
Konosuba volume 1- 17

NOT A REAL FANFIC! I'm posting chapters of this light novel so I can read this using dark mode without strain in my eyes. I'm not the original author.

unknown946 · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs


Several days had passed since our climactic battle with Mobile Fortress


And now, today…

An unusual enthusiasm pervaded the Adventurers Guild.

I doubt I have to explain why.

Every eye was turned to the Guild employee in anticipation.

"Kazuma. I know it's been several days, but I wanted to thank you again. You

came through and protected this town. Thank you…very much…! I do want to

tell you sometime—about why I must protect Axel."

So saying, Darkness, dressed in civilian clothes today, gave a shy smile. The

two of us were slightly apart from the other adventurers.

I turned to her and said, "You looked pretty cool out there yourself."

She suddenly seemed to think back to how she had acted in the face of

Destroyer, not giving a single inch. "W-was I, now?" she said.

She looked away, her cheeks a faint red.

I sized up the blushing Crusader and added pointedly, "Even though you never

actually did anything."


Still not looking at me, Darkness quavered a little.

"Come to think of it, Darkness didn't do anything this time, did she? While I

was working my butt off! I broke the magic barrier and healed Kazuma's

wounds! And I gave my MP to Megumin!"

Aqua appeared out of nowhere, but her words didn't seem especially meanspirited.

They made Darkness quaver again, though.

"I, of course, was a key player, letting off two Explosions in one day! The

second of which, might I add, eliminated Destroyer."

Thus said Megumin, also appearing out of nowhere and also without malice.

Darkness quavered again.

"And don't forget, Mr. Kazuma, you were quite crucial yourself! You took

command of the operation, and although there were some stumbles, in the end

you defeated a large golem, pulled the Coronatite out of a steel cage, gave me

your MP…!"

Thus said Wiz, who had really appeared out of nowhere, her words totally

devoid of any mean-spiritedness whatsoever. Darkness apparently couldn't

stand it anymore and covered her face with her hands.

"Aww, come on! What about you, Wiz? You set off a terrific Explosion, you

cooled my hand down, then you teleported the Coronatite before it could blow

up… I think you're pretty much the MVP here."

Darkness was now shaking visibly. I turned to her.

"And, uh, what about you, Miss I-will-protect-this-town? Remind us what you


"Wh-what is…? What is this feeling?! Arrrgh!"

I had just about sated myself on teasing Darkness, who was now slumped on

the ground, covering her face and blushing furiously, when—

The Guild Hall suddenly fell silent.

When I looked up, I could see why.

A Guild employee was standing there with a surprisingly dark expression,

along with a woman with black hair, flanked by two Knights.

I got it. Destroyer wasn't some Demon King's general. It had terrorized towns

and nations all around this world.

Naturally, the reward wouldn't be handled by our local Guild but by knights

representing the entire country.

Heck, maybe they'd come to scout us, to see if we wanted to become knights.

As all of us watched with bated breath, the woman looked straight at me. Her

gaze was heavy; there was a zealous spark in her eye.

If I had to compare it to something, it would be…

Someone staring down their parents' killer.

"Adventurer Kazuma Satou! You are suspected of sedition. I will need you to

come with me."