
Kronos: Levelling In The World Of Magic

In the pulsating realm of Gaia, where mana flowed through every being like a sweet, enchanting river, Arthur Cumore stood out as the lone exception. In a world ruled by magicians and wizards, he lived freely despite lacking the mystical touch of magic. Cast away by his parents, Arthur embraced a life that forced him into the role of an orphan, a reality he couldn't escape. Devoid of the ability to wield mana, Arthur found himself worth less than the carcass of the lowliest beast, its remains fetching a higher price than his mere existence. Yet, in the face of adversity, his struggles only fueled his determination. As he navigated the twists and turns that could break even the mightiest, Arthur refused to succumb to the lowest point of his life. Unyielding, he pursued the one thing that brought him solace – knowledge of the continent, Agrazeel. In the dynamic tapestry of Agrazeel, a continent drowning in pride, wars, and hierarchies, Arthur defied expectations. He became the first of the homeless, an exceptional status that couldn't be savored for long. Life led him to a temple, a fateful encounter awaiting him with an entity shrouded in mystery: Kronosia, a being above the very Gods and Goddesses of Agrazeel. Thus begins the odyssey of a perceived "trash" that would make even the divine weep tears of blood. In a world of wizards, emperors, and knights, Arthur Cumore's journey unfolds – a journey where he rises from the depths, conquering all, and bringing the mighty to their knees. Amidst the seven wizard towers ruled by the Wizard Kings of the time and seven orders devoted to the seven gods, the Agrazeel continent of Gaia will serve as the stage for Arthur's electrifying conquest. This is not just the story of a man; this is the epic saga of Arthur Cumore, a tale that defies destiny and shakes the very foundations of Gaia.

The_Fake_God · Fantasie
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90 Chs

Heir to the Dark Star

"Young master!" Alfred instantly lowered his head and showed respect to the one who was holding authority over his life.

"Protecting you, living for your sake, watching over you, making sure you are safe from death, that's my life's mission. So ask away." Alfred continued and reassured Arthur that even if he didn't take a commanding tone against him, Alfred would surely comply.

The only time he wouldn't answer Arthur would be when Arthur's question could cause a trouble that could result in his death.

Arthur nodded and realized that he was still not accustomed to having someone serve him. Especially when that someone is a wizard.

"You told me something before you left me at the orphanage." Arthur recalled the past and stated it to Alfred McCumore.

"Arthur, never stand out. Live your life here, in peace. I will return to take you back in a year or two." Arthur repeated the sentence word by word as if he had heard them just yesterday.