago. I left them in the water for now and planned to take them out but the water was hot still.

Now that I have MP recovered, I used Ice Magic and dropped in 6 shots of it. It should be a good temperature soon.

I passed the time appraising things and appraised Kumoko in the process.

『Species: Small Taratect

Level: 1






Failed to Appraise Full Status』

Aren't her stats kind of low? No, setting that to the side, I was now able to partially appraise others' statuses.

I guess I have been able to ever since appraisal leveled.

A little while later, I ate my eggs and enough time has passed since that my MP which was now 534, is full. I was about to level my magic once again when I picked up a noise in the distance. Detection, which I had off temporarily, was activated once again and on the left side of the tunnel, there were four things running in our direction.


One wore a robe, a tall hat, and a staff, appearing to be a wizard of sorts. Two wielded swords, and had light armor dressed on them. In the front leading them was a burly man with a large shield and spear.

As they neared closer, I hurriedly approached the entrance in order to intercept them and gain more information.

{Kei, there are humans here. They seem hostile}


{Yes, there are four of them}

As I said that, they were in view finally and I appraised each one of them, going in the order I mentioned previously.

『Species: Human

Level: 23






Failed to Appraise Full Status』

The wizard as expected had a high MP stat. Instead of shooting fire magic, they used the torch and web began to burn at a rapid pace. Isn't spider web a bit too flammable?

『Species: Human

Level: 20






Failed to Appraise Full Status』

Lowest level human so far...

『Species: Human

Level: 26






Failed to Appraise Full Status』

And onto the final one.

『Species: Human

Level: 29






Failed to Appraise Full Status』

Is it possible to win against these people?

Kumoko has low stats but might be able to trap them. They most likely will be able to dodge it though. It's not like I'll send her to fight them though.

{Kei, tell Kumoko to sever the threads from this tunnel. They're burning them}

The house and other defenses should maintain intact if she does it properly.

Moving back to the humans, not only do they have high stats, but it also looks as if they recently ate, given their mostly filled hunger bar.

They marched forward, the web burning in front of them but they appeared cautious with their step and fully prepared the whole time. Was spider web that sticky and a cause of concern for them?

The most efficient way to rid them would be pouring water on the floor and waiting till they step in it. At that point, I would send lightning magic coursing through it.

There is a problem with that though.

They're all wearing boots, and thick ones at that. The lightning cannot conduct properly leading to no effect.

The best bet would be using heresy magic and then shooting another one or two.

I activated phantom pain in all four of them and they fell down to their knees slightly. They seemed to handle it better than I thought, especially the mage. Before they got the chance to stand up, I shot arrays of Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Ice magic at them, creating 2 of each per person.

However, the large man in the front stood and caught sight of the projectiles then slammed his shield on the floor to protect himself. Correction, he managed to create a barrier of sorts, and all the magic hit it but dissipated away after. Magic attacks won't work against that barrier but...

I channeled magic into the floor and made it travel as far as I could and used an earth spear, successfully impaling the mage in the rear. His health dropped to near 0 in an instant but it would be a few more minutes before they perish.

I activated that in parallel so as the mage got impaled other spears shot from the floor. The other humans witnessed their impaled friend and possibly due to their faster reflexes, dodged out of the way.

It seems this tactic was now rendered useless as they were alert, keeping eye on the floor. It used 100 MP from me so definitely not something I should be activating recklessly either.

Since they were still partially distracted and had their attention elsewhere, I struck in a different way.

I flew out above the nearly fully burnt web and reached them in seconds. The leader caught sight of me, a complex expression on his face, but he quickly yelled something to the others. I suppose the language in this world is different but also their clothes... are quite medieval aren't they?

I then swooped down, charging beak first into the barrier, and much to my luck, it shattered. My speed slowed down slightly as a result. The human I was aiming for successfully chopped off one of my wings, leading me to tumble slightly but I was still able to hit the level 20 human who immediately fell down to the floor after being immobilized. Doesn't this paralysis attack work better than I thought?

His health remained constant, but he couldn't lift even a finger. I ran away knowing trying to fly would be useless.

His remaining two members looked at him startled but quickly prepared for another attack.

This time, I activated phantom insanity from heresy magic. The male with the shield didn't activate the barrier fully and I shot multiple lightning bolts at the shield, making a great conductor. He was rendered unconscious, his high health saving him by a thread.

Now for one last thing, I won't kill the last person instantly. I decided to use Petrification Demon Eye on him. I'm not sure if eating humans would be very appetizing, so I used this in hopes to level it up. His legs slowly turned to stone and he panicked, trying to run.

He misstepped and fell down. The tip of his boot and his feet shattered from the sudden impact.

The male screamed loudly, probably from the mixture of pain and the insanity magic he has activated on him.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Petrifying Demon Eye LV1』 has become 『Petrifying Demon Eye LV2』"

When his waist became stone, I walked closer to fully kill the others before they manage to regain consciousness and recover.

I stepped over to the strongest human here and pecked his neck as blood splurted out his pierced jugular and his health shot to zero.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Lesser Chicken LV4 has become LV7"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Accelerated Growth LV4』 has become 『Accelerated Growth LV5』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Lightning Magic LV2』 has become 『Lightning Magic LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『MP Consumption Down LV5』 has become 『MP Consumption Down LV6』"

3 levels from one person? Isn't that insanely high?

Then diverge kicked in.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV4』, skills『HP Auto-Recovery LV5 • MP Recovery Speed LV3 • SP Recovery Speed LV5 • SP Lessened Consumption LV5 • Longevity LV4 • Instant Body LV5 • Endurance LV5 • Herculean Strength LV2 • Sturdy LV4 • Acceleration LV2 • Hit LV8 • Evasion LV 8 • Concentration LV9 • Prediction LV3 • Destruction Resistance LV2 • Impact Resistance LV5 • Cutting Resistance LV5 • Fire Resistance LV2 • Poison Resistance LV2 • Pain Resistance LV1 • Olfactory Enhancement LV8 • Taste Enhacement LV4 • Tactile Enhacement LV6 • Shield Dome LV 4』 was acquired"

Isn't this a bit excessive? Do humans typically have more skills? It would make sense since they probably share knowledge of them...

[EH?! Why did I level so much?! Are you safe Kiyotaka?!]

{Yes, finishing up over here...}

"『Longevity LV4』 has unified into 『Longevity LV5』"

"『Persistent LV1』 has unified into 『Endurance LV6』"

"『Strength LV3』 has unified into 『Herculean Strength LV3』"

"『Solid LV3』 has unified into 『Sturdy LV5』"

"『Running LV1』 has unified into 『Acceleration LV3』"

"『Concentration LV9』 has unified into 『Super Thought Acceleration LV2』"

"『Poison Resistance LV2』 has unified into 『Super Poison Resistance LV4』"

"『Pain Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Pain Resistance LV5』"

"Unable to withdraw 8 skills due to level"

There were more?

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 60% of stats"

After that, I stepped towards the paralyzed one, while keeping an eye on the almost complete statue and proceeded to repeat the process I did with the other man.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Lesser Chicken LV7 has become LV8"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Poison Attack LV1 』 has become 『Poison Attack LV2』"

Another level...

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV4』, skills『HP Auto-Recovery LV2 • SP Recovery Speed LV3 • SP Lessened Consumption LV2 • Longevity LV4 • Instant Body LV5 • Endurance LV5 • Herculean Strength LV2 • Sturdy LV2 • Acceleration LV2 • Hit LV8 • Evasion LV 8 • Concentration LV4, Prediction LV2 • Cutting Resistance LV2 • Pain Resistance LV1 was acquired"

"『HP Auto-Recovery LV2』 has unified into 『HP Auto-Recovery LV7』"

"『SP Recovery Speed LV3』 has unified into 『SP Recovery Speed LV8』"

"『SP Consumption Down LV2』 has unified into 『SP Consumption Down LV7』"

"『Longevity LV4』 has unified into 『Longevity LV6』"

"『Instant Body LV5』 has unified into 『Instant Body LV10』"

"『Endurance LV5』 has unified into 『Endurance LV10』"

"『Heculean Strength LV2』 has unified into 『Herculean Strength LV5』"

"『Sturdy LV2』 has unified into 『Sturdy LV7』"

"『Acceleration LV2』 has unified into 『Acceleration LV5』"

"『Hit LV8』 has unified into 『Hit LV10』"

"『Evasion LV8』 has unified into 『Evasion LV10』"

"『Evasion LV10』 and 『Hit LV10』 unified into 『Probability Correction LV1』"

"『Concentration LV4』 has unified into 『Super Thought Acceleration LV3』"

"『Prediction LV2』 has unified into 『Prediction LV5』"

"『Cutting Resistance LV2』 has unified into 『Cutting Resistance LV7』"

"『Pain Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Pain Resistance LV6』"

"Unable to withdraw 6 skills due to level"

Oh wow, killing humans is better than I thought it would be.

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 60% of stats"

I finished off the other sword used which fully died from petrification.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Lesser Chicken LV8 has become LV9"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Petrification Demon Eye LV2 』 has become 『Petrification Demon Eye LV3』"


"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV4』, skills『HP Auto-Recovery LV2 • SP Recovery Speed LV3 • SP Lessened Consumption LV2 • Longevity LV4 • Instant Body LV5 • Endurance LV5 • Herculean Strength LV2 • Sturdy LV3 • Acceleration LV3 • Hit LV8 • Evasion LV 8 • Concentration LV6, Prediction LV2 • Cutting Resistance LV3 • Pain Resistance LV1 was acquired"

"『HP Auto-Recovery LV2』 has unified into 『HP Auto-Recovery LV9』"

"『SP Recovery Speed LV3』 has unified into 『SP Recovery Speed LV10』"

"『SP Recovery Speed LV10』 has become 『Super SP Recovery Speed LV1』"

"『SP Consumption Down LV2』 has unified into 『SP Consumption Down LV9』"

"『Longevity LV4』 has unified into 『Longevity LV10』"

"『Instant Body LV10』 has become 『Ultimate Movement LV1』"

"『Endurance LV5』 has unified into 『Endurance LV10』"

"『Endurance LV10』 has become 『Fortune LV1』"

"『Heculean Strength LV3』 has unified into 『Herculean Strength LV8』"

"『Sturdy LV2』 has unified into 『Sturdy LV9』"

"『Acceleration LV3』 has unified into 『Acceleration LV8』"

"『Hit LV8』 has unified into 『Probability Correction LV2』"

"『Evasion LV8』 has unified into 『Probability Correction LV3』"

"『Concentration LV6』 has unified into 『Super Thought Acceleration LV4』"

"『Prediction LV2』 has unified into 『Prediction LV7』"

"『Cutting Resistance LV2』 has unified into 『Cutting Resistance LV10』"

"『Pain Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Pain Resistance LV7』"

"Unable to withdraw 7 skills due to level"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 60% of stats"

Now as for the last one, the mage, they died on cue.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Lesser Chicken LV9 has become LV10"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Earth Magic LV4』 has become 『Earth Magic LV5』"

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV4』, skills『HP Auto-Recovery LV2 • MP Recovery Speed LV5 • SP Recovery Speed LV1 • MP Consumption Down LV5 • SP Lessened Consumption LV1 • Longevity LV2 • Instant Body LV1 • Endurance LV2 • Herculean Strength LV2 • Sturdy LV2 • Acceleration LV2 • Magic Hoard LV5• Hit LV10 • Evasion LV 6 • Concentration LV10 • Prediction LV4 • Fire Resistance LV3 • Lightning Resistance LV2 • Pain Resistance LV1 was acquired"

"『HP Auto-Recovery LV2』 has unified into 『HP Auto-Recovery LV9』"

"『MP Recovery Speed LV5』 has unified into 『MP Recovery Speed LV8』"

"『SP Recovery Speed LV1』 has unified into 『Super SP Recovery Speed LV2』"

"『MP Consumption Down LV5』 has unified into 『MP Consumption Down LV10』"

"『MP Consumption Down LV10』 has become 『MP Consumption Minimized LV1』"

"『SP Consumption Down LV1』 has unified into 『SP Consumption Down LV10』"

"『Longevity LV2』 has unified into 『Longevity LV10』"

"『Longevity LV10』 has become 『Ultimate Life LV1』"

"『Instant Body LV1』 has unified into 『Ultimate Movement LV2』"

"『Endurance LV2』 has unified into 『Fortune LV2』"

"『Heculean Strength LV2』 has unified into 『Herculean Strength LV10』"

"『Sturdy LV2』 has unified into 『Sturdy LV10』"

"『Sturdy LV10』 has become 『Stronghold LV1』"

"『Acceleration LV2』 has unified into 『Acceleration LV10』"

"『Hit LV10』 has unified into 『Probability Correction LV4』"

"『Evasion LV6』 has unified into 『Probability Correction LV5』"

"『Concentration LV10』 has unified into 『Super Thought Acceleration LV5』"

"『Prediction LV4』 has unified into 『Prediction LV10』"

"『Prediction LV10』 has become 『Foresight LV1』"

"『Fire Resistance LV2』 has unified into 『Fire Resistance LV5』"

"『Pain Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Pain Resistance LV8』"

"Unable to withdraw 8 skills due to level"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 60% of stats"

I felt vastly stronger and got an absurd amount of skills as well.

"Conditions met. Title, 『Merciless』 acquired"

"By the effects of the title 『Merciless』, skill 『Heresy Magic LV1』『Heresy Resistance LV1』 was acquired"

"『Heresy Magic LV1』 has unified into 『Heresy Magic LV4』"

"『Heresy Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Super Heresy Resistance LV3』"

Another title?

"Conditions met. Individual, Lesser Chicken can evolve"

Already? I am level 10 I suppose.

Kiyo's Current Information:

Species: Lesser Chicken (Evolving...)

Level: 10


HP:999(Green) (Somehow got this perfectly by doing the math lmao)




Average Offensive Ability:664

Average Defensive Ability:770

Average Magic Ability:424

Average Resistance Ability:434

Average Speed Ability:1724

『Skills: Appraisal LV7, Editable Eggs LV6, High Speed Processing LV1, Memory LV6, Razor Sharp Beak LV10, Super Thought Acceleration LV5, Parallel Thinking LV9, Turbulent Flight LV10, Steel Grip LV10, Diverge LV4, Perception Expansion LV5, Super Poison Resistance LV8, Corrosion Nullification LV3, Heresy Magic LV3, Taboo LV3, Stealth LV1, Overeating LV 2, Pain Mitigation LV4, Acid Resistance LV4, Accelerated Growth LV5, n%w=l, Petrifying Demon Eye LV3, Magic Power Perception LV5, Magic Power Operation LV6, Petrification Resistance LV2, Detection LV5, Super Heresy Resistance LV 2, Poison Attack LV 1, Cooperation LV 10, Dragon Feather LV3, Rock Hardening LV3, Ultimate Life LV 1, Herculean Strength LV 10, Stronghold LV1, Fire Magic LV3, Magic Consumption Down LV 5, Knowledge LV 10, Water Magic LV4, Earth Magic LV5, Wind Magic LV2, Plant Magic LV1, Lightning Magic LV2, Poison Magic LV1, Ice Magic LV1, Shadow Magic LV1, Light Magic LV1, Healing Magic LV1, Heavy Magic LV1, Space Magic LV1, Ultra Paralysis Attack LV10, Paralysis Nullification LV10, Exhaustion Nullification LV10, Pain Resistance LV 8, Heat Resistance LV 3, Acceleration LV10, Fortune LV2, Magic Hoard LV5, HP Auto-Recovery LV9, MP Recovery Speed LV8, Super SP Recovery Speed LV2, MP Consumption Minimized LV1, SP Consumption Down LV10, Fire Resistance LV5, Probability Correction LV5, Foresight LV1, Ultimate Movement LV 2, Cutting Resistance LV10, Destruction Resistance LV2, Impact Resistance LV5, Olfactory Enhancement LV8, Taste Enhacement LV4, Tactile Enhacement LV6, Shield Dome LV 4』


Super Computer Brain

Gross Feeder

Kin Eater

First Evolved Chicken

Monster Slayer



~Authors note~

Sorry for the long delay, take extra long chappie.

P.S. I don't hate humans, I just had a fun time describing their deaths.