
Chapter 3

In my assessment, things unfolded as expected. The disruptions and banter initiated by Ai-Chan gradually waned, particularly after the day we delved into her relationship status.

Initially, the breaks, once rife with her antics, became more tranquil. Though she still created a buzz around me, there was a conspicuous lack of direct interaction, making it easier for me to feign sleep. Even her customary calls as she passed me in the school building ceased, with her walking by silently as if indifferent to my presence. Occasionally, she skipped picking me up or going home together.

"......" Something went amiss. Was it me? Did I inadvertently hurt her? While the disturbance had subsided, paradoxically, a sense of loneliness crept in. The diminished attention, although expected, surprisingly left me feeling content. No longer drawing the piercing glances from those guys brought a certain level of happiness.

Yet, as is customary, when suddenly freed from the nuisances of others, even a reclusive introvert like me can't help but feel curious—

"I want to eat parfait there!" "The portions are huge, and you'll gain weight, you know?" "It wouldn't be so bad if we shared it with a few people, right? In that case, let's buy it next time."

During the break, I sat at my desk and observed the group of gyarus immersed in a conversation about food. "----" Suddenly, my gaze landed on Ai-Chan within their group. I felt her diverting her eyes from me. Understandably so. In the end, I acknowledged that I possessed qualities capable of making others uneasy, and before I knew it, the once-curious gyaru now harbored animosity towards me. I could envision numerous reasons for this.

"But, from the beginning—" For an extrovert, interacting with an introvert isn't enjoyable, so her previous behavior was an aberration. It's fine; everything is back to normal. Just as I anticipated. In truth, I didn't feel the slightest bit upset. "Haaa~" No, I apologize; it does feel a tad disheartening. I'm not accustomed to dealing with others, so it's been a while since someone noticeably distanced themselves from me. Essentially, I can only conclude that what occurred before was merely a dream. A dream where I was disrupted by the popular gyaru. Again, this dream is steeped in the delusions of an otaku. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant dream.

"......" Since the dream has concluded, I will now revert to my previous life, resuming my role as an introverted otaku where no one interferes with me. It's a bit melancholic, but that's how it should be. Moreover, that gyaru will never trouble me again. Welcome back, my introverted life. —I think, that's the way it should be!!!

Several days passed, and I found myself entrenched in a state of unprecedented lethargy. My mom, growing increasingly concerned, finally couldn't hold back her exasperation, exclaiming, "How long do you plan on staying in bed?"

It wasn't until after noon that I mustered the energy to rise from my slumber. The day unfolded with a series of indulgences, starting with immersing myself in the latest anime episodes available on the official video website. The animated worlds offered a temporary escape, a respite from the reality that seemed to lose its edges.

In an attempt to break free from the languor, I decided to engage in various video games. Studying, usually a looming obligation, took a backseat on this lazy day. After all, holidays were meant for indoor pursuits, a sentiment I held dear as an introvert. The concept of spending leisure time outdoors, as proclaimed by extroverts, remained elusive and perplexing to me.

"Okay, I finally beat him!" The triumphant proclamation escaped my lips as I successfully conquered the challenging boss in a video game. With a sense of accomplishment, I removed my headphones and sprawled out, the digital victory offering a momentary reprieve from the sluggishness that had enveloped me.

The day unfolded with a slow, meandering pace, marked by a series of solitary activities that I, as an introverted individual, found solace in. The digital realms of anime and gaming provided a sanctuary, shielding me from the external demands that awaited beyond the walls of my room.

As the hours ticked away, the monotony of the day began to lift, replaced by a subtle sense of contentment. The simple pleasures of virtual victories and animated narratives offered a retreat into worlds where the complexities of reality held no sway.

Despite the encroaching evening, I remained ensconced in my introverted haven. The allure of indoor activities, coupled with the absence of external obligations, created an atmosphere of serene isolation. It was a stark contrast to the bustling world outside, where extroverts purportedly reveled in outdoor adventures.

The digital clock on my bedside table ticked away, signaling the passage of time, yet I lingered in the realm of pixels and narratives. The holiday, defined by its inherent freedom from routine, granted me the luxury of escaping into these virtual sanctuaries.

As the night descended, I found myself reflecting on the day's tranquility. The lethargy that initially gripped me had transformed into a deliberate choice for solitude, a retreat into the comforts of introversion. In a world that often celebrated extroverted pursuits, I reveled in the quietude of my personal sanctuary.

As I lay on the bed, the flickering glow of the screen casting a soft ambiance in the dim room, my thoughts began to drift into a realm of contemplation. The lethargy that had once weighed me down now made room for introspection, and my mind, like a labyrinth, wandered through the corridors of memories and uncertainties.

The recent days at school echoed with a subtle change in dynamics. Ai-chan seemed to have embraced a newfound distance. The once lively interactions, the shared glances, and the camaraderie we once enjoyed had metamorphosed into a subtle avoidance. It wasn't a drastic change, but the nuanced shifts were undeniable.

As I pondered this transformation, conflicting emotions stirred within me. A part of me, the introverted recluse, found a sense of relief in the newfound solitude. The pressure to navigate the complexities of social interactions eased, allowing me to retreat into the familiar cocoon of my introversion. However, intertwined with that relief was a quiet worry—a concern that the connection we once shared might be slipping away.

The enigma of Ai-chan's avoidance lingered, leaving me with a litany of questions. Was it a deliberate choice, a reflection of her reluctance to engage with someone like me? Did our engagement, thrust upon us by our parents, cast a shadow on the easy friendship we had built over the years?

I couldn't escape the memory of our shared past, especially the vivid recollection of our first kiss at the tender age of seven. In the innocence of childhood, amidst games of make-believe and the unspoken bonds that tied us together, that stolen kiss had marked the beginning of a connection that transcended the ordinary.

The nostalgia of that moment, the warmth of her laughter, and the genuine happiness we found in each other's company flooded my mind. But now, as the currents of change subtly altered our interactions, I couldn't help but wonder if those cherished memories were fading away.

The glow of the screen dimmed, leaving me alone in the quiet room with the weight of uncertainty. I questioned whether Ai-chan, now my fiancée by some twist of fate, harbored regrets or reservations about our shared past. Did the prospect of a future together alter the way she saw our history?

In the stillness of the night, I grappled with conflicting emotions—gratitude for the solace of introversion and a yearning for the connection that seemed to be slipping through the cracks. As the darkness embraced the room, I couldn't shake the sense of foreboding, a fear that the threads connecting me to Ai-chan might be fraying.