
Konoha: Talent Crit, Start Indra Bloodline

Traveling to the Uchiha family in the world of Hokage, Chang Ye activated the god-level talent analysis system! Every time the strength increases by one level, a new talent can be analyzed. The Indra bloodline is obtained at the beginning, and the Sharingan upgrade will no longer be hindered by Mangekyō and Eternal Eye. In the end, Sangou Jade will be able to possess the pupil power of Eternal Mangekyō and unlock the full body Susanoo! Take off straight away! Since then, Sharingan has no bottleneck, and ninjutsu does not need to seal! The strongest genius in the history of Konoha was born! And this is just the beginning: Analyze Might Guy's physical talent, Kakashi's Lightning Style talent, Shisui's illusion talent... On the night of the extermination, Chang Ye drove Susanoo, drove Eight Inner Gates, and controlled Qilin in the sky: "Sarutobi, Danzo, how do you want to die?

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100 Chs

Chapter 52

The next day, Shisui's body was found in the Nanga River.The Uchiha family immediately caused an uproar!Not only because, the dead Shisui is known as the first master of Uchiha.It was because both eyes were missing from Shisui's body.Katsushi's house.Katsushi, who had just learned the news, felt a sense of loss in his heart.Even yesterday I knew that Shisui would commit suicide.I still feel sad now.Under the emotional ups and downs, Three Tomoe Sharingan opened automatically in his eyes.In the past two years, between him and Shisui, they have long become friends.Shisui is a good person even though he is dismissive of the will of fire that Shisui often talks about.He has a kind personality, always has a smile on his face, and can make a good impression on all who come into contact with him.As a teammate, he is strong and gives a sense of security.Although my heart is towards the village, I can understand the grievances of the Uchiha people.Day after day efforts are made to reconcile the two in vain.Such a person eventually died.Why bother?Your death really doesn't make any sense.The anger of the Uchiha clan will not cease.Sarutobi Hiruzen will not make changes either.What should come will eventually come back.The door was knocked loudly.The people outside seemed to be very impatient, shouting in a chaotic voice:"Katsushi, come and open the door! Why on earth did Shisui die?!"Katsushi exhaled, cleared his expression, got up and walked out.Outside, Uchiha Yatsushiro, Uchiha Rice Fire, Uchiha Iron Fire, and a bunch of Uchiha people are all there.Everyone here has a good relationship with Shisui.At this moment, these people are either puzzled or angry.Uchiha Yatsushiro was the first to speak:"Katsushi, you, Shisui and Itachi didn't come to the clan meeting last night. What happened? How did Shisui die?!"Although Katsushi asked his subordinates to pass the word that he would go over later.But in the end, because Shisui chose to commit suicide, he was no longer in the mood to participate in the clan meeting."Shisui committed suicide, you should be able to see it." Katsushi said blankly."We know that!"Uchiha rice fire was extremely impatient, and his anger was almost uncontrollable.From Shisui's death, it can be seen that Shisui died of active drowning.but!"What on earth did Shisui go through? Why did he commit suicide by throwing water into the water? Where did Shisui's eyes go?!" Uchiha Rice Fire asked one after another.If it weren't for the long-term contact, he might have suspected that Shisui was killed by Katsushi if he believed in Katsushi's character."Sorry, Shisui doesn't want me to tell what happened yesterday. This is his last request before his death."Katsushi said.Regarding the truth of Shisui's death, he does not intend to speak out for the time being.If you speak out now, the clansmen may have a coup d'etat immediately.His overall strength is now at the quasi-shadow (strong) stage.If you add Eight Inner Gates, it's enough to fight Kage-level powerhouses.But if it is a coup, the enemy is not only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, but also their Anbu and Genbu, as well as a large number of Sarutobi people.At that time, even if he can burst out with real Kage-level strength, the outcome is unknown.Moreover, there will be huge casualties among the clansmen.Uchiha Inari and the others froze.This might really be Shisui's request.But what was it that made Shisui not want to tell them?"...Katsushi, at least you said something? We can't just accept Shisui's death so inexplicably?"Uchiha Rice Fire said helplessly.Long silence.Katsushi's lips moved slightly, with some mockery on his face: "Shisui him, died of the will of fire."After he finished speaking, he ignored Uchiha Rice Fire and the others who were looking at each other, and Gu Zi returned home.Why did Shisui commit suicide?On the one hand, it's because Shisui doesn't want to see Uchiha launch a coup or the village wipe out Uchiha's future.On the other hand, it was also because Shisui wanted to at least temporarily dispel the coup d'etat of the clansmen through his own death.After all, since the top master in the family is dead, who would even think of a coup?In order to maintain the short-term peace between the village and Uchiha, Uchiha Shisui decided to die."It's... ridiculous."Shisui is willing to die for the peace of the village.But Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others would never give up their power because of Shisui's death!Uchiha, who may threaten their power, will still be suppressed.Katsushi stroked his eyes lightly, feeling the increase in pupil power.Under the emotional ups and downs just now, his pupil strength increased by another 500 points, and now it has reached 4500 points."Unfortunately, it's still a long way from Mangekyō... That guy Uchiha Itachi should have already started Mangekyō, right? Well, it's a bit unpleasant."Katsushi pouted and said.Although Mangekyō's mutant enhancement is overdrafting its future potential, it has to be said that the upgrade of Three Tomoe to Mangekyō will indeed skyrocket its strength.It was Elite Jōnin's strength to hold Uchiha Itachi to death before.Now that Mangekyō is on, his strength may suddenly change to a quasi-shadow.This is still too young, only twelve years old.If he started Mangekyō at the age of 16 or 17 like Sasuke in Shippuden, his strength would have risen to Kage-level directly."Tongli is a little less than him now, but I have far surpassed him in strength other than that."Having confirmed that his strength should be higher than Uchiha Itachi, Katsushi nodded slightly.In any case, I don't want to lose to someone like Uchiha Itachi."Danzo..."With the name in his mouth, killing intent appeared in Katsushi's eyes.Gotta figure out a way to cut out Danzo and his roots first.