
Lucas lytton

chapter 18- Lucas Lytton

"you!" Emmy gritted between her teeth....its been years she saw that face before her

"what are you doing here?" she asked a hundred percent sure she can't handle the same person that almost killed korey many years ago.

"why else sweetie?" the innocent looking guy asked as she gulped down and scanned her environment

"you know....we have an unfinished business don't you?" he asked as he walked closer to her staring intently into her eyes

Her whole body felt cold immediately as she let out a deep sigh. "Why don't we finish what we're here for then go back to return the news?" the lady asked as Emmy gulped down in fear

"what news?" she thought within herself as the guy before her lifted his hand to her chin

"get your hands off me Liam" she growled

"OMG... don't get angry now sweetie"

Lucas stopped for a while to think...he was damn stupid for leaving a girl like Emmy alone to walk back this night. He thought of turning back and going to her but remembered what he said to her earlier

"yeah..I'd just be a jerk before her" he mumbled as he turned away to leave but then heard Emmy loud voice echo in his ears. The few strings of hair on his skin immediately rose at her voice causing goosebumps on his skin.

There again he loud her scream.........without anticipation he turned back heading to her.

Emmy was on the floor kicked several times by Liam hardly. She didn't know why she couldn't stand up to fight back, a teacher like her can't fight her arch enemy. She was disappointed at herself. Just then she thought of it, even if she couldn't handle Liam, there are about 10 she has to deal with. Liam next attempt to hit her went wrong...she caught his leg immediately and pulled it with all energy in her as she got on her feet and immediately they charged towards her.

She was able to punch and kick as many as she could.. the lady just stood beside Liam watching Emmy fight the others. Emmy screamed as loud as she can and sent her claws directly to the chest of the guy before her and got hold of his heart pulling it out of his chest and watched him fall dead. She staggered as she turned back to the others and looked at the bloody heart in her hands and gave a weak smirk. "I can't remember the last time i pulled someone's heart outta their chest" she laughed as she threw to the face of the guy running to her and screamed all angry she superspeed towards him and grabbed his neck lifting him up to the air and threw him down, but surprisingly got hit from behind. She turned and glared at the lady who did so and said

"I won't pity you cos we're the same gender" she said as she sent her claws to the girls face angrily and heard the lady with liam clap

"nice one" she said as she kept clapping

Lucas arrived at the scene and could see Emmy engrossed in a serious fight with whom he doesn't know yet.

"nice Emmy, you're doing well" the lady laughed as she used her powers to send a big and heavy wood to the back of Emmy's head as she groaned and fell unconscious

"you...and your pack would suffer it all" Liam said as he made a way closer to Emmy and squatted beside her

"wrap her up, she coming with me" liam said as he stood up

"and who said so?" liam asked finally butting in

They all turned to look at him but couldn't recognise him cos of the black nose mask and hoddie he had on

"handsome, I'd advice you stay out of this!" the lady said politely

"old lady keep your mouth shut" Lucas replied

If there was anything she hated was being called an old lady.

"What!!!" she groaned as she lifted her hands and sent a stick towards Lucas but he was Swift enough to caught it before his eyes and smirked

"you can't handle me with a stick" he said as he walked closer to them

"what are you waiting for??...grab him" liam shouted as they charged towards him but to their surprise, they all flew to different directions without even touching Lucas. Liam then raised his hand to strike but Lucas caught it and twisted it back as he let go. The lady beside liam then thought of using her powers

"crazy if you do" Lucas said to her

"I didn't say anything" she said surprised

"I can read your mind" he smirked as he then caught liam neck before he could hit him and threw him to a tree

"Arrgh!!!" Liam groans in pain

Lucas then turned to the others as he superspeed towards them and did what he needed to

His punches were so strong to pull out over 15 teeth in total of each person he punched

"The next time you mess with my girl, you'd lose more than 15 of your teeth if you don't stay out of her life" he said sternly gazing into Liam's eye as he scoffed

"look at you...who do you think you are?" liam asked

Off course no one could recognize Lucas cis he was in a black hoddie and had a mask on

"whatever you are...you can't handle me" liam bragged as on of his member charged towards Lucas.

In no time Lucas grabbed his neck and lived him into the air. He turned to liam with that angry eye and broke the guy's neck before all as he let him fall dead. Another ran towards him but froze as he had an eye contact immediately with Lucas. Lucas grinned at what he was about to do next. The last guy standing couldn't move an inch, his eyes were fixed intently into Lucas eyes then he felt like his whole nerves and veins was being electrified. The guy yelled in pain and terror as the Lady standing beside liam stepped back in fear. Liam eyes widen at what he saw.....the guy skin and all turned black like he was being toasted and burnt then died.

Lucas then turned to liam and asked

"so...what's up?" he asked as liam frowned and sent his sparrow blade to Lucas but Lucas caught it right in time before it could even hit him and chuckle

"lame!" he laughed and sent it back to liam giving him a tear on the face.

Liam groaned and stumbled back but before he knew it Lucas superspeed towards him and gripped his neck tightly

"let him down" the lady screamed

"I said let him down" she repeated but Lucas was all deaf. His hand was wrapped around liam neck angrily

"you try to trespass....you'd be gone" he said as he turned to the lady liam kept kicking Lucas but it was useless.

Lucas eyes were full of anger...bitterness

Just then, he crushed everything bone aroind Liam's neck.....He was done with Liam.

"No..!!!" the lady screamed as he turned to her and took off his hoddie and face mask

"you.. you" she stuttered shakily

"yes me" he sighed and smirked

"remember me..?" he asked

"Lu...lu..Lu..Lucas Lytton" she gasped

"yeah baby...did you miss me?"

"it's time...I'm heading out" Sid said