
konoha's white flash

ghost_Boat · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs


-speed...I am speed.- these were the the thoughts of our Mc as he rounded the final corner on the 400 meter dash. he won by a landslide finishing at 43.06 seconds falling

.03 seconds short of the world record heart broken the crowd while ecstatic at his unequivocal victory he looked over at his coaches people who have been there since high school. he was met with gloom he made eye contact with the head coach who simply shook his head. no, two decades down the drain. one goal. I've forsaken friends love and family in my pursuit only to fail-

socially ostracized constantly bullied online over my failure. sure some people tried to help defend me but every step forward is two steps back... this is it I'll end it all now

ba bump ba bump ba bump

he sharply inhales "this is it" he stepped forward towards the edge of the high rise apartment complex. "ok I have nothing else to live for might as well end it now" he thought looking down now having second thoughts. "well maybe I can still make something of my life. with all the money I've earned running I could change the world" he turned around fully intent on being a better person.

the next morning he woke up with massive pep in his step. A check for 250k intending to donate and help muscle dystrophy patients he failed to notice the wet floor sign in front of the closing elevator he accelerated in an attempt to arrive before it fully closed unfortunately it did close and begun it's decent realizing this he tried to stop but alas the fates were against him he slipped hit his head on the ground and blacked out...