
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 7: Training the hard way.

The next morning came quickly for both Blake and Nev, especially once the guard kicked the door open screaming at them all to get up before they forced them all outside after only three hours of sleep.

"Get down on all fours you maggots and crawl!" The guard commander yelled, forcing the group to leopard crawl through the dirt and mud around the training area.

Blake and the others were forced to injure this for a full hour, feeling their elbows and knees grating against the unforgiving ground each time they moved.

After finishing, the party was given some additional meat scraps with bones, purposely not giving enough for everyone.

Blake didn't have to fight for his share, and neither did Nev, being his right-hand man. Thanks to Blake defeating Surge in a one-on-one fight, Blake had earned the respect and fear of the others, meaning he was the alpha of the group.

"Man, my arms and shoulders are killing me," Nev said as he crunched on his bone, trying to saver the taste.

Blake agreed, seeing that his arms had bruised even with the thick scales on them. Still, he was sure this was only the start of things to come.

Unfortunately, he was right. With basic combat training coming next.

"Listen up you maggots and pay attention!" The commander yelled glaring at the bunch.

"Hand-to-hand combat is a Kobolds fallback when we lose our weapon." He said as he drew his sword.

"A sword is for close-quarter combat." He said, giving it a few twirls before putting it away. "A spear is better for medium-range combat." He then said thrusting the spear forward before twirling it around and slamming the tip into the ground.

"A spear can also be used as a long-range weapon, however, you will leave yourself without." He said, throwing the spear at one of the targets in the distance, hitting it with great accuracy, getting an awe from the others.

"And last, we have the bow. A long-range weapon that can topple even the greatest of monsters." He said, drawing the bow back before shooting a volley of arrows at the targets, hitting each one again.

"You will be trained in all three forms of weapons." He finally said as he lowered his bow.

"But, before you learn how to use any of these, you will first learn how to use your own body." The commander said walking down off of the small platform he had been standing on.

"A Kobold's claws, teeth, fists, tail and legs are all weapons. When we lose or drop our weapons we have nothing to fall back on other than our own body."

"That is why you will first learn to use it." He said with a smile.

"Now form a line!" The commander yelled, getting all of them to jump to attention and do as he said.

"I will now demonstrate some basic techniques for you all to practice on each other." He said, getting some of the other guards to surround him.

"First we have basic blocks and strikes, taking advantage of our natural scales." He said, blocking some attacks before returning his own punches and even kicks.

"Next we have our claws, used for attacking vital areas and ripping through flesh!" He snarled, using his claws to rip through a small shield and then targeting the vital areas on one of the other guard's bodies, doing well to not hit him at all.

"Any part of your body can become a weapon if you need it to be. It all simply depends on the time and place." He said, using his teeth to bite down on a spear shaft, snapping it in two like a bone.

Blake and the others watched in amazement, never having seen skills like this before.

He is good... Blake thought, knowing that he was certainly stronger than he had first thought.

Is there any way you can analyse his moves, system? Blake then asked.

[Analysing the Kobold's moves...] The system said, doing its best to record and process all of the movements he had shown with all weapons.

"Now, I want you all to form a circle. Each of you will be placed in the middle while the others come and attack you one at a time. You will not hold back. You will not complain. And If I catch anyone pulling their punches, you will face my wrath!" The commander yelled, watching as they did as they were told.

Blake and the others formed a small circle before the commander walked over to them, inspecting each of them one by one before he pushed one of them into the middle.

"You will go first." He said, not giving the Kobold any other choice.

"Now, attack!"

Surge didn't waste any time, wanting to prove that he was still stronger than the rest of them, even if he had lost to Blake in his fight.

Surge attacked with a powerful overhead smash with both of his hands linked together. The poor Kobold didn't stand a chance with his pathetic attempt of a block being null and void against Surge's strength.

The commander watched as Surge smashed the Kobold into the ground with one mighty blow. Not seeming bothered in the slightest.

"Next, you there get in the middle!" The commander yelled, pointing at Nev.

Nev did as he asked and took a ready position, wishing to prove himself.

"Attack!" The commander yelled, not caring who made the first move.

Blake didn't want to attack Nev and waited, watching as Surge jumped into action again, clearly wanting to get his revenge, starting with Nev.

Surge used his claws to swipe across Nev's chest, leaving a nasty mark as Nev failed to get clear of the attack. Surge then attacked with his other hand, aiming for Nev's face this time.

Nev quickly lifted his forearm and blocked the attack, feeling both of their arms clash against one another before Nev counter-attacked.

Surge was taken by surprise that Nev had stopped his attack and Nev's punch landed clean on his snout, causing Surge to stumble back a couple of steps holding his nose.

"Excellent! That's what I wanted to see!" The commander yelled, letting Nev take his place back in the circle with the others.

Blake was also impressed, clocking Nev's level on his display screen.

Level 5... How did he level up so quickly? Blake wondered.

"You. You're next!" The commander shouted at Blake, seeing that he was daydreaming.

Blake snapped to life and made his way to the middle, wondering who would attack him while he waited in his ready position. However, no attack came, leaving the commander surprised.

"What are you waiting for? Attack him already!" He yelled getting angry.

"He's mine!" Surge yelled, breaking rank from the circle, clearly wanting another crack at Blake.

However, at the same time, Nev had also rushed in to attack from the other side, with both of them attacking at the same time.

[Incoming right claw swipe from the left, and incoming body kick from the right.] The system sounded, letting Blake know of the danger.

Blake ducked under the swipe attack from Surge, and blocked the kick from Nev with his shin and elbow, hooking it in his arm before he kicked Nev's other leg out, knocking him to the ground in a flash of incredible skill.

Surge tried to attack again, not having expected to miss his first attack, being forced to rebalance himself before he locked his hands and raised them up high, wanting to take Blake out with his strongest attack.

"Die!" Surge yelled, swinging his fists down with all of his might.

[Incoming attack from above.] The system said, alerting Blake to the danger he could already see.

No shit! Blake said to the system before he shuffled to the side, using his agility to his advantage.

Surge smashed his hands into the ground, having been prepared to smash through Blake's body with his attack, only stopping once he hit the ground.

However, Blake was too quick and threw a strong right roundhouse kick, connecting his foot with Surge's face, knocking him back onto his arse with the force.

"That's enough." The commander said, seeing that Blake was more skilled than he had first thought, having taken both of them down without a struggle.

Blake stood up tall watching while Nev and Surge picked themselves back up.

"Damn, I should have seen that coming," Nev said, complementing Blake on his counterattack.

Meanwhile, Surge snarled as he took his position back in the circle, not happy.

"Partner up and practice the moves you have been shown." The commander said, crossing his arms behind his back.

Blake and the others did as he asked, with Blake and Nev partnering up together, not worried about the others.

The commander forced all of them to drill attacks and blocks for the rest of the evening, making them put their scale skin to the test, with Blake and Nev feeling their bones ache in their arms and legs from all of the blocking they had been doing.

Everyone was exhausted but they all knew they couldn't quit now.

The commander could see how tired they all were, not caring in the slightest while he watched them, keeping a close eye on Blake.

"That's enough for today you maggots, Get back to your digs and clean up for the night."

Everyone was thankful that he had finally allowed them to stop, not having been given any brakes at all as they all limped back to their living quarters.

On the walk back to their barracks, Blake could see that he had been earning EXP from the training, but at a much slower rate than if he completed quests. Still, it all added up and soon he would be on his way to becoming a fully-fledged warrior.

"I won't quit until I am the strongest..." Blake said to himself, forcing his mind to overcome the pain that his body was feeling.

"I will become the strongest..."