
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 9: Archery!

Blake and the others had continued to train in the art of the sword, spending every single day honing the art, just as they had done with hand-to-hand combat before.

The wooden training sword had left Blake's arms feeling like jelly after each day of training due to the weight. However, his body was growing stronger at a rapid rate, building his muscle's tolerance to the weight as each day passed.

Before he knew it another difficult three months of hellish training had gone by before the commander had finally allowed them to start their training in the way of the spear.

Nev had also made huge improvements in his fighting ability, as had Surge. After their battle, Surge had calmed down quite a bit, seeming to have taken his loss hard, pushing himself more in his training rather than trying to prove he was the best all of the time.

However, Blake had remained at the top of the class thanks to the advantage of having his system to help him. Not only could his system boost his EXP gain, but it could also scan and analyze movements and fighting skills. This allowed him to copy and learn the style of each weapon at a much quicker rate than the others. Almost like a cheat code.

"I've got you now!" Nev yelled, thrusting the tip of his spear forward at Blake.

Blake was able to raise his shield and deflect the attack, counter-attacking with his own thrust attack.

Nev also blocked Blake's thrust attack, feeling the power it had behind it.

However, instead of allowing himself to be pushed back, Nev pushed forward, causing the tip of Blake's spear to spark as it deflected off his shield before Nev rammed his shield into Blake's causing the two of them to clash in a contest of strength. 

Blake could feel that Nev was pushing with all of his strength, not giving Blake enough room to land a hit with his spear at such a close angle.

But, Blake was smarter than Nev, deciding to step back and let Nev push forward with all of his strength before Blake used the butt of his spear to trip Nev, causing him to fall to the ground before Blake pointed the tip of his spear at him, signalling their practice match was over.

"Enough. Winner, Drak." The commander said with his arms crossed over his chest, having seen enough.

Blake smiled before offering Nev a hand up. Nev took it and stood up, looking Blake in the eye.

"You got me again. Good fight." He said, not letting his pride get in the way of their friendship.

"Well, if you were more steady on your feet, I wouldn't have been able to trip you so easily," Blake said.

"Yeah well, next time I won't hold back," Nev said, getting a laugh out of both of them.

"Alright, that's enough." The commander said, getting both of them to fall back in line.

"It's been three months since you started training with the shield and spear." The commander said, seeing that they were already accustomed to their uses, with the Kobold recruits even being able to switch from spear to sword if they got disarmed, making his quiet proud.

"Therefore, I have decided to allow you to move on to the next and final step of your training." He said, getting all of their attention.

"The bow." He said, picking up one from the training weapon rack.

"The bow is a long-range weapon that can be used to deal damage from a distance, when used correctly, it is a devastating weapon and can topple even the mightiest warrior."

"Now take up your bow and get a feel for it." The commander then said.

Blake and the others placed their Spears and shields down, taking up the bow before they took their places in front of the targets. 

"When using the bow, it is important to maintain correct shoulder and arm alignment. This will help you aim and then draw back on the string." The commander said, pulling back on the short bow, almost breaking it in two from the strength of his back muscles. 

Everyone gave it a try, seeing that it required quite a bit of force to pull back on the string while keeping one's other arm straight. 

Blake had never tried archery before, being surprised at how difficult it was considering he had seen so many movies that made it look easy.

"Alright, now dock the arrow and take aim. Once you have the target in your sights release." The commanders said, showing them how it was done by shooting an arrow at the target, hitting it dead centre.

Everyone watched, eager to try it for themselves.

System, did you get that? Blake asked.

[I did. Would you like me to transfer my recording to your mind?] The system asked.

Yes. Blake said, waiting a moment for the system to essentially upload the data it had recorded of the commander docking and shooting an arrow.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" The commander asked, watching as the group picked up an arrow each and tried to have a go.

Nev went first, placing the arrow against the string before he pulled it back. Nev was certainly strong enough to draw the string back enough, however, he failed to steady the arrow against his hand, watching as the arrow leaned to the side before he released it, shooting it far off into the distance, completely missing the target.

"No way!" Nev yelled, not sure how he had done that.

Some of the others also had a go, trying their best to shoot with one of them even hitting the edge of the target, getting a surprised reaction from the others.

Surge was next to give it a go, drawing back on the string with his right arm, pulling it all the way back almost snapping the thing in two from the force before he released the arrow.

The arrow shot so fast that it hit the target and burst through the other side, getting a gasp from the others who watched, surprised that Surge of all people had been able to hit the target.

"Impressive, Surge. Perhaps you will make a good archer after all." The commander said, also impressed.

Finally, it was Blake's turn, being the only one of the group who had not tried yet. All eyes fell on him as they waited for him to try it, with some of them betting against Surge's shot.

Blake held his short bow down by his leg before he placed the arrow against the string. With one smooth motion, Blake took a deep breath and lifted the bow with a straight arm, drawing back on the string and pulling all the way back until the feathers on the arrow brushed against his cheek, allowing him to release the arrow in one fluid motion, letting it fly straight through the air before it shot through the very centre of the target.

Everyone gasped in surprise at how well he had been able to shoot the arrow, having never used a bow before like the rest of them.

"No way..." Surge said in frustration, becoming jealous once again at Blake's somewhat freakish ability and talent. 

This kid really is gifted at everything he does... Perhaps he will be ready for his trial sooner than the others. The commander thought, having seen the skill Blake had just demonstrated with the bow.

"Alright, you lot! Keep practising your archery until I say so!" The commander roared, turning their attention away from Blake and back to their training. 

"Damn, Drak. Is there anything you aren't good at?" Nev asked before he took another shot, missing the target again.

Blake smiled and fired another arrow, hitting the centre of the target too, watching as he received more EXP for his efforts.

"I can't help it. I was just born this way." Blake said, not apologizing for being better than he was.

"Yeah, well sometimes I wish you weren't," Nev said, causing Blake to raise an eye.

"Weren't what, born or good?" Blake asked, hoping that Nev was only joking. 

"Both," Nev said with a funny face, making it clear that he was joking if only a little jealous. 

"You could at least give me some pointers though!" Nev then said as he missed the target again, growing more frustrated, trying not to snap the bow in half. 

Blake couldn't help but laugh before he agreed.

"Alright, just watch me," Blake said before showing Nev all the key stages to try and help him. 

The hours soon passed by as the group continued with their archery training, feeling their arms and back burning by the end of it. 

Some of them had managed to figure the art out, while others still struggled, showing that archery wasn't their forte, like Nev.

"That's enough for today, you are dismissed." The commander said after inspecting their ability.

"Yes sir." They all said, falling out of line before heading off to get some food.

"Only three... Maybe four of them will make it." The commander said as he watched them walk off, hoping they would prove him wrong. 

While Blake and the others walked toward the mess hall, the group passed by a fresh set of recruits, watching as they were being forced to crawl around in the dirt, just as they had all that time ago.

"That brings some memories back." One of the Kobolds said laughing at the newbies. 

"If you don't train harder, you will be joining them." Another said, having some banter with him. 

Blake laughed too, thankful that he didn't have to endure that hellish treatment anymore. 

He had become much stronger since that day, having earned him the respect of the others and even the commander from the looks of it.

All that remained now was to complete his training and earn his place as a warrior in the tribe if he didn't die before that day.