
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

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106 Chs

The Third Generation - A Sense of Inadequacy

"Teacher, have you returned?"

Shisui darted past, pausing to peek through the shop door, where he saw Kyōichi sitting.

Kyōichi shifted his book and met Shisui's gaze.

"Yes, I returned and saw all of you training so earnestly. I didn't wish to interrupt," he explained.

"I see," Shisui replied, stepping inside the shop.

He surveyed the room, hesitating before speaking.

Growing impatient, Kyōichi prompted, "If there's something on your mind, say it. A five-year-old shouldn't overthink as much as Asuma."

Shisui nodded. "I wanted to ask, isn't the Chunin Exam coming up soon?"

Kyōichi raised an eyebrow, set his book down, and looked at him more attentively.

"No, I noticed several Genin teams returning..."

Shisui clarified.

"Ah, the Chunin Exam is indeed on the horizon. I planned to discuss it with you all once you returned," Kyōichi confirmed, nodding in agreement.

Shisui clenched his fist, his expression betraying his unusual excitement.

Eventually, Asuma and Kurenai arrived one after another.

Once everyone was present, Kyōichi announced, "The Chunin Exam is nearing. Here are the registration forms. If you are interested, sign up. If not, feel free to ignore it. This time, the exam differs from the ones before."

He didn't delve into details, but Asuma, Shisui, and Kurenai quickly caught on.

"Teacher, this is..."

"Different indeed! The exam must be prepared by sensei!"

"I won't disclose the specifics of the exam, but I suggest you start special training in the coming days," Kyōichi directed.

"Understood!" They responded with enthusiasm.

The Chunin Exam!

Even if they didn't pass, experiencing the skills of other teams would be beneficial.

Asuma sat down and joined them for a meal. His time under Kyōichi's guidance had gradually worn down his once high and mighty demeanor, distancing him from the discipline associated with being the First Son of the Sarutobi clan.

The same could be said for Shisui.

Now, he hardly resembled an Uchiha clansman. He bore no Uchiha crest, nor did he boast of his Uchiha lineage. He took on tasks such as fetching water or chopping firewood with enthusiasm. Had these chores not turned into missions recently, he might still be offering his help free of charge to some people every day.

Obito was no different.

The only distinction was that the present Obito seemed more innocent, though he would gain experience in the future. Kyōichi didn't underestimate Obito, but teaching him proved more than ten times as challenging as instructing Shisui.

As for Kurenai...

A vision of Sakura Haruno crossed Kyōichi's mind.

Kurenai was adept at Genjutsu, but in fact, she had initially mirrored Sakura quite closely.

Strong chakra control.

A lucid mind.

Genjutsu aptitude.

The only divergence was likely that Sakura harbored another "persona" within her.

Kyōichi considered for a while before making a resolution.

Immense strength!

Once Kurenai mastered medical Ninjutsu, he would impart the technique of immense strength for self-defense. Kyōichi didn't currently possess this knowledge as it wasn't part of his secret arts, but with Tsunade around, he could seek her guidance anytime.

However, Kurenai's Taijutsu training could cease upon acquiring immense strength.

This would suffice for self-defense. Her primary techniques remained Genjutsu and medical Ninjutsu.

Pondering this, Kyōichi had a comprehensive training plan in mind.

"Asuma, continue your regular training. Try to master Fire Release on your own."


"Shisui, lay off swordsmanship for now and concentrate on Vacuum Blade and Vacuum Wave."


"Kurenai, I want you to complete Mystical Palm training thoroughly before the exam. We won't be taking any missions now, so feel free to ask me any questions."

Kyōichi addressed each one individually.

Even though he didn't divulge the content of the exam, he permitted targeted training.

He wasn't the only one doing so.

All the Jonin were informed during a meeting and were aware of the situation.

Kyōichi deemed the training as necessary.

The battlefield wouldn't always present you with your weapon of choice.

Consider Kakashi.

In the original storyline, the flaws in his Chidori, the severance of his Lightning Cutter, led to an immediate reduction in his strength by half.

To lose the sword was to forfeit five victories.

Isn't that a trap?

Kurenai nodded solemnly.

She understood all too well.

Mastering Mystical Palm and Genjutsu before the Chunin Exam would be a significant advantage for her teammates.

Asuma and Shisui were somewhat confused.

But they trusted that Kyōichi wouldn't lead them astray.


A day later, Minato presented a document detailing the plan as per Kyōichi's suggestion.

He had drafted it himself.

The plan was comprehensive, outlining the purpose and focus of each item with utmost consideration.

The Third Hokage read it thoroughly, from beginning to end.

After a while, he sighed heavily.

"Lord Hokage, do you find this plan unsatisfactory?"

Minato asked, taken aback.

As he wrote it, he realized Kyōichi's strategies were more appropriate and exhaustive than the original, reflecting the complexity and unpredictability of warfare more accurately.

Stealing scrolls did have a competitive aspect.

But could real battlefield conditions ever be so simple?


Even Jonin could attack Genin on the battlefield!

Minato observed the Third's discontent after reading the proposal.

"No, I'm just contemplating how we're relying on you youngsters for fresh perspectives. As for me...I'm aging, out of my prime."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled.

He had always been cautious, but Kyōichi's plan made him realize that despite his lengthy tenure as Hokage, besides preserving his teacher's traditions, he hadn't introduced anything original.


There was one thing.

The early graduation, which he had later abandoned.

Compared to a child...

Even the Third couldn't help but briefly lose his composure.

Of course, he swiftly regained his cool, keeping his emotions in check.

After all, he was the Hokage.

The Third sternly instructed, "Proceed with this plan. Minato, you're in charge of organizing the participating teams."

"Yes!" Minato nodded. Then he inquired, "What about Kyōichi's compensation..."

"The village's resources are strained. During the Chunin Exam, I'll ask if he's open to receiving something other than cash."

The Third briefly contemplated.

Typically, the village wouldn't be short on funds.

But the current situation was different.

With the recent end of the war and the ever-present threat of further conflicts, the village was perpetually cash-strapped.

"I understand, I'll start working on the plan."

Minato didn't press further.

Once the Third had made a decision, he wouldn't elaborate further. Kyōichi's compensation wouldn't be inadequate for sure.

Minato held nothing but respect for Kyōichi.

It wasn't that no one had considered revamping the Chunin Exam, but no one had discovered an effective method.

Make it too realistic of a battlefield...

It would be too difficult and few would pass.

Too easy?

That wouldn't work either. If just anyone could become a Chunin, it would lose its significance.

Over time, people felt the traditional ways were the best, so they stuck with the old methods without giving it further thought.

But Kyōichi's approach was different.

It accounted for intelligence gathering, leadership, and tests of strength.

In relative terms, it could better showcase the competencies of a Chunin.

The most challenging task now was—

How to group the teams?

No, he still had to train Obito and Rin. Without Kakashi, Rin's chances of becoming a Chunin were questionable. Obito would certainly struggle with the second phase.

In that moment, Minato was filled with deep regret.

He felt he hadn't implicated Kyōichi in any troubles, but instead had piled a heap of troubles onto himself.