
Knew Life, New Chance

Life is full of up's and downs, hero's teach us to never give up when life gives us the harshest treatment Villain's also tell us to never give up because of their dream and revenge But a normal person isn't a hero or villain so they can give up, right? Well what will happen when you give up on life thinking you're pathetic but it was only the beginning... Of so much more

ArtsyYan · Fantasie
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30 Chs


'should I just kill myself again?'

Aradia thought while panting heavily, the red head had her hands on her knees for support as she couldn't even stand upright

"Alright, that is it for today; don't stay out for too long and go back to your dorms after changing"

Saying that the weaponry and sports teacher for the first year students left


Aradia mumbled under her breath before sitting down on the training ground from exhaustion

He had made all the students run ten laps around the whole academy, many had collapsed within the fourth or if lucky sixth lap, Yeon Haa had somehow managed to finish all ten laps though it took more than an hour or was it two? to do so thanks to just how large the academy is

Of course for Issac, a training maniac this was nothing that guy could probably do ten more laps and be just slightly out of breath

Aradia sighed and thought of all the things that happened prior to this class, after lunch were normal subjects like grammar, math and history after that was the last class of the day which was basically PE but on steroids

Other classes were held on different days of the week but magic and PE happened every single day

Currently the red head was waiting for Issac to return with water for them both and after that she would head back to her room

Not many people were present at the training ground, almost everyone was gone besides a few who were either chatting with one another or catching their breath like Aradia

The meeting with Astolfo, the MC was very underwhelming; the red head from her experience with isekia manhwas thought that the meeting would a lot more dramatic but she wasn't complaining

The red head sighed and looked at the sun or at least tried- it had started to set and so everything was covered with a orange hue, it looked really beautiful...

At that moment Aradia noticed someone coming her way, at first she thought it was Issac but on closer inspection she realised it was someone else

The red head couldn't tell if it was a female or male, but they had short shoulder length messy black hair and vibrant purple eyes, light freckles and a menacing grin plastered onto their face

The person came close to the red head and just stared down at her for awhile

"Um... Can I help you..?"

Aradia feeling really weirded out and uncomfortable asked this new face

"Ah! Why yes! Gave this to your older sister"

The person extended out their hand with what seemed like a letter perhaps

"You mean.. Clara?"

Aradia questioned as she accepted the letter

"Oh! Yes, of course!"

Just who was this person? Are they friends? Why did she befriend someone like... This

"Do I perhaps know you?"

"Nope! But you can if you want~"

"What's your name then"

Aradia asked, she doesn't remember anyone like this person mentioned and from what she can tell this person doesn't really seem to be friends with  Clara is, so what do they want

"Hmmm I don't feel like telling you!"

The grin plastered on this person's face grew bigger as they answered

"What- alright fine, then what's your gender?"

Let's be honest, Aradia was more interested to know what this person's gender was rather than their name or relationship with Clara

"Hmmm well sometimes I feel like a guy and other times girl!"


The red mumbled under her breath but unfortunately the said weirdo had heard what she said

"Hey! That's rude! But I'll forgive and forget but only this time..."

As they said the last part the grin had left their face and there was something ominous about how that part was said

"Well it seems as though he is back so I should get going, don't forget to give the letter to your sister!"

And with that this unknown strange person dashed out from the training ground to god knows where

"Hey what happened?"

Issac asked whilst giving a water bottle to Aradia

"Do you know that weirdo?"

The red head questioned back instead of answering


Issac looked over at the direction Aradia was pointing at and getting a glimpse at the person who was here just a few moments ago

"Oh him?"

"So it's a he"

Aradia put down the water bottle and spoke

"Huh oh yeah, but what about him?"

"Well he gave me this and told- sorry ordered me to give this to Clara"

The red head said with a slight huff

"I see, well as for your question, no I don't know him but I've heard about him, he's pretty popular but not for good reasons.."

Issac explained and examined the letter

"What are the so called "reasons"?"

"Well, you see.. he's a bit weird, he practically never attends classes but somehow passed his exams and made it to the third year, no one knows anything about him because he always manages to avoid speaking about himself"

"I see, well what's the name of mister mysterious?"

Aradia asked while scoffing a bit

"Hm.. like I said no one knows anything about him at all"

"Not even his name? How did he even manage to come study here"

"Ah- he does use an alliance, the teachers call him "Al""

Issac replied and tried to open the letter

"It won't open"


"Before he left he told me that  ‹oh and don't try to open the letter, it won't open unless your sister is the one who opens it, so don't waste your time~›"

The red head made interesting expressions while she said what Al had told her, Issac tried to suppress his laugh seeing this but ended up letting out a chuckle

"Pfft- I see, well this letter is sealed with magic and whomever casted the magic is certainly a high level mage"

Issac commented and gave the letter back to Aradia

"Give this to Clara like he said but tell her to be careful on my behalf, as we don't know what might happen when she opens it"

"Yeah, I will"

The red head replied and got up

Aradia wanted to tease Issac with something like "oh~ you do care about her, huh? But didn't have the energy to do so, she just wanted to go back to her loft style dorm and passout because she again has something to do tonight

"Will you go back now?"

The redhead questioned the blonde kid

"Hm, yes, what about you?"

"I'll go check the library first then go back to my dorm"

"I see, alright, though I doubt Clara is at the library"

Issac said with a thoughtful expression

Aradia just hummed in reply and both of them went to their destinations






'as expected'

The red head thought while resting her head on the table of one of the reading spots at the library

Only one or two students were present at the library but Clara wasn't one of them

Aradia glanced over at the librarian at the front desk looking quite tired, she was an elf

Elf's were the second most populated species, first was humanity of course, there are three types of elf's, normal, dark and elemental

Elf's are very pretty beings, they're also more powerful than most humans, so why are they devided into three groups?

Well it's because, dark elf's are more rare than normal ones, they have the ability to use pure dark magic

There's two types of dark magic, one: dark magic that was made by human sacrifices and two: pure dark magic that is as pure as death, dark elf's are said to be the only species blessed by the god of internal rest hence there ability to use pure dark magic

Dark elf's don't look like normal elf's, unlike normal elf's who vary in skin shades, all dark elf's have the skin colour of the night sky

And elemental elf's? They are even more rare, there is said to only be around fifty elemental elf's in the whole world

Elemental elves have an element sprite choose them at a very young age, these sprites can communicate with the elf they choose and grant them immense power related to the element

For example, if a water sprite chooses an elf, that elf would be able to manipulate water however they please, not only that but all their senses would become much more superior to that of a dark elf's 

There is one elemental elf at Rain Academy though it's not the elf infront of Aradia, she is just a normal one

The red head left the library and came back to her room, she saw that Benjamin was already there and had prepared her snacks, tea and a change of clothes

Aradia didn't realise just how tired she was until she actually got comfortable, it was quite difficult to get to her bed, but once the red head did she passed out cold






Aradia again couldn't fall asleep so she was sneaking out, again

The red head walked around without any thought, it was colder at night but it wasn't so cold to the point Yeon Haa hated it

As she walked around the red remembered something from the night before, something she had seen while stalking the three men with Issac

She at that time couldn't go after it, so the red head wondered if she could find it again tonight

But she heard a familiar voice call out to her at that very moment making her come to a stop

"Where are you going?"


*The siblings exploring*

Issac: Guys Astolfo just told me this place is actually haunted

Clara: pack your bags

Issac: why?

Aradia: Astolfo didn't join us

Issac: ..oh

Issac: OH

                                           To be continued...

Yo it's Yan, you all don't know how sidetracked I got writing this chapter, like I literally made a whole character, backstory and everything and of course the whole thing with the elf's like I wasn't planning on doing all that but I ended up liking it so yeah

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, have a good day, afternoon, evening or night

Once again please forgive this lowly author for any grammatical errors

And I'll see you all in the next chapter


Words: 1,756

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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