
chapter two- pt.2

[after 30 or so minutes Jamie wakes up and un-transforms from his wolf form] "ummmm[rubs eyes] where are we Raziel, [yaws]" Jamie asks Raziel. Raziel wakes up from his nap and hugs Jamie and says, " oh my god I'm so glad that you're okay [kisses Jamie on the lips then realizes what he did then blushes really hard] uuuh sorry!!!!," "it's okay your lips are incredibly soft so it felt nice so don't apologize, " Jamie said in a sincere voice. "oh?" Raziel asked. "uh I mean [looks sideways trying to to face raziel] I liked it and I would love to do it again it's just I uh love you. (0///0)" Jamie blushed hard while saying all of this. "I already know and I want to tell you that you might wanna but some clothes on so you would feel more conferrable.....it,s just a suggestion like you do have to if you don't want to it's just you're kinda have no clothes Jamie,"while saying this Raziel has to look away a bit cause a slight of blush has came across him face. Jamie relies that he has no clothes cause he is use to having no clothes on in his room so he didn't notice at first and told Raziel, "oh I don't mind if you see me like this for once in my life time someone else has made me feel happy besides my family you made me feel safe and loved so thank you. [hugs Raziel and doesn't let go]" "your welcome I guess and I wanted to ask you something would you still marry the person who saved you that day?" Raziel asked knowing this will probably make Jamie flustered. Jamie has an flashback into a memory that he almost forgot about.

sorry for chapter two being in parts I want you guys to have content to read but I'm also editing as I type it out since the story is already pre-written so I plan to have chapter two in four or five parts and I'm trying the best I can to re-write them as fast as I can I hope you liked pt.2 of chapter two and thx for reading what I publish I love all of you who take time out of your day to just read my work so thank you and I hope all of you lovely people have a nice day/night

Baby_kittencreators' thoughts