
Chapter 2

"Tsutsun, come on! Tsutsun!" Her persistent voice echoed across the classroom, disrupting the tranquility that surrounded my desk. It had become a routine, a daily occurrence that seemed to intensify as the weeks rolled on.

The day unfolded in its usual rhythm, and today was no exception. Ai-Chan, my lively and persistent classmate, found new and inventive ways to pester me. I attempted to seek refuge in feigned sleep during the break, hoping for a moment of respite, but her playful persistence prevailed.

Poking my shoulder with the unyielding determination of a morning sunbeam, she continued her mission to rouse me from my short-lived reprieve. The end of April had brought with it the warmth of spring, yet Ai-Chan's irritation with me showed no signs of thawing. If anything, it had transformed into a near-daily ritual, punctuating the monotony of our classroom routine.

"Hey, hey, you're awake, right?" Her tone carried a mix of teasing and genuine concern, a dichotomy that mirrored the complex nature of our relationship.

Despite my best efforts to keep my eyes closed, the sound of her voice persisted. Ai-Chan's antics had become an intrinsic part of my daily existence, a colorful disruption in the otherwise muted palette of my introverted world.

With a reluctant sigh, I finally succumbed to the inevitable and opened my eyes, meeting her playful gaze. "What is it, Ai-Chan?" I mumbled, my annoyance evident.

Unfazed by my less-than-enthusiastic response, she grinned mischievously. "Guess what? I found something interesting in the library today. You should come check it out with me!"

Her enthusiasm for exploring the library's hidden treasures was a recurring theme, one that I had become accustomed to resisting. However, the spark in her eyes and the genuine excitement she exuded always managed to chip away at my reluctance.

"Library? Again?" I groaned, pretending exasperation while secretly intrigued by the prospect of another adventure with Ai-Chan.

"Yep! I promise it's worth it. Come on, Tsutsun, don't be a party pooper!" She nudged me with an energy that defied the calm ambiance of the classroom.

As reluctant as I was to admit it, there was a certain charm in Ai-Chan's persistent disruptions. Beneath the surface-level irritation, a camaraderie had blossomed between us—one defined by the ebb and flow of banter, shared secrets, and the occasional library escapade.

Why does she persist in bothering me like this? Conflicted between continuing my charade or responding, I felt the relentless prodding would continue if I didn't reluctantly lift my face. Maintaining the act of just waking up, I inquired, "Hmm? What do you want?"

"The quality of your fake sleep today is really good!" Did this gyaru just mock me?

Aware of the curious gazes around me, I attempted to resume pretending to sleep. However, Ai-Chan leaned forward and asked, "By the way tsutsun, do you have a girlfriend yet?"


Why is she, who has known me since birth, asking about my relationship status?


"What?" she jumped.

"Yeah, she's imaginary... You know, I don't have any."

"I see, huh?" In response to my answer, Ai-Chan made a kind of relieved expression.

Her reaction triggered a sense of déjà vu. This wasn't the first time she approached me with the same question. The familiarity extended to the conversation we were having and Ai-Chan's expression mirroring previous encounters.


What is she thinking?

Once again, I found myself clueless about why she persisted in asking that question. Was it because she liked me? I had long discarded such thoughts. On the other hand, perhaps she wasn't trying to belittle me—was she just curious?

As these thoughts swirled in my mind, Ai-Chan posed the question again, "Tsutsun, Don't you already have a girlfriend?"

Who is she asking about? If I had the ability to get a real girlfriend, I wouldn't be pretending to sleep like this. Despite that, I didn't sense any malice from her. Her genuine sincerity was palpable from her look.

"N-No... of course not," I replied with a chaotic answer.

It's not that I don't want a girlfriend; my preferences have changed since childhood, and it's challenging to be honest because of my introverted nature. Ah... However, I once received a love confession as a child.

Turning my face away from Ai-Chan, I tried to escape reality. "Well, is there someone you like now?" Ai-Chan asked, leaning forward with intensity.

"S-Someone I like?"

W-What? W-Why is she so curious today? While I was perplexed, my gaze wandered. The loose blouse she wore revealed a glimpse of her cleavage as she leaned on the table.

"If you have someone you like, I want you to tell me." She brought her face closer with a serious expression.

Maybe she was wearing makeup, but her skin looked soft and smooth up close. The combination of her beautiful face and the subtle cleavage proved too stimulating for me, an introvert. She also smelled fragrant!

"Is there any chance that there is someone you like?" "S-Specifically, no!"

"Hmm, seriously?" Ai-Chan had an ambiguous expression, as if relieved or concerned.

Understanding the gyaru's feelings would possibly propel me into the realm of extroverts. However—


Yeah, I can't figure it out! More precisely, I don't understand the gyaru's feelings! People like me, lacking the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, certainly don't comprehend what this gyaru, who changes expressions in front of me, is thinking, despite our closeness.


I don't know anymore! Please stop talking to me! Stay away from me! You have stimulated me too much! My communication MP has become zero! My classmates are also... oh, they are all looking over here!

Realizing that people were observing me more intensely than I had imagined, my agitation heightened. "By the way..." She then brought her face closer to mine and whispered, "I don't have a boyfriend either, you know."

"I-I see... huh?"

My focus on the surroundings prevented me from fully grasping her words. I still couldn't understand why she said that, but it was a bit shocking. In my perspective, Ai-Chan is a beautiful, fashionable gyaru-extrovert. It's not surprising if she has a boyfriend or two. Is it a mere coincidence that she doesn't have one now?

Ai-Chan smiled, as if she had read my mind. "I've never had a boyfriend before, you know?"

"Eh! S-Seriously!?" I accidentally overreacted.

It was beyond shocking, beyond my expectations. Since my first day at school, Fujiwara Ai had been the talk of male students, seemingly popular in junior high as well. She could have had numerous boyfriends if she wanted. But was there a specific reason for her current status?


Well, if what she said wasn't a lie. But it's also possible she was just joking with me, amused that an introvert could be easily fooled. "Your reaction is so funny!" Ai-Chan giggled, observing my bewilderment. Even so, there hadn't been any rumors about Ai-Chan being flirtatious in this high school. Despite the attention she received from frivolous guys, she mainly spent time with her female friends.


While undeniably popular with boys, she was, of course, a gyaru. Was this girl really making fun of me? "To be honest, what I said before is really true," Ai-Chan reiterated, her serious expression making me uncomfortable.

"Ah, I see." Unaccustomed to making eye contact with the opposite sex, I could only nod. Even if what she said was true, what was the point of telling me?


From the start, I didn't understand how we ended up on this topic, and I didn't know how to react. "Hey, hold on— Ai!" Lost in confusion, a voice called out to Ai-Chan.

"Well, it is what it is—" Ai-Chan smiled bitterly at me before leaving my seat.

"Phew..." With a sigh, I watched Ai-Chan walk over to the girls who had called her. It felt like a storm had passed. Glancing around, I noticed the eyes of the girls and boys who usually surrounded Ai-Chan were still on me. To avoid their scrutinizing gaze, I lay down on the table and resumed pretending to be asleep.

"Huff, I'm tired." Though the conversation had been brief, using all my communication skills, even at the lowest level, left me exhausted. Moreover, Ai-Chan's question felt profound, as if I had been listening to her own story. Seriously, what does she want from me on that topic?

"No way!" Does she have a crush on me? No, no, no, no, no! That's impossible! Don't jump to conclusions, dear me! She's popular, my childhood friend, you know? It's possible if I were a cool guy, but I'm the opposite. Obviously, she wouldn't have feelings for a distant introvert like me. In other words, she was just fooling around. Yes, the silliness of a gyaru.

Obviously, she enjoyed my reaction, provoking an introverted otaku who knew nothing about love. "Haaa~" That's why I don't like the cool and gyaru people. My mind was confused, and I pondered what would happen if I, lacking immunity to girls, accidentally fell in love. I had reached the level of acute introversion and taken precautions to avoid that.

—Fujiwara Ai was an extroverted gyaru.

—Fujiwara Ai happened to be curious.

—Fujiwara Ai was new to lonely introverts like me and felt intrigued. Right? If I think about it that way, I'll realize that Ai is annoying, and touching me is just a coincidence. She was just curious because she found something completely different, like an introverted loner. In other words, she was interested in the rare animals she found in the zoo. Now, she was interested because we were in the same class, and her curiosity would likely wane, and she wouldn't bother me anymore.

Because we lived in different worlds from the beginning. I never expected our relationship to deepen; it was merely a temporary interaction.