
Krea and Zi Adventures

Krea and Zi Adventures is a series in a tale that is filled with the whims of mystical beings. It is set in the town of Calicrow that at first, seemed bland to Zi. She hangs out with her best friend Krea, who is now realizing she is a mystical as well. Zi is a Velcro being, with parents that help protect the world from creatures that act up. Der is Zi older brother, and he is training the girls to hone their magical powers so that they can defend themselves from the attacks of others. They all went through drama and scary incidents. They have solved mysteries. This adventure is fast paced with action and funny moments that will be cherished forever!

Nisha903 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Rummy Suites and the Special Guest

Der didn't take us home. He glanced at me. I don't know what I would do without my older brother. He just got back home and already got jealous envious girls that kidnapped me because he didn't pay them no mind, and now we are going who knows where.

"Der, where are we going?" I asked.

"You will see."

I looked out the window. I hope these chicks are through with they mess but I am kind of having doubts about that... They seem to do this for fun...

Der turned his car right at a corner and then stopped. We were in front of a hotel. OMG.

"Der are you serious?"

"This is just to be on the safe side okay? I am going to park the car, stay in the lobby."

I glanced around then hurried inside. I'm not scared but I was not in the mood to deal with them if they followed us...

Some nice elevator music was playing. There was someone at a desk who glanced up at me from a computer.

"Hello, welcome to Rummy Suites!" They said.

"Hi!" I waved. My phone vibrated. I glanced at it and saw my best friend Krea had texted me. I sent her a message back and went to sit on an orange couch with a green and gold outline. A couple passed by with luggage out the door.

Der came in and spoke to the receptionist. He got a key and he waved for me to come on. The elevator light dinged and we headed up four floors instantly. I raised my eyebrows and we went to room 403.

I wanted to invite Krea but I don't know about right now...

"Hey Zi." Said Der sounding serious.

"Yeah?" I plopped on a bed and put my phone down. He sat in a chair and scratched his short curly hair. My phone vibrated again.

"I think now would be a good time to train. You need to be able to defend yourself. While I was gone... I learned a thing or two."

I looked down at my nails and flexed them. They were sharp and a little long. Usually I kept the heavy metal things short but I am letting them grow right now. They are polka dot pink and purple with a zebra colored background... I like to keep them fresh!

"So we inherited some of mom and dad's Velcro traits. Wild hair that's alive, metal nails, and you know the other stuff." He said.

I remembered the tavern trick he did at the breakfast shop. He can levitate fumes and who knows what else.

I said "I can... Well my senses are like super alert. Fast reflexes and um yeah."

"Okay. Well we are going to that park I told you about. If those girls show up and try to attack we will be ready."

"Yeah." I smiled and started laughing. "I can't believe your ugly tail made them that mad. It must be something you ain't telling me."

He scratched his head some more and I just gave up.

I got my phone and Krea said she was on her way. Oh no. I told her what happened and said we were okay but-

I AM HERE!!!!!

That's what the text message read. I hopped off the bed and said "Der! Krea is here!"

"What." He said getting up.

I am going to get her... She must've looked at my location since we share that. Wow. We hurried to the lobby. She was standing up arms crossed with cute long hair on the diamond patterned carpet. She had a glow about her that was a bit, dazzling.

"Hey y'all!" She said smiling.

Der shook his head. We all used to hang out before Der left home for something we may never know. He would take me and Krea to fun places! He was like a big brother to her as well.

She went up and gave Der a hug. She waved to me and said "Zi, we is not going to let all this drama fly past us. We are getting them back. I am not letting it go." She frowned and turned to Der.

"Glad to see you again, wow, it's been awhile..."

"Let's go back to the room." Said Der.

When we got off the elevator Krea was a little shocked.

"What was that! Did the elevator even move!" She exclaimed! The door just opened and closed.

Der chuckled and shrugged.

"It's mystical stuff Krea it surprised me too." I said.

"Like we went up four floors...!" She was still excited by that.

Der said "C'mon I I will tell you some stuff when we get in the room."

Me and Krea plopped on the bed and Der sat in the chair. Der made the remote come to him without him moving. It flew across the room to his hand and Krea just stared.

"Oh wow!" She started laughing.

"Der got the moves, that's why the girls so into ya huh?" She said smiling.

Der shrugged again, twiddling the remote with his fingers.

"This hotel is for Mysticals." He said. "Krea you know our family is Velcro beings..."

I suddenly remembered something. Krea... There's something about her that is special. I looked at her and saw she still had a glow about her. I then looked at Der. We made eye contact and I think he knew something was up too.

"Yeah." She said, looking at Der listening.

My curly duo colored hair waved in response. My tri colored eyes hid behind my purple glasses. I clicked my nails together and she glanced at me and started laughing.

Her glow shone even brighter and then something unimaginable happened. She started floating. What.

She looked around arms spread out like what is going on!

"OMG." She said!

"Try to control it." Said Der standing up.

I stood up too and got out the way as Krea started floating towards me uncontrollably.

"Whoa." She said bewilderdly.

I was just flabbergasted.

"Krea! Try to fly like Supergirl!" I said excited, trying to be of help.

"Zi what." She put both her arms together fists balled up towards the ceiling and straightened her legs. She went up rapidly and she hurriedly changed direction to a corner of the room. Her palms struck the wall and she was just stuck there in a Supergirl pose...

"Haha how do I stop moving OMG!" She turned her head sideways to look at us, still in the air stuck to the wall, as if she was trying to go through it.

I busted out laughing. "KREA!"

Der said "Try to think about your position and speed."

Krea furrowed her brow. Her legs and arms dropped perpendicular and now she was floating with her arms outstretched.

"Okay, I think I kind of got the hang of this."

She was glowing so wonderfully. I stared in amazement. Wow. Go best friend.

Okay y'all, I wanted to throw in some surprises in here so I hope you are happy. It seems as if Krea is going places!

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