

What is the essence of love? What defines marriage? Why choose to marry? Is it a meaningful endeavor, and if so, why? Is it perhaps because love and destiny are intricately woven into the fabric of life, creating a timeless narrative? Love, that intangible force, transforms the mundane into a canvas painted with shades of passion and purpose. It is a journey that commences within the heart, unfolding through shared moments.

Marriage, a sacred covenant, symbolizes the union of two souls harmonizing their melodies to create a symphony of companionship. It entails a dance of compromise and understanding, navigating storms while basking in the warmth of shared sunlight. Love and marriage are not fixed destinations but dynamic landscapes where commitment to growth and mutual support sustains the vibrant tapestry of a lifelong bond.

I understand that discussing marriage might seem unusual for a 17-year-old, and some might find it perplexing. However, contemplating marriage rather than merely pondering the next step is a profound exploration. It goes beyond societal expectations, delving into the meaningful connections that shape our lives.

But amidst these musings on love and marriage, I find myself at a loss for words. It's a complex topic, especially for someone my age. People might raise an eyebrow, uttering "kimochi warui," suggesting discomfort at the thought. Yet, here I am, grappling with the idea, searching for meaning beyond the conventional norms.

Perhaps it's unconventional for a 17-year-old to contemplate marriage, a concept often reserved for adulthood. However, my reflections delve into a realm beyond societal stereotypes. It's not about conforming to expectations but rather understanding the essence of human connections.

In a world that often emphasizes the transient and the immediate, contemplating marriage might seem premature. Yet, the notion of commitment, growth, and shared support resonates deeply with me. It's not about rushing into a decision but acknowledging the depth and significance that relationships can hold.

Maybe it's about recognizing that life is a mosaic of experiences, and love, in its various forms, is a key thread weaving through the intricate pattern. Marriage, then, becomes a chapter in this evolving story, a commitment to navigating the twists and turns together.

I'm still figuring it all out, and that's okay. The beauty lies in the exploration, in asking these questions, even if the answers are elusive. It's about embracing the uncertainty and acknowledging that, at 17 or any age, understanding the complexities of love and contemplating the idea of marriage is not about having all the answers but about daring to ask the questions.

As I tread the uncharted waters of teenagerhood, the question that lingers in my mind is whether love is real or just a myth. It's a perplexing conundrum that gnaws at the edges of my consciousness. Is love this magical force that transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary memories? Or is it merely a construct, a fantastical notion woven into the tales we're told from a young age?

At seventeen, the world seems like an intricately woven tapestry of emotions, and love, a mysterious thread that eludes easy understanding. On one hand, there are those who speak of love as if it's an enchanting melody, a symphony of emotions that can only be experienced to be believed. On the other hand, there are skeptics who dismiss it as an illusion, a mirage that dissipates upon closer inspection.

The very idea of marriage adds another layer of complexity to this enigma. Is it the culmination of a genuine connection or a societal construct that imposes a predetermined path? It feels like standing at the crossroads of tradition and personal choice, with each path leading to an uncertain destination.

As I grapple with these thoughts, the confusion intensifies. Are the movies and novels exaggerating the essence of love, creating an unrealistic standard that reality cannot match? Or is there a profound truth hidden beneath the romanticized narratives that captivate our imagination?

In conversations about love, I hear contradictory tales – stories of enduring companionship and heart-wrenching breakups. It's like trying to solve a puzzle without knowing if all the pieces even belong to the same picture. The heart, it seems, is a labyrinth of emotions, and deciphering its codes requires more than just logic.

So, here I am, a seventeen-year-old lost in the labyrinth of love and marriage, wondering if I'll find clarity or if these questions will persist, evolving with each passing day. Perhaps, in the midst of this confusion, lies the beauty of discovery – the slow unraveling of the mysteries that define our human experience.

I know you guys are probably wondering why I'm delving into this confusing maze of love and marriage when, let's face it, this story is supposed to be about school life and romcom adventures. Trust me, I get it. This might seem like some unnecessary philosophical rambling from a teenager who should be worrying more about exams and less about matters of the heart. But here's the thing – this is beyond your typical romcom drama. Way beyond.

Sure, I'm just a teenager with aspirations of getting into Tokyo University, hoping to fulfill my dreams and all that jazz. I should be immersed in the typical high school storyline, right? Well, life threw me a curveball, and here I am, grappling with questions about love and marriage that I never thought would be part of my narrative.

Now, you might be rolling your eyes, thinking, "Why is this guy complicating things?" Honestly, I wish I could give you a straightforward answer. I find myself in the midst of a love and marriage crisis, and it's not the stuff you see in those romantic comedies where everything magically falls into place. No, this is messy, uncertain, and I'm left questioning every decision.

You see, it's not just about teenage crushes or fleeting romance. It's about facing choices that feel like they could shape the rest of my life. Should I pursue my dreams solo, focusing solely on academics and career goals? Or should I dare to intertwine my path with someone else's, navigating the complexities of love and marriage? The truth is, I don't have it all figured out.

This journey is messy, and the choices are not black and white. It's like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces, and I'm here, stumbling through the pieces I do have, hoping they somehow fit together. So, as much as it might seem like I'm veering off course, know that this exploration into the realms of love and marriage is as much a part of my story as the textbooks and exams. It's a crisis, a crossroads, and I'm desperately trying to figure out if the choices I make are the right ones for me.

So, let's rewind to the beginning. I came into this world in a pretty decent hospital in Yokohama. Like any dramatic entrance, my father was fashionably late to meet his newborn son. Props to him, though—he managed to secure a top-notch room for my mom at one of the best hospitals in Yokohama. The reason? Well, it wasn't just luck; it was a result of my father's friendship with Fujiwara-san.

You see, Fujiwara-san is a big shot surgeon at Yokohama Municipal Hospital, and my old man, Mr. Ishikawa, and Fujiwara-san go way back to their college days. They're like brothers from different mothers, and fate, it seems, decided to play a role in our lives. Both of their wives found themselves expecting around the same time. You could call it destiny, if you believe in that sort of thing.

In a peculiar twist, both wives were craving the same thing: a baby. So, the Ishikawas ended up with me, Ishikawa Tsutsui, and the Fujiwaras welcomed a baby girl named Fujiwara Ai. That's where Ai-Chan and I first crossed paths. I mean, imagine sharing the first chapter of your life with someone—brought into this world practically at the same time, in the same hospital, by a twist of fate.

Growing up, our families were practically inseparable. We had joint birthday parties, family vacations together, and our parents always joked that Ai-Chan and I were destined to be lifelong friends. Little did they know how right they would turn out to be. Childhood passed in a blur of shared snacks, video games, and playground adventures.

As the lazy river of time meandered through our early years, Ai-Chan , my four-minute senior, assumed the role of an elder sister, complete with her occasional onee-chan vibes that both amused and, admittedly, irritated me. Our childhood days unfolded like a storybook, with shared laughter, innocent mischief, and a bond that our parents believed would withstand the test of time.

Despite being the same age, Ai-Chan always had this innate sense of care for me. I vividly remember a day when we were just seven years old. We were at the playground, reveling in the joy of being carefree children. The sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as we played on the slides and swings.

In the midst of our laughter, a moment occurred that etched itself into the canvas of our shared memories. I, in all my youthful exuberance, managed to fall from the slide, and the pain hit me like a wave. Tears welled up, and I couldn't hold back the sobs.

"Come on, Tsutsun, boys don't cry," Ai-Chan declared with an air of authority that was both endearing and slightly exasperating.

"But... it hurts," I managed to whimper between my tears.

Despite being the same age, she assumed the role of a compassionate caretaker. She took charge, helping me up, and with a seriousness that was impressive for a seven-year-old, she cleaned the scraped knee with utmost care. Then, she did something peculiar. She started chanting softly, "Pain, pain, go away."

Confused, I watched her with a furrowed brow. "What are you doing, Ai-Chan ?" I asked, still sniffling.

"Mummy says if you chant this, your pain will go," she explained matter-of-factly, her eyes focused on the ritual she was performing.

"Pain, pain, go away," she continued to chant, and something about the rhythmic cadence of her words seemed to have a strangely soothing effect. Maybe it was the innocence of childhood beliefs or the genuine care she was showing, but miraculously, the pain did start to ebb away.

The pain dissipated, and I found myself at ease, grateful for Ai-Chan 's peculiar yet effective remedy. Despite her occasional troublesome antics, she proved to be a great friend—one who stood by me in both the scraped-knee moments and the subtler challenges of growing up.

Our friendship took an unexpected turn one day when we were seven. My mother brought home a VCR tape of a romantic movie. It was the kind that tugs at heartstrings, complete with a captivating on-screen proposal. Little did I know that this innocent movie night would become the catalyst for a series of games that would alter the dynamics of our friendship forever.

Inspired by the romance on the screen, Ai-Chan and I started playing games that mimicked those cheesy couple scenarios. Our parents found it amusing, the way we awkwardly emulated the gestures of on-screen lovers. Ai-Chan , however, took our playacting to a new level one day when she handed me a crumpled piece of paper.

"What's this, Ai-Chan ?" I asked, unfolding the paper. In crayon, it boldly declared, "Will you marry me?" with options for yes or no.

"Choose, Tsutsun, choose!" Ai-Chan urged with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Nervous and unsure, I hesitated, eventually surrendering the paper back to her.

"This isn't the right time, Ai-Chan ," I stammered.

"Baka! Baka! Baka! Tsutsun Baka! Baka!" she exclaimed, playfully hitting me with her hands that felt more like cushions than anything else. With a sigh, she changed her approach, asking, "Then will we be friends forever?"

I nodded, and she beamed, extending her little finger towards me. "Give me your finger."

"My finger?" I echoed, puzzled.

"Give it fast!" she demanded, so I hesitantly showed her my little pinkie, and she connected hers to mine. "Promise me, Tsutsun. Once we grow up, promise we'll be best friends."

"I promise," I affirmed.

"We will never leave each other."

"I promise," I repeated.

She smiled, hugged me, and then led me to the balcony. She grabbed a sheer curtain and wrapped it around her head, motioning for me to extend my hand.

"Hold my hand," she whispered, and I obliged. In a whimsical gesture, she began to recite words that seemed oddly familiar—wedding vows. Naïve and oblivious to the significance of those words, I went along with the flow, holding her hand as she spoke. The balcony became our stage, and in a moment mirroring scenes from movies, I received my first kiss from her—a simple yet profound experience that set off fireworks within me.

"Promise me you will make me happy," she said, a tear glistening in her eye. Confused by the intensity of the moment and lacking an understanding of what love truly meant, I hugged her tightly and assured, "I promise."

As children, we were blissfully unaware of the complexities of romance and commitment. Our pinkie promise, sealed with an innocent kiss and whispered vows, symbolized the pure, untainted bond we shared. Little did we realize that life's journey would unfold, challenging the simplicity of our childhood pledge.

As the years passed, our friendship deepened, but so did the questions about love and marriage. The games we played as children now seemed like foreshadowing, hinting at a connection that went beyond mere friendship. Yet, the ambiguity of those childhood promises lingered, leaving me to grapple with the unfolding emotions that accompanied our journey into adolescence.

As teenagers, standing at the precipice of adulthood, the innocence of our childhood seemed like a distant memory. The games we once played had evolved into a complex dance of emotions, and I found myself torn between the familiarity of our past and the uncertainty of our future. Ai-Chan , once a playmate, now occupied a space in my heart that defied easy categorization.

In the midst of our shared history, I couldn't escape the realization that the promises we made on that balcony held a weight I hadn't comprehended at the time. The notion of making someone happy took on a profound meaning, and the simplicity of our childhood friendship faced the challenges of adolescence, transforming into something that neither of us could fully grasp.

As the lazy river of time continued its journey, carrying us further into the complexities of adulthood, I wondered if our childhood vows would stand the test of time. The pinkie promise, the innocent kiss, and the whispered vows remained etched in the canvas of our shared memories, but the canvas itself had expanded to encompass the intricacies of love and the uncertainty of the future.

Caught between the echoes of our past and the uncertainties of the present, I couldn't help but question whether our childhood promises were mere whispers in the wind or resilient threads woven into the fabric of our destiny. The games we played had taken on new dimensions, and the innocence we once possessed had given way to a profound exploration of emotions that neither of us was fully equipped to navigate.