
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Fantasie
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140 Chs

Last Wish

That night in the human house, she explored every bit and corner of the house. She traced a finger on every item and proclaimed it hers as from that point. She opened her drawers and pulled out some of her nice clothes, went to the bathroom and examined every skin care products and creams.

She scoffed when she saw them arranged neatly in the top cupboard. So this is the secret to your beauty.

She sat on her study chair and pulled out several books and notes to know more about this whore. She encountered a lot of perfumed sticky notes along the way and read every single thing written on it.

Work at 8:pm.

Getting dressed earlier than 8 to meet him outside and walk me to work.

Ha-Mi Ra parted her lips wider than she imagined. That little brat dares turn a whole God into a full-time bodyguard? How is she getting away with all this?!

In anger, she tore all her sticky notes and dumped it in the trash can beside her with a hiss. She stood up from the chair and walked over to the bed. She bent a bit to feel and press it, and it was soft and comfortable. The bedside lamp illuminated a warm pink glow around the room and Life thought it was too girly and childish. She switched on the main lights to off the bedside lamp before falling back on the bed with a sigh.

The ceiling became interesting that she stared at it for hours waiting for something to happen. Gradually, everywhere became dead silent as they were moments away to midnight.

She turned to a fetus position and remembered just how crazy in love is Death for him to do all those ridiculous things for her just to make her happy.

Is he really in love with her, or he is being deceived by the face?

She turned to the right side.

Definitely, it is the face. Nothing more. She nodded in conclusion.

Her goals that night was not only to reverse the curse within three days. New goals surfaced, and she was determined to get each of them done. She was determined to enjoy every bit of affection she could get from Death while disguising as the human and even demand for more.

If possible, remind him that the only reason he is so invested in the human was because of her. He loved her, and she foolishly broke his heart unknowingly. It's not rocket science to figure out he'll try to shower all his feelings on a substitute to cope with the betrayal. She would make him feel like there was no reason for that any more during these three days. She would show him that she genuinely loves him, care for him beyond imaginable ways, and wants him just as much as he wants her.

On the curse is reversed, he would embrace her with that truth and forget about the human. He would know that he was still crazy about her and was tolerating the human because of their uncanny resemblance. She smiled so wide on the bed and anticipating that look of realization on his face.

That human was born to be nothing but a sacrificial lamb not to be adored by a God like Death. She is not worthy of it.

The phone given to her by Lucy that belong to the human chimed three times to signify her that she has just received three new messages. She rose to sit on the bed as she typed in the passcode to the phone she remembered Lucy telling her and tapped on the message icon to see a message from an individual named Rose, one from Lucifer and the other from…

She tapped on it to open it as fast as possible. Reading it to see what he sent her.

Well, My love…

She swooned almost falling off the bed.

…I didn't get to return what I had in mind of giving to you. I will be coming to your place in the evening to give it back to you, and I have somewhere special to take you too. I have this monster who has been on my nerves and I intend to end it once and for all tomorrow. I'm going to dedicate my entire evening, spending it with you to make up not being at your door in the mornings as usual.

Sleep well.

She couldn't believe this bitch enjoying warm words like this from him. Well, it will all end once the curse is reversed. She grinned evil as she began to type out her reply.

You always think about me, no matter how busy you are. I love that about you. Can't wait to see you tomorrow and hope to dream of you as I sleep.

She sent it and checked out the other two messages from the less interesting people she has to deal with.

You have until three days. This is not an opportunity to make Death fall in love with you, which we both know can never happen. Get the curse reversed and don't get caught.

From Lucy.

She felt like throwing the phone against one of the walls in the room. What exactly is her problem? Why is she just so unnecessarily mean to me when I did nothing to her?

She read the prior message and cocked an eyebrow at what it said.

Ha-Yun. Since you have decided to resign, and you're going abroad for better opportunities, we planned a party to have with you, but you didn't show up. What happened? Call me once you see this message.

Life didn't bat an eye when she deleted the message and threw the phone on the floor with an eye roll. Taking care of her fellow brats is none of my business. I am just here to reverse the curse so we could both survive and make Death realize numerous things which included the truth.

She fell back on the bed once more anticipating what romantic place is Death going to be taking her tomorrow evening.


Lucy checked her phone the fourth time to see if she has acknowledged her message. She shook her head in disappointment when she got none and thought of paying her a visit to let her know once again not to try anything funny.

The door to her room opened after a knock and the demons she set to pick up the human earlier today walk in after greeting her with a bow to give her a rectangular white envelope.

"What is this?" She asked while digging her nails into the envelope.

"The human I was instructed to pick up today gave it to me and begged me to give it to you once it's nighttime."

"Really?" She was halfway through tearing up the envelope to see what's inside.

The demon nodded an answer.

"Very well, thank you. You may leave now."

The demon bowed and left. Once she could open up the envelope, she brought out a small key secured around a keyholder along with a small folded piece of paper and a plane ticket to a country abroad.

Lucy unfolded the piece of paper and read the words written on it.

I am leaving someone equally important behind. Please give this tickets to her and explain to the point where she could move on with her life leaving behind the friendship and lovely memories of us once I die. She might not be able to reach out to you even though I left a letter describing where you are, in case she is confused about my sudden disappearance. I will love it so much if you could go to her and let her know why she needs to move one giving her the plane tickets to abroad. Tell her she was right about the palm readings, and let her know how sorry I am to be leaving her behind like this.

Sincerely, Ha-Yun.

My last wish.