
Kitsune Awakening: The Harbinger

In the magical kingdom of Zorene, Princess Xenia is betrayed and imprisoned by those she trusted most. Framed for treason and tortured, her world shatters. A daring rescue by a mysterious woman sets her on a path of self-discovery, revealing her lineage as a descendant of the first kitsune, with untapped, formidable power. However, something unexpected happens, she’s assassinated. The pendant that had been given to her held an unexpected secret. Resurrected, Xenia flees the grave created for her and encounters Alistair Nightshade, a brooding noble with secrets of his own—a descendant of the first vampire. Sparks fly between them, their chemistry undeniable yet fraught with tension and forbidden allure. Together, they must navigate political intrigue, ancient rivalries, and dark magic, their growing bond both a strength and a complication. “The Harbinger” is a spellbinding tale of resilience, hidden heritage, and a love that defies all odds. Xenia’s journey from tortured princess to powerful warrior will captivate readers, drawing them into a world where magic and passion intertwine. Prepare to be swept away by an epic romance that promises adventure, danger, and heart-stopping moments. *** Cupid’s Quill Entry. This book will also have very detailed “steamy” scenes with a little fantasy elements to them. Lol so please don’t come for me at how unrealistic something may be!!! I’ll upload a chap every two days of at least 1500 words. There will most likely to be more tho.

RealDarkSeraph · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Aunt’s Love and the Journey South

The weeks I spent with Morrigan quickly healing and regaining my health passed quickly. Our time was spent filled with conversations, revelations, and growing the familial bond between us. She taught me more about our heritage and the power that lay dormant within me.

The first time I saw her, the resemblance was too striking to not think of my mother.

Aunt Morrigan's eyes, the same deep, soulful green as my mother's, sparkled with wisdom and kindness. Her hair, a cascade of dark waves, framed her face just like my mother's did.

It was as if I was seeing a reflection of the woman who had nurtured and protected me for most of my childhood. But it wasn't just her appearance that reminded me of my mother.

Morrigan had a warmth and gentleness that made me feel safe, a quality I had dearly missed since my world had been turned upside down and my father changing bit by bit.

As we spent more time together, I realized that Morrigan and my mother shared more than just physical traits. Their mannerisms, the way they spoke, even the cadence of their laughter were eerily similar.

When Morrigan would place a reassuring hand on my shoulder or offer a word of encouragement, it was as if my mother was right there with me, guiding me through my darkest moments.

Morrigan had an innate understanding of who I was, an intuition that seemed to stem from the deep bond of our shared bloodline. She knew when I needed a gentle push to master a difficult spell, and when I needed space to process my thoughts and emotions.

At times, I would envy her patience. She was always wise and steady. There were even moments when I would catch her looking at me with a mixture of pride and sadness, and I knew she saw not just her niece, but also the daughter of her beloved sister.

The magic that flowed through our veins was another chain that linked us together. I learned about the Kitsura clan's heritage and mastering our ancestral spells.

When we practiced magic together, I could feel the energy pulsing between us. It was like a rhythmic beat that echoed the power of our ancestors.

Sometimes, which might be my own mind playing with me, I felt my Magica's potency increase by 20%.

In those moments, I really understood the strength of our bloodline and the legacy we were both a part of.

Despite the short time we had spent together, Morrigan had become a pillar in my life. Her stories of our family's history, her teachings, and her unwavering support built a bridge between my past and my future.

She filled the void left by my mother's absence, not by replacing her, but by adding her own unique presence to my life.

In the quiet evenings by the fire, as we shared stories and dreams. The sense of belonging I felt there with her, I fear I might never feel again.

Morrigan was more than an aunt; Aunt Morrigan was, without a doubt, my family. We had a bond forged by blood, magic, and love.

Each day, I felt myself growing stronger and more connected to the magic that flowed through my veins. But I knew that my time here was limited; I had a journey to embark on, and a destiny to fulfill.

On the morning of my departure, Morrigan and I stood in the garden, the early sunlight casting a warm glow over everything.

"This pendant will guide you," she said, her voice filled with a mix of pride and concern as she pointed at it around my chest. "It holds the essence of our family's magic. Keep it close, and it will help you find the sanctuary and unlock your true potential."

I took the pendant, feeling its cool weight in my hand. "Thank you, Aunt Morrigan. For everything."

She smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "There are a few more things you'll need for your journey."

Morrigan had left and went back inside the cottage for a few minutes. She came back outside with a small wooden chest in her arms. She placed it onto the bench we often sat on and opened it, revealing an array of items that would aid me in my quest.

"First," she said, handing me a sleek, silver dagger with intricate pink runes etched into the blade. "This is a weapon crafted by our ancestors. It will serve you well in close combat and can channel your magic."

Next, she gave me a cloak, woven from a material that felt both light and sturdy but also dark with etchings of pink-amaethyst symbols engraved here and there. "This cloak will help you blend into your surroundings, providing some measure of concealment while also being able to change colors and hues depending on the environment."

She then handed me a small pouch filled with various herbs and potions. "These are for healing and protection. Use them wisely."

Morrigan pulled out a book bound in dark leather. "This contains our family's history and some basic spells. Study it when you can because despite your prodigious brain, we could not even go through even 10% of its contents. It contains not only the spells and history, but it also serves as an encyclopedia. Think of this book as our clan's inheritance being given to you. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT lose this."

I repeated nodded my head, hoping to convey that I innerstand the seriousness of such a thing.

Finally, she handed me a small, enchanted satchel. "This bag can hold more than it appears. It will be useful for carrying supplies without weighing you down."

I looked at the items laid out before me, feeling a mix of gratitude and determination. "I won't let you down, Aunt Morrigan," I said, my voice shaking as tears fall from eyes, down my cheeks.

I felt that I was reliving the day I understood as a child that my mother was gone and I would never see her again. That same feeling came at this time of my departure.

"I know you won't," Morrigan replied, placing her hands on my cheeks, her thumbs wiping away the fallen tears. "Remember, Xenia, you are stronger than you realize. Once you make it to the sacred lands, you'll find out just how strong you really could be. Trust in yourself and the magic within you for this journey will be long and hard."

With everything packed, I hugged Morrigan tightly, feeling more surges of emotion. "I'll miss you."

"And I you," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "Go, and may the spirits of our ancestors guide you. My duties have been put off long enough. If fate wills it, we'll see each other other than on the battlefield."

With a final nod, I stepped out of the forest and took the first step on my path to destiny, the pendant around my neck vibrating softly as if agreeing with my thoughts.

The path ahead was going to be filled with dangers and unknowns, but I felt ready. For the first time in weeks, I felt a sense of purpose and direction.

Not just a Princess of Zorene, but I know my purpose, my identity is much greater than I ever imagined; for I am the Inheritess of the Kitsura clan, a direct descendant of the first Kitsune.

Once I left the forest, I saw a road a mile away. 'My kitsune bloodline, according to Aunt Morrigan's estimations, should he 5% awakened. This is pretty otherworldly. My senses are enhanced by two or three times!' With that, I ventured south. The land of Zorene stretched out before me, vast and diverse.

Zorene, a kingdom as large as Asia—

"Hm? Asia? Um… where is that? I have never hear of such a place," I say aloud, confused as to why that word even entered my head.

I eventually forgot about that as my thoughts were quickly drawn back to the land of Zorene.

It was a land of contrasts, from its dense forests and rolling hills to its sprawling cities and bustling towns.

The Kingdom of Zorene was divided into six major cities, each with its own unique character and charm. Though I couldn't stay long in each city, I noted their distinct atmospheres as I once visited them over the years.

Verdantia, Ironholt, Stormwatch, Ravenwood, and Dawnspire each had their own allure and history, but it was Lumina that captured my attention the most. Mainly due to it being the only major city southern of the kingdom.

Lumina, known for its towering spires and magnificent temples dedicated to the gods, was a city of light and magic. The streets were lined with cobblestones, and the air was filled with the scent of incense and blooming flowers.

Many magical creatures, tamed through a method called Beast taming, wandered the streets with their owners.

As it was close to dawn, the city, from a distance, could be seen alight with luminos lanterns. They are small lanterns powered by magica crystals. Once fed mana, the luminos lanterns would stay lit for approximately 7 hours.

The people of Lumina were deeply rooted in the study of Magica, their lives intertwined with the magic of Terra. The city was a haven for scholars and mages, and its libraries were filled with ancient texts and scrolls detailing the history and magic of Zorene.

As I walked through Lumina, I felt a connection to the city and its magic. The pendant around my neck glowed softly, resonating with the energy of the place.