Gabriel's irises were twice the size they should be and pitch black. His eyes weren't completely black, but they were getting there. Megan wondered if terror would overwhelm her, but when it didn't she wondered if it was the alcohol or if she was becoming desensitized. Megan was very aware that Gabriel wasn't a normal man, but she couldn't seem to care right now. Megan turned and drank another drink's worth of punch. Gabriel followed suit.
Megan stood up and held out her hand to her husband. "Dance with me." Gabriel's strange eyes ran up and down her body before he stood and took her hand.
Megan led Gabriel onto the dance floor and found an open spot for them. Lights were strobing in every color overhead, and she could feel the bass throughout her entire body. She turned her back to Gabriel and wound a hand around the back of his neck and his hands moved to her hips and they began to move instinctually to the beat. They swayed together like that for a while until his lips moved to her shoulder where he made a slow trail to her neck and his hands started to roam.
Megan turned around wrapping both of her hands in his hair and pulled his lips to hers. They kissed for a long minute and Gabriel pulled her body flush against his. They were both panting for breath when he pulled away resting his forehead against hers. Megan was on fire; her whole body was tingling, and she wanted him to never stop touching her. There was an ache low in her body that demanded something she didn't quite understand. Megan understood the concept but not the reality.
"Baby, I need to get out of here." Gabriel told Megan in a whisper. "Can we go?"
To Megan he sounded like he was fighting a desperate battle and losing. "Yeah, let's go. Let me grab my bag. You call for the car."
They reached the alcove and Angelina was still missing but that was normal for the woman. Megan believed she had someone she saw regularly here at Mystique. She grabbed her bag and took Gabriel's hand following him outside. He seemed to breathe easier as soon as they were in the fresh air. He was taking long deep breaths of the night air. Finally, he released a long shaky breath.
"Are you okay?" Megan asked Gabriel when he started to breathe more easily.
He smiled pushing her hair over her shoulder. "I am now."
The car arrived and they climbed inside. Gabriel slid her against him and wrapped her arm around her. He seemed to be content with that, but Megan was not. Her body was still on fire, and she wanted him to touch her again. She turned in the seat and pulled his mouth back to hers running her tongue along his bottom lip. Gabriel mouth opened catching her tongue and he quickly took over the kiss.
The next instant Megan was on her back on the seat with his mouth leaving a wet trail across her throat and shoulder before moving to her chest causing her to arch into him with a moan. Gabriel made a noise that was more animalistic growl than the moan of a man, but Megan didn't care. She wanted him desperately and her hands wound into his hair holding him against her.
Suddenly Gabriel jerked himself away from her. "Please stay there. Give me a minute." Megan didn't move, unsure what the consequences would be if she did.
Three minutes passed before Gabriel reached out to help Megan sit up. "Baby, we need to cool it until we get home. I will not have our first time together be in this car and I don't trust my control any further. Let's take a break because you are driving me insane. I want you so badly I can't think around it and that is not safe. Okay?"
Megan nodded before leaning against him. Gabriel groaned. "You smell so good." His next breath was shaky.
"Do you want me to move?" Megan asked, thinking she wanted him to call her baby again.
"No," His response was quick, and he tightened his arm around her waist.
"I'm sorry for pushing you." Megan said after several minutes had passed. She felt dumb for wantonly going too far.
Gabriel heard the shame in her voice. "No, you are doing everything right. I just want the connection that is between us to be treated right and that means not taking you in the back seat of this car. Losing my cool is on me not you. I know what you're doing and don't think like that. I desire you more than anything I have ever experienced in my long life, and I was losing control. Not because you pushed me but because I find you to be perfect for me. There is no shame here. You are my wife, you are beautiful, and I want you. Baby, there is no shame in that."
Megan smiled faintly, his speech restoring her confidence a bit. "Okay. I understand."
Ten minutes later they arrived at the house. Gabriel put his suit jacket over her shoulders and gathered up her dress and bag of shoes that were in the car. Megan grabbed her evening bag, and they walked up to the house. The door opened itself like usual. Megan realized she was still buzzed and swayed a little in the foyer. They climbed the stairs slowly; Gabriel kept a hand on Megan's back. He had seen her sway downstairs.
When they reached the bedroom, he put the dress and shoes on a dresser knowing Mim would see to everything. He took the jacket off Megan and hung it on a chair. He watched Megan reach up and pull the pin from her hair and set it on the nightstand.
Megan was standing by her side of the bed facing it. She reached behind her and undid a small bow in the strings of her dress against her lower back. Gabriel walked over to her and helped her pull the strings from the dozen loops of her dress. Megan caught the dress against her chest when the string finally came completely undone. Her arms held the front of her dress tightly.
"Don't hide from me" Gabriel whispered against her ear standing very close to her.
Megan seemed to consider for a long moment before taking a deep breath and releasing the dress. It slid to floor and Gabriel watched its descent noting the black lace thong she wore. He groaned internally at her perfect ass and that tiny thong.
Gabriel realized she was wearing her heels still. "Sit down." Megan froze for a second before turning around and sitting. Gabriel thought it was cute that Megan was still shy after having multiple suitors. Her father had been very clear when he had told him that she wasn't pure. Gabriel knelt and unbuckled each of her shoes pulling them off her feet. He stood and pulled Megan up with him. She was covering her chest with her arms which made him frown. Surely, she wasn't this shy.
Gabriel pulled the covers back on the bed and then pulled his shirt off followed by his belt. He reached for Megan pulling her mouth to his. Their lips parted against each other, and he pushed his tongue against hers until Megan leaned into him and her hands slid up his body to wind into the hair at the back of his neck. The sensation drove him crazy, and he growled low against her mouth. The sound caused a small shiver to go through Megan. Not from fear but from need.
Gabriel stood back from Megan for a moment and looked at her body, her shape, her breasts, her hips, all the way to her toes. She really was perfect for him. If he had been asked how to craft the perfect woman for him that woman would have looked exactly like Megan. One hand slid to her waist and the other to her cheek and this time he kissed her softly, tenderly before asking her to climb into bed. Gabriel was determined to make sure she was taken care of properly. He would give her no reason to want to leave him, especially not in bed.
Gabriel unbuttoned the top button of his pants but left them on before climbing into the bed and lying down beside her. His instincts were going crazy right now, but he was going to take this slow. He wanted to please Megan. He intended to keep her, claim or no claim. Gabriel brushed her hair back from her face before leaning forward and kissing her slowly, passionately.
Desire surged through him hot and demanding but he fought against it. He brushed his fingers over her breast his thumb circling a nipple. He took the nipple into his mouth. Megan moaned arching into him fingers tugging at his hair in a way that drove him wild. She was so responsive. Gabriel couldn't wait to see how she responded when he was buried inside her. He pushed Megan to her back and switched breasts, his other hand roamed across her body caressing and memorizing her.
Gabriel kissed across her chest and started up her throat when he found himself struggling for control. The claim need hit him harder than it had before. It was insistent, screaming in his mind. His lips were at the crook of her neck, and he could not pull them away. Claim her, take her, make her his forever. Gabriel closed his eyes breathing hard. Could he just do it, just claim her? She had to be his soulmate, right? He had never felt the claim before.
He wanted her so badly. Couldn't he bury himself in her and perform the claim. Then she would be his forever. A voice of doubt entered his mind. What if she wasn't his soulmate. The claim would... Gabriel couldn't bear it if that happened to her, but he couldn't pull away. He knew his eyes were full black and he could feel his teeth sharpening. Another few seconds and he would lose the fight.
A knock sounded on the bedroom door. It was just enough of a distraction to let him gain control. No more neck kisses until the claim business was resolved.
"I'll be right there." Gabriel called hoarsely. He turned slightly toward Megan. "Baby, I am sorry. Afton wouldn't bother us if it wasn't important."
"That's okay, I'm kind of tired." Megan sighed. Gabriel would fix this later. He couldn't stay near her in his current state. He gave her a quick peck on the lips then moved away before she could notice how far gone, he was. Getting up he grabbed his T-shirt and let it hang loose. He needed the extra cover anyway.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." Gabriel told Megan softly.
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