
Kiss Me Already!

At Hoshizora High School, Aiko Hoshino and Ryo Tanaka are known for their constant teasing. Aiko loves manga and is the head of the manga club, while Ryo, a talented pianist, leads the music club. Their playful rivalry begins when they meet during school festival preparations. Aiko and Ryo often poke fun at each other, but their chemistry is undeniable. They make a bet on whose club will have the best booth at the festival. If Aiko's manga club wins, Ryo has to dress as a manga character. If Ryo's music club wins, Aiko must perform a piano duet with him. As they prepare for the festival, they spend more time together and start understanding each other better. They discover shared dreams and support each other in unexpected ways. The festival ends in a tie, so both must fulfill their bets. During their piano duet, their feelings come to light. After the performance, Ryo confesses he likes Aiko, and she admits she likes him too. "Kiss Me Already" is a sweet teasing romantic comedy about two high school students whose teasing turns into love, showing that sometimes, love starts with a little bit of fun, So can you Kiss Me Already Ryo?!

o_sakalkar · Ost
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100 Chs

An Unforgettable Night

The success of the cultural fashion show had left everyone in high spirits. The event had strengthened the bond among the members of the Global Explorers club and brought them closer together. The after-party celebration at their favorite ice cream parlor continued with laughter, stories, and teasing.

As the evening wore on, Ryo and Aiko found themselves lingering behind while their friends gradually trickled out. The bustling parlor was starting to quiet down, creating a more intimate atmosphere.

Ryo took a deep breath and turned to Aiko, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "You know, Aiko, tonight was pretty amazing. And not just because of my flawless beret-wearing skills."

Aiko laughed, her eyes sparkling. "I have to admit, you did pull it off. But I think it was your charm that won the crowd over."

Ryo pretended to think it over. "Charm, you say? Maybe I should try using it more often. What do you think?"

Aiko rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "You already use it all the time, Ryo. And it's... endearing."

Ryo's smile softened. "Endearing, huh? I'll take that as a compliment."

A comfortable silence settled between them. Aiko twirled her spoon in her ice cream, feeling a pleasant warmth spread through her. Ryo watched her, his gaze thoughtful.

"Aiko," he began, his voice more serious now, "I've been thinking. We've had so many great moments together, and... well, I'm really glad we're friends."

Aiko looked up, her heart skipping a beat. "Me too, Ryo. You make everything more fun and exciting."

Ryo leaned in slightly. "I've been wondering if maybe... we could be more than friends."

Aiko's breath caught. She had always felt something more for Ryo but had never been sure if he felt the same way. She met his gaze, searching for sincerity in his eyes.

"Ryo, are you serious?" she asked softly.

Ryo nodded, his expression earnest. "Yeah, I am. I like you, Aiko. More than just a friend."

Aiko felt a rush of emotions surprise, happiness, and a touch of nervousness. She took a deep breath, deciding to take a leap of faith. "I like you too, Ryo. I've liked you for a while."

Ryo's face lit up with a smile that made Aiko's heart flutter. "Really? That's... amazing. So, what do you say we make this official?"

Aiko laughed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "I'd like that, Ryo. I'd like that a lot."

Ryo grinned. "Great. How about we start with a real date this weekend? Maybe a movie or dinner?"

Aiko nodded, excitement bubbling up. "I'd love that."

As they left the ice cream parlor, walking side by side, Ryo slipped his hand into Aiko's. It felt natural, like a missing piece had fallen into place. The night air was cool, but Aiko felt warm and content.

They walked in comfortable silence, enjoying the quiet and each other's company. The streetlights cast a soft glow, and the city seemed peaceful.

When they reached Aiko's house, Ryo paused. "I had a great time tonight, Aiko. Thanks for everything."

Aiko smiled up at him. "Me too, Ryo. I'm looking forward to our date."

Ryo hesitated for a moment, then leaned down to give her a quick, gentle kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, Aiko."

Aiko blushed, a happy smile spreading across her face. "Goodnight, Ryo."

As she watched him walk away, Aiko felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future. Their friendship had always been special, but now it had blossomed into something even more beautiful. She couldn't wait to see where this new chapter would take them, knowing that with Ryo by her side, every moment would be filled with laughter, teasing, and love.