
Kronos: Levelling In The World Of Magic

In the pulsating realm of Gaia, where mana flowed through every being like a sweet, enchanting river, Arthur Cumore stood out as the lone exception. In a world ruled by magicians and wizards, he lived freely despite lacking the mystical touch of magic. Cast away by his parents, Arthur embraced a life that forced him into the role of an orphan, a reality he couldn't escape. Devoid of the ability to wield mana, Arthur found himself worth less than the carcass of the lowliest beast, its remains fetching a higher price than his mere existence. Yet, in the face of adversity, his struggles only fueled his determination. As he navigated the twists and turns that could break even the mightiest, Arthur refused to succumb to the lowest point of his life. Unyielding, he pursued the one thing that brought him solace – knowledge of the continent, Agrazeel. In the dynamic tapestry of Agrazeel, a continent drowning in pride, wars, and hierarchies, Arthur defied expectations. He became the first of the homeless, an exceptional status that couldn't be savored for long. Life led him to a temple, a fateful encounter awaiting him with an entity shrouded in mystery: Kronosia, a being above the very Gods and Goddesses of Agrazeel. Thus begins the odyssey of a perceived "trash" that would make even the divine weep tears of blood. In a world of wizards, emperors, and knights, Arthur Cumore's journey unfolds – a journey where he rises from the depths, conquering all, and bringing the mighty to their knees. Amidst the seven wizard towers ruled by the Wizard Kings of the time and seven orders devoted to the seven gods, the Agrazeel continent of Gaia will serve as the stage for Arthur's electrifying conquest. This is not just the story of a man; this is the epic saga of Arthur Cumore, a tale that defies destiny and shakes the very foundations of Gaia.

The_Fake_God · Fantasie
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90 Chs

Kicked Out Of Orphanage

"Knock, Knock." After announcing, Arthur knocked twice before entering the Director's room.

"Wipe off that fake smile, child." The first words Arthur heard were none other than the berating of his supposed caretaker.

"Can't fool you," Arthur mumbled and stopped smiling.

The man in front of him, the Director of the orphanage, Conor was greedy. Nonetheless, he wasn't a man at all.

He was someone who would bully the weak and bow to the strong.

Greed aside, Conor was a bastard from head to toe but he, Conor was a strong bastard.

'He is at the Adept Illusionist rank.' Arthur thought to himself while staring at the uninterested look on Conor's face.

The most common class in Gaia was the magician class.

Especially in the Agrazeel Continent, each of the Kingdoms' main force was their magicians.

The magicians were too many. Like an army of cockroaches.

Just like the other Kingdoms, in the Losmo Kingdom, the magician class was something that nine out of ten people went for.

Though not all magicians were equals.

Just channeling mana accumulated in the body to light a candle was enough for one to be called a magician.

Thus, the magician class was divided into nine ranks spanning over three circles.

The one who could light a candle was nothing more than a beginner, someone who had just entered the novice circle.

The novice circle had two ranks of the nine ranks, the first one was a Novice Enchanter and the second one was an Apprentice Conjurer.

Then, came the first threshold that would destroy the dreams of half of the magicians.

Breaking into the Adept Circle's first rank, an adept illusionist.

Adept Illusionist was also the third rank of the magician class.

A magician at the Adept Illusionist rank could make some of his thoughts into reality.

One could say that believing something that never existed is an illusion. But, with a swift control over the fundamentals of infusing your mana into a conjured illusion, one could make his thought into a reality, though differing in power based on the attribute and the amount of mana one possessed.

Arthur was only unable to control mana because of his inability to absorb it, but that didn't stop him from knowing and learning everything else about mana, magic, the hierarchy of the magician class, and the power; magicians of every rank carried.

Arthur could endure the beating by the triplets as they were still Novice Enchanters, but the same triplets couldn't deal with Malissa as she was already an Apprentice Conjurer.

If Leo could only enchant his hands with frost because of the icy attribute of his mana, then Malissa was capable of conjuring a mana ball that she could shoot at Leo before he could even reach her. A fireball if her mana held the attribute of fire.

But even Malissa was nothing when compared to the director as he was already an Adept Circle Magician.

Though he was stuck at the Adept Illusionist rank for God knows how many years, he could easily kill Arthur before Arthur could even move.

Seeing that the Director was as cold as ever, Arthur instantly got to the point.

"What did you call me here for, Director?" Arthur asked with a nervous expression.

"I will not say it twice. As of now, this orphanage is not a place for you. The moment you leave my room, you will make your way to the gates of the orphanage." Conor told Arthur while yawning as if his words weren't destroying the world of a thirteen-year-old.

'He wants to kick me out, now of all times?' Arthur's nervousness finally exploded in his head.

Even though he was bullied here, the orphanage was the only place he could call his home. It was the only place where he had a roof over his head. To keep this roof on his head, he had been working like a dog in this orphanage.

From washing clothes to cleaning the damned run-down orphanage, he had done everything. Not to mention fixing the cracks that were scattered like sand in the orphanage building.

"But, why? I don't even have a place to go to. Not to mention any money. I have been working in this orphanage since the first day but you never paid me." Arthur blurted out in a fit of rage but Conor wasn't even looking at him anymore.

"You worked, I fed you for that. Arthur, I am a responsible man. There are nine orphans in this orphanage, I have to take care of all of them. Then, I have to look out for my kids too. As for you, you aren't even an orphan. Your nameless father left you here without telling me that you were trash. I have cared for you for seven years and I think it's time you learn to live by yourself, for yourself." Conor told Arthur while rubbing his eyes as though he was ready to sleep after dealing with Arthur.

"Hah...Hahaha..." Arthur laughed but he didn't have a smile on his face.


Arthur's voice echoed in the room as Conor turned to glare at the fat boy who had just shouted at him.

If someone else had heard Conor, they would have taken his side and thought of him as a generous person running a humble orphanage. The manaless Arthur was indeed an anomaly but everything that Conor had said was ridiculous since Arthur knew the true character of Conor.

"How dare you?" Suddenly the room turned hot as Conor tilted forward.

His eyes were fixed on Arthur with his eyebrows locked together.

Arthur wanted to shout his lungs out but he controlled his mouth though thoughts after thoughts of the injustice he and the other orphans had suffered kept on popping up in his head.

"A responsible man. You? Director, do you even know how many times the kids of this orphanage have gone to sleep with their stomachs growling the whole night?"

"The clothes that the orphans wore were in such bad conditions that not even a dog would wear them."

"And, you dare say that you are responsible for the orphans?"

All these thoughts were an inch away from leaving Arthur's mouth but he kept his mouth in control as there was a reason behind it.

The orphans he wanted to stand up for were the same orphans who bullied him unconditionally.

Arthur calmed his hard expression and looked at the director.

"You are right. My father abandoned me. But he had a name. I am Arthur Cumore. Son of McCumore. Don't ever call my father nameless." Arthur spoke calmly with a smile but his words were sharp. He wanted to leave the orphanage since there was nothing else he could do but before leaving he had to set some things straight.

Hearing the name, McCumore, Conor raised his brows and then smiled a second later.

"Also, as you have said, that you fed me for the work I did, then return the gold coin that my father had given you. I will leave as soon as you pay me back." Arthur was sharp and quick with his words.

'You want me to leave and I am ready to leave but not before you pay me back the money. Greedy pig.' Arthur's thoughts flowed through his mumbling.

His words were sharp enough to poke the greedy Conor into saying what he would never say to a thirteen-year-old.

"I fed you for the work you did...as for the gold coin, that was the payment for putting up a roof over your head," Conor said while pointing upward.

He was so shameless that even though he had named the orphanage, run-down orphanage, he was saying such words to Arthur.

The same Arthur who was the reason behind the orphanage building still standing strong.

But, Conor didn't stop here.

"As for your nameless father...you believe that? There is probably no person with the name of McCumore in the whole continent. There are no knights or magicians by that name in this Kingdom. Not even the beggars in Losmo Kingdom go by such a corny ass name." Conor shouted at Arthur with a smirk as though he was trying to go toe to toe with a thirteen-year-old boy.

Arthur was silent. Conor had not only denied returning the gold coin but he was also insulting his father's name, Arthur wanted to do something, anything to calm his boiling anger.

The rage consumed his maturity. His calm demeanor vanished. His dark red eyes could only see blood.

His chubby hands tightened into a fist that carried most if not all of his hatred.

For the first time, the thirteen-year-old Arthur had allowed his feelings to take over. For the first time, his adrenal glands were pumping adrenaline into his bloodstream.

'I can feel it.' The adrenaline rush that Arthur was feeling for the first time and the knowledge that he had accumulated till now was monumental for the hope that was rising in his mind.

"I can win," Arthur said as he pulled back his fist and just simply threw a straight at Conor's face which had a smirk on it.


A moment later, Arthur was seen flying before he crashed into the gates of the Orphanage.

He was hit with such a force that the closed gates opened instantly before Arthur rolled away towards the road.

"Cough." Arthur slowly got up and turned to look at the orphanage where Conor could be seen outside the Orphanage building with a dark blue mace in his hand.

"I attacked first, but before my fist could even reach him, he was able to conjure a mace that fast...so that's the strength of an adept illusionist," Arthur said with an excited tone, forgetting that the same mace had landed on his body a moment ago.

Though excited, as this was Arthur's first time fighting back, that too against a magician of the third rank, Arthur knew that it was the right time to back down.