
Konoha: I was reborn as an Uchiha

In the 51st year of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha watched as Uzumaki Kushina's belly grew larger each day, and his heart filled with unease, fear, reflection, and sadness... Even though the child wasn't his... Because... He was an Uchiha. With Naruto's birth, Obito would release the Nine-Tails, Danzo Shimura was already preparing to become a beast, and Itachi Uchiha, the filial son, was an even greater beast in the ninja world. Tobio was in Konoha, his luggage was packed, and a kunai was pointed at his forehead protector, ready to decide whether to cut horizontally or vertically. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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28 Chs

Chapter 4: I, Tobio Uchiha, the Divorce Advocate

Chapter 4: I, Tobio Uchiha, the Divorce Advocate

Uchiha Naoki is only two years old.

Kakashi, a genius, graduated from the ninja academy at the age of five and became a genin. The Uchiha clan is not lacking in talent compared to Kakashi.

This means Uchiha Naoki will be at the level of a genin by the age of five.

Hmm... If you think about it, challenging a genin as a jōnin sounds better than fighting a child.

Although it's still bullying the weak, a jōnin challenging a genin is called making the other experience the cruelty of the ninja world early on.


After understanding all this, Tobio Uchiha cast a sidelong glance at the old Uchiha Mado and decided to wait three years. By then, he would see what surprise the system had in store for him.

Now that Sasuke's system was in his hands, he considered it his own.

"Mr. Minato Namikaze, Ms. Kushina, congratulations on your marriage!"

"Thank you, thank you."

"We are just here observing the Hokage couple and can't help but feel envious. Now that the Hokage has such a wise support, Konoha will surely recover even faster."

"Peace in the ninja world has been hard to achieve, and Konoha will not start a war. Maintaining future peace will depend on all of us."

"Mr. Hokage, you must come to visit the Hyuga clan sometime and give the young ones some ninja advice. This way, when they are on the battlefield, they won't die without knowing how at the hands of other ninjas."

"What the Hyuga clan leader says is true. In the future, I will visit each major family to share some combat experiences."

Watching the Fourth Hokage couple being so kind and thanking all the guests, whether they were ninjas from other villages or villagers from Konoha, Tobio Uchiha, sitting in his chair, observed the couple's backs and murmured.

"This is what I call a union of power. And we, the Uchiha, being the largest clan in Konoha, are stuck in internal marriages. Leader Fugaku is really shortsighted. Why can't he think about the good of the clan, get divorced quickly, and pursue a woman from the former most powerful clan, the Senju?"


Itachi, surprised by what he heard, dropped his chopsticks on the ground. Tobio Uchiha handed him his and said.

"Keep eating, I wasn't talking about Leader Fugaku."

"I heard everything."

"Since you heard, what do you think about my plan to unite the Uchiha clan with the Senju clan? Besides, since there's only one member left of the Senju clan, the only one with the right rank to marry Princess Tsunade is Leader Fugaku. If anyone needs to get divorced, it should be him."

Itachi immediately shook his head, his expression clearly showing rejection.

Recently, when walking with his mother, he heard about this plan. His heart sank, and his mother was almost furious enough to put on her ninja combat outfit and go beat up the plan's proponent.

Although the plan made sense and was logical, it clearly didn't consider the opinions of those involved, like his mother, Tsunade, and himself.

Most importantly, no one in both clans would accept this.

Seeing Itachi in silence, Tobio Uchiha took out the system's starter pack and found the book "Detailed Explanation of the Will of Fire Course from the Ninja Academy." He flipped through it a bit and then murmured.

"When I attended the ninja academy, my teacher told me that Konoha is a big family and we are all part of it. We shouldn't see problems from the perspective of one part or one clan, much less with a narrow vision. We often need to see problems from the village's perspective."

Ignoring Uchiha Mado's disdainful look, Tobio Uchiha tore the cover of the Will of Fire book, crumpled it, and put it in his pocket before continuing to read.

"Only by resolving internal conflicts can we face external ones with peace of mind."

Then, Tobio Uchiha closed the book, got up, and dragged Itachi to a secluded corner where he crouched so Itachi wouldn't have to look up.

Observing the wedding from a distance, Tobio Uchiha looked back at Itachi and said.

"You are a genius, wise, rational, and very thoughtful. Leader Fugaku often praises you. Even though you are only four years old, I hope you can consider the problem of 'your parents' divorce' from the Hokage's perspective and not be limited by the borders of the Uchiha clan and the village."

"Think about it from the Hokage's perspective."

"Moreover, if your father fails to marry Princess Tsunade after the divorce, he can always remarry your mother. This way, they could recover the 200,000 ryō and even earn some more. Anyway, they won't lose out."

Saying this, Tobio Uchiha gave Itachi an encouraging look.

Tobio Uchiha didn't fear being accused of negatively influencing the "leader's son." What he was teaching wasn't wrong; it was the pure Will of Fire taught at the ninja academy.

Furthermore, Itachi had already been influenced by Shisui to think from the village's perspective. So why not think from the village's perspective about the "divorce of your father to marry Tsunade"?

Watching Tobio Uchiha walk away, Itachi stayed on the grass, plucking blades of grass while thinking about what he had just heard.

As the leader's son, he knew some internal matters of the clan.

The Uchiha clan, having founded Konoha alongside the Senju, had missed the opportunity to become Hokage four times, accumulating much resentment.

At the last clan meeting, the elders even fought over this. If tensions continued to accumulate, there would inevitably be a conflict with the village.

The solution to this problem was simple: for a member of the Uchiha clan to become Hokage. However, Shisui had mentioned to him that this was difficult not only because of internal factors within the clan but also due to external factors.

But if the Uchiha clan married Princess Tsunade, everything would be different.

As the granddaughter of the First and Second Hokage, apprentice of the Third Hokage, and aunt of the Fourth Hokage, Princess Tsunade had a very high status, and her descendants with an Uchiha would be perfect candidates for Hokage.

Hmm... Thinking about this, Itachi looked at his parents sitting at the main table, showing affection. He felt even more conflicted.

Persuading his parents to divorce was unfilial, but it would benefit the clan and the village. Not persuading them was filial, but it could harm the village in the future. But why should it be his father? Just because he was the leader and had to sacrifice for the clan?

As time passed, the wedding ended, and the Uchiha couple bid farewell to the Hokage couple before preparing to leave.

Mikoto Uchiha observed the place, seeing the older women packing leftovers. She remembered how her grandmother used to do the same for her when she was a child.

As she reminisced about those times, she saw a child packing leftovers in a corner and smiled.

Although her situation had changed, she still missed those childhood days.

Seeing the child look at her, Mikoto Uchiha recognized the familiar face. She left Fugaku and approached the child.

"Itachi, what are you doing?"


Hearing the familiar voice, Itachi lifted the plastic bag with leftovers and said.

"Someone mentioned that the clan's finances are in trouble, and as the future leader, if I can't increase income, I have to save more. They said that after the Second Ninja War, when the village's finances were bad, people packed leftovers at weddings to take home and eat. They also said that you, mother, lived through those times and should remember."

Hearing this, Mikoto Uchiha's smile froze. She thought Itachi was packing leftovers to feed the clan's cats, but no... it was to eat at home. Although she knew well.

Sighing, Mikoto Uchiha patted Itachi's head and said.

"In those times, it was indeed like that, but now we are much better off. And besides, you've packed too much, we won't be able to eat all that."


Itachi shook his head, placing the bag on the ground and counting on his fingers.

"When you got married, mother, you didn't know Ms. Kushina, so she didn't come to the wedding. But today you gave a 200,000 ryō gift. Even if when I get married she returns that amount, and then when her child gets married, I have to return it, we will still lose 200,000 ryō. Unless..."

Mikoto Uchiha felt a chill. Looking at her son, with his face full of concern, she softened her expression and asked.

"Unless what?"

Itachi made a decision, knowing he had to sacrifice something small for something bigger.

"If you and father, mother, divorce and remarry, we won't lose money. We could donate part of the profits to the orphanage and improve the lives of the clan's orphans and widows."

Mikoto Uchiha was completely calm. Observing her son, she felt it wasn't so bad to send him to the ninja academy. At least, with proper education, he wouldn't think about divorcing his parents just for money.

This child had been influenced by someone.

"Who told you this?"

Feeling the coldness in his mother's voice, Itachi felt nervous and quickly said.

"The one who wanted to convince father to divorce."


Mikoto picked up Itachi and looked toward the Uchiha clan, biting her lips hard.

That guy had issues, always insisting on Fugaku and her divorce.

(End of the chapter)

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