
Kiss Me, I'm Yours

AjaraAthena3000 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

"Jerrica I'm not doing it," Ronan stood firmly on the sidewalk as Jerrica kept trying and failing to drag him into a salon.

"Come on Ro! Why are you so against your natural hair color?!" Jerrica paused to catch her breath and glared at her brother.

Ronan chuckled at her question and shrugged. He honestly couldn't answer her question. He had loved his hair when he was younger. It made him stand out from his siblings. With his fathers blonde hair and his mothers dark curls, no one expected him to be a redhead. It just so happens that he took after his Father's mother. The bright red of his hair had never failed to garner him attention, especially when he stood next to his dark haired siblings.

He had only dyed his hair brown during his first year of college. It didn't change the amount of attention he got from the people who knew his family but it had been enough to avoid the spotlight for the most part, especially when he changed the color of his eyes. He liked the quiet it brought him. And because of his limited interaction with the media, people gradually forgot his face. Of course, anyone could figure it out with a quick net search and a glance at his social media.

He smiled gently at his sister in a knowing way. He knew what she was trying to do. A makeover was something alot of people did after a break up. He wasn't quite sure why, maybe it was because they needed to remind themselves that they were still attractive or worthy without the person who had so recklessly ruined them. Ronan sighed and finally let her drag him into the salon. She let out a squeal of delight and hurriedly rushed him towards a stylist while she pulled up pictures of his natural hair color, as if worried he might change his mind.

Ronan obediently sat and let the stylist do his job, not even objecting when his sister chose the cut for him.

Ronan's entire day was spent with his sister ushering him from one store to the next, even dragging him to the optometrist to replace his colored contacts with normal ones. He didn't fight her on it. She was so happy to see him in his original appearance that she spent several minutes taking pictures of him and posting them online, bragging about her little brother's good looks.

Ronan glanced at his watch as they headed to her home. He could hardly believe it had only been five hours since he let his sister drag him around, but it was. The woman was like a hurricane. She had managed to get him five full suits of clothing from three separate stores while juggling various business calls and still managed to get him new contacts on top of the appointment at the salon.

He could only applaud her time management skills as he waited for her to end the call, his eyes drooping.

"No Rachel. I want those fabrics in our main design house by tomorrow.... I know but it has to be done. It's already a tight deadline and we need to start working on the dress by the weekend. We need the skeleton done so we can place the embroidery and the decals.... Fine, I'll send Dantonio over. Email him the designs and make sure you book the flight. Tell him to bring a partner...." Jerrica finished up the call and heaved a long sigh, rubbing her temples and frowning.

"Is everything alright?" Ronan looked at her curiously and he sipped his iced tea.

"Yes, everything is fine. Just a little trouble sourcing the main fabric for a wedding dress. Never mind that though. How are you feeling?"

Ronan froze a little, his expression stiffening, "Devin hasn't called...."

Jerrica reached for him and pulled him into a hug, "Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Would you take him back even if he called?"

"You know... I always thought I'd have nothing to worry about with Natalia since Devin's gay... but what if he really does choose her?" Ronans voice shook and Jerrica tightened her hug.

"Then it's his loss. You're young Ronan. You're barely twenty... there's no need to find someone to settle down with so soon..."

Jerrica's gentle words did little to comfort Ronan. He glanced at his phone again, checking his messages and notifications, again. Jerrica snatched his phone and put it in her handbag before swiftly putting a piece of her muffin in his mouth when he opened it to protest, "I'll give you back your phone when we get home if you promise not to call him."

Ronan glared at her weakly as he chewed the peice of pastry and swallowed. This had always been Jerrica's way of shutting him up since they were little. She would just feed him when he protested. He nodded in defeat and pouted.

Jerrica pinced his cheeks and handed him a muffin.