
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Fantasie
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140 Chs

At All Cost

She placed the box on the table and discarded the ribbon as quick as possible bringing out the key in her bag. Somehow she felt like she was about to open the box that contains all the answers to her question.

The meaning behind her dreams and why she sometimes felt improper.

Who was the blurry figure of that man that frequents her dreams haunting her with sweet memories?

Once the ribbon was off, she pushed the key inside the little keyhole and gasped when it opened effortlessly.

Her heart has never beat this fast before as she let go of her phone and the key at the same time on the table and opened the lid of the little box to see what was inside.

Disappointed, she brought out three folded pieces of paper that smelled old and looked a bit worn out. She was careful when she spread all three papers neatly on the table and saw how two of the papers mysterious had her handwriting on it. While the third one had a very neat and cursive writing that quickly drawn her attention. So, she picked it up out of interest and read the words on it without wasting a second.

When I'm gone, and it seems like I am not by your side anymore, and you turn to this for comfort, just know that you are the most beautiful creation I was not lucky to make and was lucky to have as a friend, a companion, and a lover. You don't deserve to die. Good things don't.

I may not get to tell you this; I love every bit of you and even the things I am yet to know about you. You are the first to give me two things despite all I've given with nothing in return.

Pure affection


A star I look up to the sky every day to find.

Ha-Yun, the human with the best smiles and I love with all my heart.

She parted her lips as her hands shook with the paper. It triggered a memory. No, numerous memories that spawned from the first one.

She picked up the second paper to read.

A long time ago when she first met him.

She read the words, and she assumed it was written by the girl that has her handwriting.

I really do not know what to write about you.

Hmm, let me think. You're tall, very tall. Handsome? Hell, yes! Very.

Do you like to frown? Yes, a lot. But you've improved a lot lately, and I like it when you smile. It makes me happier.

What else?

I love you so much. The most and obvious fact. I love you because…I really don't know why. You must be using some kind of godly powers on me or something. Anyway, it's working. A lot.

When I first met you, you looked like the grim reaper that stopped me from dying just to ask a question and still told me it was okay to continue with what I had in mind. Can you imagine?

Who would have thought I will be so in love with you now and forever?

Big smiles and a huge heart, yours forever.


She picked up the third letter as her hands wouldn't stop trembling as painful memories of her previous life came rushing in like a Tsunami.

The third and the shortest of the three.

When you are confused as to why I did it, the answer is; I love you so much. Do not be ashamed to move on after this, after all, I am giving up my life so that you could live.

She covered her mouth as she remembered writing this third one and placing it inside the box after. The tears rolled down her cheeks on their own as she let go of the paper and burst into tears.

When she fought for her life.

She cried.

When she ran after him and kept him all to herself.

She cried.

When she met with the ugly face of death.

She cried.

When she heard his last words of doing whatever he could to bring her back to life.

She loved him. Regretting why she has to leave so soon.

She gathered the papers, the box, key, and her phone inside her bag and stumbled her way out of the gazebo to her car. Her stomach clenched hard as she had this urge to empty her stomach. She settled in her car and started the engine. She put on her seat belts as she stepped on the gas and maneuvered her way out of the Love tree and down the lonely road crying.

She began to call mom and her mom picked on the third ring.

"Ae-cha, my love, where are you? I didn't see you at work today. Is everything alright?"

She shook her head as more tears fell from her eyes, throwing her sunglasses on the empty seat next to her. She stepped on her speed and raced down the road as fast as she could.

"Mom…" She called out in pain, followed by silence.


"Mom…" She sobbed harder as she turned right.

"What is happening? Talk to me! I'll track your location come pick you up right now."

"I am…on the road now."

"Really? Going where?"

She sniffed, "I don't really know myself, but could you please, please, please in the name of God send me the address of that friend of yours that visited this morning."

Her mom was quiet for a moment before saying, "A lot of them actually visited when you left to rest. Which one exactly?"

"The one with the bright red dress and a creepy kind of of smirk on her face. She called herself Lucy ?" Her voice dropped to a weaker note as she tried to keep it all together. Memories of her was still a bit fuzzy, but she knows who she was.

The devil. His best friend.

"Oh, oh. Okay. I'll send it to you right away. But--"

"Thank you so much mom, I love you, bye." She ended the call before her mother could go on with her questions. The moment she received the address of the devil's house it rang a loud bell where that was. She switched her phone off and traveled down the road faster with one thought in mind.

To reunite with him at all cost.