
Kronos: Levelling In The World Of Magic

In the pulsating realm of Gaia, where mana flowed through every being like a sweet, enchanting river, Arthur Cumore stood out as the lone exception. In a world ruled by magicians and wizards, he lived freely despite lacking the mystical touch of magic. Cast away by his parents, Arthur embraced a life that forced him into the role of an orphan, a reality he couldn't escape. Devoid of the ability to wield mana, Arthur found himself worth less than the carcass of the lowliest beast, its remains fetching a higher price than his mere existence. Yet, in the face of adversity, his struggles only fueled his determination. As he navigated the twists and turns that could break even the mightiest, Arthur refused to succumb to the lowest point of his life. Unyielding, he pursued the one thing that brought him solace – knowledge of the continent, Agrazeel. In the dynamic tapestry of Agrazeel, a continent drowning in pride, wars, and hierarchies, Arthur defied expectations. He became the first of the homeless, an exceptional status that couldn't be savored for long. Life led him to a temple, a fateful encounter awaiting him with an entity shrouded in mystery: Kronosia, a being above the very Gods and Goddesses of Agrazeel. Thus begins the odyssey of a perceived "trash" that would make even the divine weep tears of blood. In a world of wizards, emperors, and knights, Arthur Cumore's journey unfolds – a journey where he rises from the depths, conquering all, and bringing the mighty to their knees. Amidst the seven wizard towers ruled by the Wizard Kings of the time and seven orders devoted to the seven gods, the Agrazeel continent of Gaia will serve as the stage for Arthur's electrifying conquest. This is not just the story of a man; this is the epic saga of Arthur Cumore, a tale that defies destiny and shakes the very foundations of Gaia.

The_Fake_God · Fantasie
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90 Chs

End of a Hard Night

"Who's gonna carry the boats, you mother fucker! Get it moving!!" Goliath shouted again and again as his patience was running out.

He not only waited for Arthur to get up, but was also throwing motivational absurdities at him, continuously for the last half a minute.

Arthur's attention was now divided between the script of the heaven's eye that he looking at, and the honey that Goliath was dropping for him.

The words displayed in front of Arthur, 'Eclipsis...successfully ended...', were nothing less than a sort of miracle for him.

"This means that my bones and muscles have absorbed an unfathomable amount of mana." Arthur mumbled to himself whilst taking a step forward.

Just like the lightness he was feeling after standing up, Arthur felt even more ease with his first step forward.

"What is this feeling?" Arthur smiled as he took another step and then another.

With each step, he increased his pace and along with that, his smile grew bigger and bigger.

"I think I really went through an arcanum's eclipsis." Arthur mumbled as he was already running towards Goliath.

"Yes son. Yes. You are gonna carry the boats." Goliath was still going on and on about the boats that weren't even in their sights.

But, his belief increased as the motivation that the boats provided to Arthur was unmatched in the eyes of Goliath.

Arthur only took ten seconds to reach Goliath, and for someone whose sweaty face was stuck to the ground, Arthur didn't look like the part one bit.

Goliath stared in Arthur's eyes that seemed to be shining just like moon that looked right above Arthur at the moment.

"He really sent me one hell of a warrior." Goliath mumbled as he remembered someone.

The one person that had made this situation possible by handing Goliath his first defeat.

Goliath nodded at Arthur with a hard look and Arthur nodded back with the same look.

"Hum 1. Hum 2. 1. 2. 1. 2." The next thing Arthur knew, was hearing one and two as he ran behind Goliath who was seemingly increasing his pace after every ten or so minutes.

While running behind Goliath, this time effortlessly, Arthur couldn't help but wonder about eclipsis arcanum.

"For eclipsis arcanum to occur, not only the mana root system was a must but the nano threads that were spread evenly in the body had to be perfect too, just like the nano threads in the body of a baby born to two elite Wizards. But, I don't even have a mana root system to begin with. Or, maybe...just maybe!?" Arthur thought to himself as he was sure that he never used to have a mana root system.

His confidence in that was solely because of how he could never feel mana like others. Not to mention the later stages of absorbing it and then putting it to use.

The way that one used his mana decided his class. And, the two classes that majority of the people went for were, the magician class and the knight class.

Though being far away from ever thinking of what class he would choose because of the lack of the mana root system, Arthur still learned a lot about the classes and the roles those classes could perform.

And knowing about the classes meant knowing about the conditions of the nano threads that starts evolving from the moment one starts breathing.

It was impossible to have a mana root system and not be able to sense mana and absorb it intentionally or unintentionally.

Unlike blood vessels, the arteries, veins, and capillaries; mana vessels, the nano threads, were very sensitive when it came to picking up mana of the surrounding.

That is as long as there was mana in the surrounding, the nano threads would leak the mana in it into the surrounding and also absorb the mana from the surrounding into them. 

Thus, the moment one choses a class, it will also impact the change in his surrounding. That will result in the evolution of his nano threads, the mana vessels, in a good or a bad way.

The first thing that the people of Gaia learned was to control their mana vessels in a manner where they could restrict the absorption of the mana in their surrounding. They had a firm hold over their mana root system.

With that there only a few rare people left whose mana was never polluted before they got a hold over their mana root system.

Arthur was somewhat similar.

Since he never had a mana root system, there was no way his nonexistent mana would be polluted.

But now, he had experienced eclipsis arcanum.

"Maybe I gained a mana root system out of nowhere...thus also fulfilling the condition of having perfect nano threads." Arthur said as he smiled.

A moment later, he shook his head as the thought slipping through his tongue was absurd, even to him who had experienced something that a rare few had ever gone through.

It wasn't Arthur's fault that he didn't know about how right his thoughts were.

They were so on point and right, there was nothing left.

It was as he was thinking.

The part of him that was sealed was none other than his mana root system and the mana vessels, but he knew nothing about what had transpired to him while he was out of it.

Somewhat cognizant of his situation, Arthur stopped all the unnecessary thoughts that he was having.

Instead, he looked glad and as though he felt something clicking in his mind, Arthur instantly focused on the back he was looking at all this time.

'He was right, I was really at my 40%.' Arthur nodded, although Goliath remained unaware of the growing respect Arthur held for him

One jogged at a speed that would be hard for runners to keep up with, while the other ran with ease and kept up with the former.

Like that the night's moon slowly vanished and the sunrise was gradually encroaching on them.

"Son, no, Arthur, you have done well." Goliath told Arthur before tapping on his shoulder.