
Kumiai, Cookies & “Genki” Club

Do you know the feeling of not knowing what to say to someone when they ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?". This is especially true when you're still in high school, like our heroine Rina. They say that the best way to find your vocation is to try as many different things as possible and enjoy your life to the fullest. And what better place than Kumiai to get the best experiences and unforgettable memories. An island full of surprises, a lively school, a bit of fantasy, and the promise of following funny adventures with young Rina and her two friends Aya and Sophie. In the Genki Club, Rina will always be there to solve the problems of the students and anyone else in need, no matter how crazy the requests are... https://kumiai.moe/

Jessie_Ka_ · Urban
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54 Chs

Heading to Kumiai

The three young girls find themselves on the bridge of the shuttle, the sea air is fresh and pleasant, the day announces itself splendid and full of twists.

Rina walks over to the railing and leans in to enjoy the gentle sea winds.

*Deep breath*

"I had missed that smell of salt and fish, it feels like it's been forever."

Rina's eyes wander to the horizon and her face shows a certain nostalgia, as if she is recalling old memories.

"What are you talking about? You spent your vacation on Kumiai enjoying the beach and hot springs. Just yesterday you were there in your swimsuit, I saw your pictures on Instagram."

"Shhh Aya, respect this emotional and poetic moment. Can't you see I'm celebrating our first shuttle ride of the year with a cliché movie scene…"

"You know how Rina-chan is, always exaggerating."

"We won't change her."

"Without you two the summer holidays seemed interminable, so now that I have you back I'm not going to deprive myself!"

The trip to Kumiai usually takes about 30 minutes to complete, so this is an opportunity to share holiday memories. Then follows a long account of the past events during their summer trips.

"By the way I think about it Rina, wasn't your little sister supposed to be with us this morning?"

"No, actually since she was the student council president at the middle school last year, this year she has to come three days before the official start of school to settle some obligations. As a result, they gave her early access to the dorms, so she could choose her own room."

"So young and yet already so much responsibility on her shoulders, Sana-chan is amazing."

"I'm so proud of my little sister, she's following in mom's footsteps to perfection, I'd almost be jealous. One day I will catch up with them both and I too will become a respected and charismatic woman!"

The girls are laughing and joking and not even paying attention to what's going on at the front of the ship, until Sophie notices the commotion.

"Look, there must be something going on up front, the ship's staff is gathering on the foredeck."

"Um, my curiosity is starting to kick in, let's go see what's going on."

Rina takes Sophie and Aya by the hand and all three head towards the front of the ship.

The scene is improbable, a man dressed in a long white coat standing on the railing of the bow which seems to reproduce the mythical scene of Titanic and a horde of sailors who try to get him off without success.

"Sir, please get down from there, you're going overboard!"

"HAHAHA! It's a unique feeling, standing there, facing the vastness of the ocean. Me, who is just a microbe in comparison. And yet this posture makes me feel like the strongest man in the world… Simply incredible…"

"This is no time to be theatrical Mr. Melon! You've been authorized to do research on the shuttle, but if it's going to put you in danger, it's not going to happen."

"Who told you about danger? I have complete control over what I'm doing, hydrodynamic wave resistance to advancement, weather conditions taking into account all variables, my own body center of gravity and balance control, etc… everything is calculated matey."

"I don't want to know, here you have to follow the safety rules of the ship and the first rule is: DO NOT DIE LIKE AN IDIOT!"

A woman also dressed in a white coat approaches the group with… a collar and a dog leash in her hand?

"Mrs. Wilson, do something, he will listen to you."

*Whip noise*

"I'm sorry it has to come to this again but you leave me no choice Professor Melon. It's time you stopped causing problems for the people around you."

"Ah Stella, I didn't see you, come and enjoy the view with me."

The woman moves closer to the professor and before he can even react, she puts the collar and dog leash on him and yanks him away from the bow of the ship.

Melon sprawls on the ground pitifully with his face against the ground and his buttocks raised. An awkward silence sets in for a few seconds.

"You know how it ends every time but yet you persist, I'm going to come to believe that you like it Professor."

"You know you're lucky that I'm so magnanimous Stella-san?"

"I would rather say that despite your superior intellect when it comes to decency and respect for others you have the level of a retarded monkey."

"How cold you are! You'll end up alone if you keep this attitude, you know that"

"My personal life is not the point, just keep your nose clean until the end of the ride. And stop taking that snide tone under the guise of politeness."

The intervention of Stella Wilson was able to calm the agitation caused by Professor Melon. The members of the crew of the shuttle return to their posts, the journey can resume normally.

A little further away, the three girls watched the scene as if it were a TV show.

Sophie seemed to recognize Professor Melon and the woman holding him on a leash.

"It seemed like I had seen these people somewhere before, it was Professor Melon and Professor Wilson.."

"Are they known?"

"In middle school and high school not really, but in the university section they are very popular. Still, Professor Melon is the director of the Universal Science Research Center(USRC Island), a very active lecturer and also a great genius inventor."

"Um, a man of science…his knowledge must be limitless."

"Yes, he is very intelligent. As for Miss Wilson, she is part of Professor Melon's private research group, she is a Canadian scientist who contributed a lot to the development of Kumiai."

"Hey, you know a lot about them Sophie, I didn't think you were that interested in the world of science."

"I attended a lecture open to the public last year held by Professor Melon on the search for exoplanets. It was so exciting that I ended up going to all the open lectures."

"You could have said that earlier! I would have liked to go too…"

Sophie takes Rina in her arms and caresses her head to comfort her.

"Sorry Rina-chan, next time we'll go together I promise. Will you come too Aya-chan?"

"Of course!"

The shuttle is about to arrive at its destination and while the girls continue their conversation, right next door, Lynn, Finn and Schwei are interested in this mysterious scientist.

"Sophie seems to know this gentleman, I've never seen him before though. Have you ever met him, Lynn?" *Finn*

"His face tells me something, but at the same time he tells me nothing…" *Lynn*

"Um, no wonder you don't know him, Finn, you're never around when Sophie goes to the amphitheater for those lectures. Too busy sneaking around with the female students. And you Lynn, you fall asleep almost instantly as soon as the lectures start." *Vaterschweigen (Shuu-chan)*

"I've always had trouble with complicated human subjects…" *Lynn*

"Oh oh oh, that explains it. Please understand, Mister Vaterschweigen, that I cannot ignore the presence of these sweet ladies. These university students possess a charm that I cannot describe." *Finn*

"You probably haven't noticed, but this man is turning out to be very interesting." *Vaterschweigen (Shuu-chan)*

"Now that's rare! Would Mister take an interest in any other human but Sophie?" *Finn*

"Having observed him well and listened to his theses in lectures, I can easily say that he stands out from the common man. He feigns his intellect and ambition through foolishness and absurdity but his aura speaks volumes about the destiny of this man. He will influence the world in the future and so will the young human who accompanies him." *Vaterschweigen (Shuu-chan)*

"Well, to make Messire the Great Dragon talk so much, this teacher must really be special…" *Lynn*

*Ship mooring tune*

The music that announces the end of the journey resounds, it is currently 8:00 am and the ceremony of the beginning of the school year starts at 9:00 am in the big amphitheatre.

Rina takes the arm of her two friends, gets off the ship and heads for the main gate of the island.

"Come on girls, let's not waste time, we have a back to school to attend!"