
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

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106 Chs

Good Things Should be Promoted!

"That guy Kyōichi, he's really nasty!"

Shinku couldn't help but exclaim.

This guy's methods were one after another!

It had to be said.

Very effective!

The Third Hokage's eyes narrowed.

Anyone facing this situation would hesitate and struggle, and their final choice could reveal the nature of the person.

Everyone started out weak.


Ninja who pursued too much self interest, no one was willing to work with them, especially if the person was an Uchiha.

Shisui, what will you choose?

If Shisui didn't give up his spot, then he could only regretfully exclude Shisui and add him to the list of those to be suppressed.

Kyōichi hadn't discussed the exam process with him, yet perfectly matched the Third Hokage's needs.

He was more and more satisfied with Kyōichi.

At this time.

Shisui was indeed struggling.

Earlier, Kyōichi had already given him the promise to "pass" him, and now offered another multiple choice question - in practical terms, no matter how you looked at it, this was an impossible exam to complete.


If he gave up on Asuma and Kurenai, could they still be a team?

Shisui took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, I choose to take it again!"


Asuma and Kurenai were a little incredulous.

The two were four years older than Shisui, and basically had little interactions with Shisui, so their understanding of him wasn't deep enough.


They were completely unexpecting that Shisui would actually give up his spot...

Equally shocked were Hiruzen Sarutobi and Shinku.

It could be said that all the setup of the entire exam was for this question, testing not only Asuma and Kurenai, but also Shisui. It was full of tests of human nature and psychology.

Even more terrifying than the bell test questions!


Shisui's response was very good.

Whether he saw through the purpose of the questions or really thought this way, it was enough to prove Shisui could be trained.

"Are you sure?"

Kyōichi's face was stern.

"Yes, I was the temporary team leader, the mission wasn't completed, my tactics and considerations were very problematic. I believe in Asuma and Kurenai, as long as we do it again, we will definitely succeed!"

After stating his position, Shisui's mood suddenly relaxed.

It was just taking it again right?

Just going back to the academy?

No big deal!

"Then what do you two think?"

Kyōichi smiled as he looked at Asuma and Kurenai.

"Teacher, Shisui's tactics were fine, it was me who was incompetent and couldn't execute them. I voluntarily go back to the academy."

"Me too."

Asuma and Kurenai didn't hesitate much.

The two may not be as talented as Shisui, but they were still clan heirs, and had their pride.

Shisui performed the best this time.

In tactics, thinking, and execution, it was all Shisui at his best. They couldn't make Shisui take responsibility.


Fighting Kyōichi again clearly wouldn't work.

This was a jōnin!

"So you've lost confidence?"

"No, I believe after training for another year, I will definitely be able to. But now...I really have too big of a gap in ability."

Asuma was a little frustrated.

Previously, he felt he might not be the best, but didn't think he was so behind and unable to keep up with his teammates. But after the exam, he realized he really couldn't keep up.

A burden who couldn't handle the front lines.

If he let Shisui give up his spot again, he wouldn't even have the face to see him.

"It's good to know your own uselessness, at least you can recognize yourself. However, your tactics as a whole weren't wrong, Kurenai support, Asuma frontal defense, Shisui harassment and disruption.

The problem is I'm too strong, so...I declare, you pass!"

Kyōichi clapped his hands, then sheathed his sword.

The three were stunned for a moment.



Shisui pondered for a moment, and quickly thought of some of the teachings Kyōichi had given before, and became thoughtful.

"Teacher, the key test this time was actually the question just now right?"

"Correct, a team inevitably has strong and weak members, some shine and some sacrifice, but combined, the three must have a synergistic effect of one plus one equals three. The most typical example is the Ino-Shika-Cho team."

Kyōichi said.

Teaching lessons cannot be neglected.

There's a reward too!

"Thank you teacher, I understand now."

The three bowed in unison.

Seeing this, they actually had the makings of a team already.

"Let's go, to celebrate the establishment of the first class, I'll treat you to ramen."


This Sword Technique?

The Third Hokage's eyes narrowed, a very familiar technique.


Although a similar swordmanship was created by Orochimaru, the theory was actually Tobirama Senju's theory. He pondered for a moment, but didn't overly suspect anything, and turned his thoughts back to the exam itself.

"What do you think?"

The Third looked at Shinku.

He was also a veteran jōnin for many years, and was specifically responsible for guiding chūnin and genin, so his experience in education was higher than other jōnin.

Kurenai pondered for a bit, then said, "Excellent! This kid's methods link together perfectly, even more overboard than your bell stealing. If this process is promoted, I'm afraid few children would be able to pass."

The Third sighed.

It was good, but the standards were too high.

With these standards, eight out of ten children wouldn't even be able to graduate and become genin, so it simply wasn't generalizable.


This set did comprehensively test the children's abilities.

He pondered repeatedly, then said, "We can promote it among the elite teams...try it on Team Minato first."

"We can have Minato come discuss it."

Kurenai agreed.

Since they were elite teams, the requirements naturally had to be higher. Minato's team not only had Rin and Obito, but also Kakashi who had been a chūnin for many years.

Using Kyōichi's requirements wouldn't be excessive.

Soon after, Minato's shadow clone came.

His real body was going to meet with Obito, Rin and Kakashi.

"Lord Hokage..."

"Minato, Kyōichi's class just finished their test, we observed the whole time, and feel there is some good experience that can be learned from."

After a light cough, the Third Hokage said.

In a sense, their actions amounted to peeping and stealing knowledge.


It probably wasn't a big issue right?

At worst they could compensate afterwards.

The Third summarized the experiences he felt were worthwhile.

At first Minato didn't understand, but as he listened his eyes gradually lit up.


As expected of Kyōichi, his methods linked together perfectly.

With this they didn't even need to wait until tomorrow morning, they could directly start testing in the afternoon.

The only problem was—

"Lord, this experience is very good, but I have a troublesome kid on the team. What if...I mean what if Kakashi really doesn't get it and insists on going solo, what should be done?"

Minato was excited at first, but slowly calmed down.

The Third Hokage and Kurenai fell into thought, pondering for a good while. The Third Hokage then said, "Kakashi shouldn't act like that. If it really comes down to it, remove his chūnin title. And if that still doesn't work, kick all three back to the academy."

So ruthless?

Minato sucked in a breath, then slowly nodded and said, "Understood!"

Minato didn't know Kakashi very well yet, only that the kid had a very bad reputation among the chūnin, and no one was willing to take missions with him.


If he failed the assessment and a chūnin was sent back to the academy...

That would be a spectacle.


Looking at the Third's attitude, he clearly wasn't going to compromise. If Kakashi really didn't understand what a team was, there was no need to be merciful.

With this said, Minato felt reassured, but he wanted to invite one more person to come observe the battle.