
CH 3

Sitting in the bar inside the guild hall I was done explaining to Misha everything I read.

Kio : "And its like that."

Misha : "Status."

Kio : "Does it work?"

Misha : "Yes, I see a orange hologram showing my status."

It seems like this isn't that impressive to Misha, honestly it was just a hologram stating your strengths.

Kio : "So, lets go investigate a bit about floor 1 to 10, so how good are your social skills Misha?"

Misha : "Better than yours."

Ouch... It hurts because its true.

Kio : "Then lets go to the bar master."

Misha : "But do we even have money for a drink?"

Oh... That's right, we don't have anything to our name.

Kio : "Then you want to go to floor 1 with no prep?"

Misha : "No, but remember, there are quests we can do. Wont they give money and EXP?"

True, the floors are not the only way to live here.

Guess we will be doing chores for a few days.

Kio : "Then lets go look around the quest board."

?? : "Hey, are you guys new? Haha"

Looking back I see a guy in a cowboy outfit who is currently looking at Misha.

Looking at him sure does remind me of cringe villains.

Kio : "Lets just go."

I stand up and walk away and Misha follows behind.

Cowboy(?) : "Hey, missy I'm talking here?"

Ignoring him feels like the right call, well its just a feeling.

Walking up to the quest board, I see there are a bunch of quest.


[Quest F1]

(A photo of a rabbit top half frog bottom half)

Kill RabRib x 10

Reward : 1000 coins, 10EXP.



Kio : "I think this one will do."

I touch the accept text with my ID and I get the quest in the system notification.

Kio : "Ok I think we can clear floor 1 of the tower, let's go Misha."

It might be risky to go in right now but I think there will be better chances of food inside F1 than here where I got to pay.

I got the {Re-supply} skill after all.

I see that Misha is a bit against the decision but I still don't want to starve to death.


Misha : "There sure are a lot of people here."

Currently I was in front of a gate that leads to F1 of the tower.

And it's full of people going in and out of the gate.

At the side I see a emergency hospital full of people going in and out aswell.

I think it's more packed than a festival from the world I'm from.

Well it seems like I can just go in without care of others.

Looking at the gate more closer I notice that it was made of marble and in the shape of a torii(Japanese shrine gate) with maybe runes on the hashira(legs).

Kio : "Why is it a torii? Is the tower not in the medieval age?"

Weird tower, was it made by a weeb?

Anyway we enter the gate.

When I step in I feel like I was going through plastic bag or latex?

But there was no resistance?

Anyway I look around and see Misha looking far away into the distance.

I trace what she is looking at roughly through her closed eyes.

Kio : "What with that forest?"

It's a forest thats twisting up left and right, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Misha : "That is blocking my vision past it with a black hole."


Is that because of her excellent vision?

Well I don't think we will go there right now so…

Kio : "Oh! Found what we where looking for."

Looking back I saw some rabbits hiding in the grass.

But as they jumped around I could see a grotesque frog legs.

Yep, that's the rabribs.

Misha : "There is 17 targets. 10 jumping around, 3 eating something, 4 on guard. 58m away.

Kio : "Anything that looks important?"

Misha : "None."

Kio : "Ok great, we can attack from here with high ground advantage. First the ones not doing anything and if our location is found we can go for the ones that charge at us."

We where in a nice location which was up a small hill.

Misha gets on her knees ready to fire steadily.

Honestly I don't know what to expect, maybe we have to retreat and suffer mayor damage.

But my motto is 'High risk High reward' which mostly didn't fail me throughout my last life.

Kio : "So let's take the risk and shoot Misha!"

At my signal Misha shoot 3 times each going through a happily jumping rabrib's face.

And it dropped dead just like that.

Without giving the rabribs time to look at us Misha keeper shooting heads left and right.

Misha : "Reloading!"

As I watch Misha reloading in only 1 second.

I thought how over it was as fast as the rabribs where they could never dodge Misha's eyes.

Well I think it's time to use a skill no?

Kio : "Misha there will be a bit of dust, {Re-supply} Food!"

I said that looking back from the battle as maybe it will send it like how Misha arrived.

Yes in a pod…

Wait what happened to the metal pod in the wooden hut?

Ah here it comes.

With a loud impact again a metal pod stood in front of me exploding dust everywhere.

Kio : "Cough, so dusty!"

Misha : "I'm done. But what did you call down?"

Kio : "Already? That was fast. By the way, no groups that came over because the noise?"

Misha : "None."

Kio : "Ok, lets eat some food."

Its nice to have free food delivered right before you isn't it?

And I wanted to know what was in it aswell.

So I reach over after the dust settled down.

Kio : "Huh? Where is the pod?"

I just saw a cardbox box with a fox as a logo in it.

Maybe it disappears with some time?

Well whatever, we opened the box with Misha's knife to see a pleasant but uncomfortable surprise.

Misha : "Oh! Ice cream."

Misha already grabs her share.

Is it really a unspoken rule that all T-Dolls love ice cream?

Well I grab my share which is a bucket of strawberry ice cream and a fork to eat it with.

I guess this is fine for the first meal in an Isekai...?