
Ayah dan Anak


"Are you sure that I'm your father? I think we are at the same age." The younger twin replied upon the claim of the half-elf he had seen in front of him.

He smiled as he knew something that had made the younger twin questioned him with himself questioning.

"May you tell me the details of who are you? I think you never really seriously attack me before since our first time meet as I know. Sapphire Dragon Magic had the most piercing attack ever that even a stab of it could kill me. Honestly, say what have you known about, and I will make sure that nobody will attack you."

"What could you offer as I'm a Raskar now apart of those?" The half-elf, with his silver hair, questioned him.

"Sit and tell me what do you know. Don't forget that I could use fairy magic to identify someone who is lying or either being honest."

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