
Kronos: Levelling In The World Of Magic

In the pulsating realm of Gaia, where mana flowed through every being like a sweet, enchanting river, Arthur Cumore stood out as the lone exception. In a world ruled by magicians and wizards, he lived freely despite lacking the mystical touch of magic. Cast away by his parents, Arthur embraced a life that forced him into the role of an orphan, a reality he couldn't escape. Devoid of the ability to wield mana, Arthur found himself worth less than the carcass of the lowliest beast, its remains fetching a higher price than his mere existence. Yet, in the face of adversity, his struggles only fueled his determination. As he navigated the twists and turns that could break even the mightiest, Arthur refused to succumb to the lowest point of his life. Unyielding, he pursued the one thing that brought him solace – knowledge of the continent, Agrazeel. In the dynamic tapestry of Agrazeel, a continent drowning in pride, wars, and hierarchies, Arthur defied expectations. He became the first of the homeless, an exceptional status that couldn't be savored for long. Life led him to a temple, a fateful encounter awaiting him with an entity shrouded in mystery: Kronosia, a being above the very Gods and Goddesses of Agrazeel. Thus begins the odyssey of a perceived "trash" that would make even the divine weep tears of blood. In a world of wizards, emperors, and knights, Arthur Cumore's journey unfolds – a journey where he rises from the depths, conquering all, and bringing the mighty to their knees. Amidst the seven wizard towers ruled by the Wizard Kings of the time and seven orders devoted to the seven gods, the Agrazeel continent of Gaia will serve as the stage for Arthur's electrifying conquest. This is not just the story of a man; this is the epic saga of Arthur Cumore, a tale that defies destiny and shakes the very foundations of Gaia.

The_Fake_God · Fantasie
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90 Chs

Warriors of the First Floor

Arthur flashed past the stairs and reached the end of the staircase from the ground to the first floor.

The moment he stepped on the landing where the floor became level, Arthur found himself in a place like none other.

This wasn't the first occurrence of such an event for Arthur.

The moment he had set foot on Earth, he knew he was in a very different place.

Like Gaia, this world was filled with surprises, but the nature of these surprises differed as if separated by an unseen barrier.

'Do all of these buildings contain such objects?' Arthur mumbled to himself as he looked around onto the new floor.

There were different types of equipment's as one would say, but Arthur was unfamiliar with all of them.

Though, while watching the way of utilization of these equipment by the occupants of the floor, Arthur was able to guess the uses.

Currently, his eyes were on a man with a cigar in his mouth who was lifting two small rods, that had mass attached to them.

While Arthur was noting down the movements of the man with the cigar, another man with glasses appeared out of nowhere, that too, right behind Arthur.

Wearing a navy knickerbocker, and a green shirt that was tucked in his short, the man behind Arthur looked out of place even for a place like this one.

Sensing a great presence behind him, Arthur could feel a drop of sweat rolling down his back.

"Who?" Arthur turned around and looked up.

Before Arthur could look at the man, he found himself looking at the dark glasses that the man was wearing. Arthur could see his own reflection which had a stupefied look and knew that the man in front must think of him as a weird kid.

"You look at dumbbell!? And, I cleaner here. But I'm like, Trainer." The man spoke with a smile as his hair that looked fake as hell swagged on his forehead that had a headband with a tick. Not to mention the thick beard that shouted 'MAN' right in Arthur's chubby face.

'What a way of talking. What power' Arthur's first thought generated and at the same time, he knew what he was looking at.

A man who looked normal but the moment his eyes went on to the calves of the man, Arthur knew that this man was something else.

'So, they are called dumbbells!' Arthur was nodding his head while glancing between the man in front of him and the man with the cigar in his mouth, holding the so called dumbbells. 

'And, why is he telling me he cleans here? Such a man is a cleaner?' Arthur looked back at the man before another one appeared behind the one Arthur was staring at.

"Be water, my friend." The man spoke in a smooth manner, as if his words were like butter and his tongue was like a knife.

"He is the one." Arthur instantly shook as the words entered his ears.

With words that contained a world in them, the man who spoke them seemed to be radiating energy and confidence.

'The light.' Arthur had to squint his eyes as the bright yellow dress of the man was blinding him. With each of this man's step, the golden dress took a second before following along.

As if the dress was afraid to match it's wearers movements.

Arthur looking at the man in the golden clothing, was captivated by the whole existence of the man.

There was no way such a man didn't notice Arthur. The man looked at Arthur right in the eyes and brought his face closer to his.

In an instant, Arthur felt a poke at his chest, stomach, double chin, arms, love handles, thighs, and finally on his cheeks.

"All fat. You are too fat to be like wat- hmmm, good muscles, strong bones and a good look in your eyes. I thought he called me here for nothing." The man in the golden dress commented after violating all of Arthur's hard work with a single sentence.

 Arthur couldn't even hear the praise as he was that devastated by the insult. 

'He isn't wrong. I am too fat.' Arthur told himself while wondering about the eating choices he made and how he could have avoided being roasted by a man of such aura.

"Warriors, Thank you for gathering here." A voice erupted from the other end of the big hall.

Three people walked from within the crowd of many. 

Arthur shook as the voice belonged to Goliath and his eyes were already on the man of the moment.

'Warriors. He is the hardest man of this world, and if he is calling others warrior, just who could they be?' Arthur thought while looking around but he already knew that the man in the golden dress was more than a fit to match the description.

On the first floor there were around forty people excluding Arthur and the two beside him.

All of them stopped what they were doing as Goliath followed by two others made their way to Arthur.

One of the two was the man with the thick cigar in his mouth and the other one had a ripped body and was wearing quite tight clothes.

The moment Arthur lingered his questioning gaze on this man for a second longer than necessary, he saw the mouth of the man moving.

"Young man, what color is your Pugatti?" The man pointed directly at Arthur, extending his long arm in his direction.

"You motherfucker! Stop ruining the child with your nonsense. Legs are the best mode of transport, why would u go on that shit when you can run unlimited miles on these two invincible weapons?" Goliath slapped down the man's arm as the three reached Arthur.

Now, Arthur was surrounded by five people.

Every other person on the first floor was looking at the six, four of them were the warriors that Goliath had just described while Arthur was just someone from the other world.

'Are they the warriors of this floor?' Arthur mumbled as though he was in a battlefield.