
I want him too

chapter 19- You're not the only one who wants him DEAD..

"it's time, I'm heading out" Sid said as he stood up to leave.

"you're still not going with him?" karissa asked Zane as he rolled his eyes

"I'm not repeating myself" he replied

"what.....how crazy" karissa muttered in disgust and left

"be careful Sid" Emilia said

Sid was about leaving as he heard korey from behind

"where are you going to?" Korey asked from behind as he froze

"uhm..uh" he stutters

"That's it...I can't find Emmy anywhere....where is she?" korey asked

"uh...she...she" karissa stutters

"she...?" korey asked as he furrows his brows

"she went out" Sid replied in a simple way

"since when?" he asked

"she'd be back soon, actually.... uwas even going to meet her" Sid said in a convincing manner

"ohhh" korey mouthed

He thought of Janice for a while... she was still in the room. He actually came down to get her something to drink

"alright then, lemme know when she comes back" he said

"sure thing" Sid smiled hoping he would find her

"so why did you come downstairs... it's past 12" Emilia said as he choked and coughed

"yeah...yeah..I actually forgot something" he lied with a fake smile and went into the kitchen

Karissa furrowed her brows and peeped at him

"what's he doing?" Emilia whispers

"I think he's heading to the fridge" she whispers

"see...see more" Emilia said

Korey then brought out a bottle of thick cold yoghurt and stared at it for some time.

"arrgh...she's all cold and had a nightmare.... what would I even give her" he asked himself as karissa eyes widens

"could that be Jan?" she whispers

Korey then packed into a basket two bottles of yoghurt, chips, cookies, a cup of strawberry smothe and a cup of milkshake for himself.

"Done!" he exclaimed as he packed to leave.

Karissa hurriedly left her spot along with Emilia running back to the living room like nothing ever happened.

"you done?" Emilia asked with a smile

"uhhhh...yeah" korey replied and went back to his room.

"so...I'd be leaving now" Sid said to Zane as he rolled his eyes

"so..?" he asked and looked away

"fine then..I'd go alone" he said

"no...I'm going with you" Randolph said as Sid nods in approval.

"alright then...let's go" he said as he walked out with Dolph

"be careful!!" Emilia shouted

Back to the woods

"did you miss me baby?" Lucas asked with a smirk

"lu..Lucas Lytton" she gasped

"exactly!" he winked

"no..I..I thought you're dead"

"yeah..you and your people tried to kill me and didn't succeeded" he smiled

"but don't worry....I'm back more stronger and brutal" he said as he dropped Liam's dead body, the lady shook in fear and stepped back

"just send a note of warning to Lord Tyrant that I'm back and back for him" he said staring coldly into her eyes. He smiled and took a step back.

"And for Emmy.... you try go near her again....you'd regret it" he said with that flashy and glowing ocean blue eyes of his....then left to get Emmy.

The lady didn't hesitate... she opened the breach and went away.

Lucas carried the unconscious Emmy in his hands and smiles sadly

"don't worry...they won't come any closer again" he whispers softly

"but if they do....I'd spare no life" he added and went with her to his car.

Korey was in his room with all the stuffs he brought in a small basket

Jan was seated on her bed with no face emotions. She looked empty, just staring blankly at nothing. Korey cleared his throat in order for her to notice his presence which she did

"I...uhm..I.uhmmm I brought you something to eat" he said as he walked to the bed and sat beside her on the bed

She just kept staring at him

"what...aren't you gonna eat?" he asked

"look...I brought your favorite... milkshake" he said as he showed it to her

"korey..." she called as he furrows his brows

"that's my name" he replied

"why....why did you brought these for me?" she asked as she slowly blimled her eyes

"what do you mean...?" he asked

"you've never served me breakfast on bed...now you are giving me these....you even know my favorite" she replied as he sighs

"look...I know it's odd but don't think too much, its because you ad a nightmare I'm doing all these" he hurriedly replied

"really...?" she asked like 'what!'

"yeah..and you are my Luna... if anything happens to you...I'd be affected" he said as she scoffed

"I knew it...for your own selfish gain" she said and looked away

"what..no..uh.I mean no" he stuttered

"look Jan..you have to eat something" he said and brought out the pack of cookies and the milkshake handling it over to her but she refused to accept it

"what are you doing....!" korey exclaimed

"you better accept it and eat" he said in a bossy tone

"or what?" Jan asked

"you'd not want to know...just eat....you should be grateful I'm serving you" he said with a childish frown

"nah...I don't think so" Jan laughed and turned away

"Jan...you'd really not want me to force you" he said sternly as she kept her face still

"Jan..?!' he called but same

He sighed and wrapped his hand around her waist....Jan froze at his touch.. it was actually the first time he was doing that since they got married.

Jan turned to him shocked by his action and was about to speak up when he pulled her closer to him. She turned her face away as he clicked his tongue

"" no no no" he said and wrapped his hand around her neck as he forceful turned her face to his, making their faces few inches away from each other. Jan eyes immediately went open wide same as korey

"arhhh!" Jan screamed and pushed him away immediately

"what we're you trying to do?" she asked as korey scoffed

"what??" he asked

"you were trying to kiss me right?" she asked all most yelling. Korey chuckled and replied

"why would I want to?" he asked

"I knew you'd lie" she exclaimed with an irritated face

"what are on your lips" korey laughed

"duh...! I know nothing you love are on it so let it be" she said

"you know it'd be my first kiss and bet...I'm not gonna have it with you" she said sternly and snatched her milkshake from his hand along with the cookie and turned to the other side of the bed.

"duh...like I care" korey nonchantly replied and picked up the yoghurt

"what a husband... taking yoghurt this late hour" she said

"what's your problem with it?" he asked

"nothing.. you know nothing" she replied with the cookie stuffed up in her mouth

"you..you what did you just say?" he asked

"you heard me Alpha korey"

Sid and Randolph already searched round the city....they couldn't track her and were confused

"you think she's safe wherever she is?" Dolph asked

"no...I'm not so sure" Sid replied with a sigh

"gosh...what do we tell alpha?" Dolph asked

"nothing... just keep calm, just hope she'd be back before he leaves for work" Sid said

"what if she doesn't?" he asked

"Till then!" Sid sighed


The light rays gently struck Emmy eyes as she lifted her eyelids open.

It all looked kinda blur for some time then became clear. She yawns as she slowly sat in her bed.

She looked round her room and could identify where she was. The last thing she wants is to stay in a room with a guy that calls her clingy stray cat. She frowned immediately and screamed


in no time he was in her room with this panicking face.

"Emmy!" he called out

"what the heck am I doing in your house....again!!!" she screamed

"uhmm...first..calm down" he said trying to calm her but nope.

"don't tell me to calm down...answer me" she exclaimed

"you passed out!!" he shouted back

"passed....out?" she asked as she tilted her head

"yeah..in the woods" he replied

She then remembered all and looked up at him then back down

"but I was with those people" she whispers lowly

"you know what.. thanks for helping me chicken... and from now in don't ever show up your face" she said glaring at him

"oh...c'mon Emmy I know you're mad at me....at least lemme explain" he said

"woah...explain...? hold it there...pocket I'm not buying them" she said and pushed him outta her way

"Emmy!!" Lucas exclaimed

"Have a good life doctor Lucas.... since I don't know your full name" she replied and left

"Arrgh!!!!!" Lucas groans

Korey was about to leave for the company... he was going a little bit late....it's past 9am

He already bid the pack members bye and was about to leave.

HE opened his car door bit stopped at the sudden figure he saw. He slowly turned back and saw Someone in a hoddie...bit only the back view

"who are you?" he asked

"Alpha K.Y" the person said as korey froze...no one calls him Alpha K.Y, how does the person know

"who are you?" he asked as he clenched his cost in case if the person needs one

"you....you know your rival is back for you....but you can't alone, don't you know?" he asked

"just go straight to the point and save my precious time" korey said

"you want to end Lord Tyrant... so do I....why don't we work together?" he asked

Korey paused...how does he know Lord Tyrant

"I don't know who you are...and I handle my fights alone" korey replied

"you're not the only one who wants him dead" he added

"let's work together" he said and retracted his claws which korey could see and blink rapidly

*WTF!! *

"WHO ARE YOU" KOREY asked more surprised

"some other time...Alpha K.Y" he said

"what .no..no..no I'm not done with............" he trailed of

"Alpha korey..Alpha..korey..." karissa and Emmy called as they ran out to him panicking

"what??" korey asked

"it's Jan..." karissa replied

Korey turned back to that figure but........

