
Chapter 38: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 1, Do You Trust Me?

He strips me.

Whereas previously he has undressed me slowly, now I am almost unwrapped. My dress is a simple knitted jersey, skin-tight and clingy, showing my curves. He smiles appreciatively, running his hands over my contours, over my neck and chest. He slides his hands down to the hem, then tugs upwards, peeling it up and off me, leaving me in bra, panties and shoes.

And my body reacts to his mock-violence; I’m liquid and warm inside, readying for him.

“Do you trust me, Kirstie?”

My heart begins to pound. “Trust you? Why do I need to trust you?”

He smiles, clicks open his briefcase and produces silk rope, soft, pliable and, as he trails it over my skin, with a silky, sensual texture. “Are you willing to let me restrain you? To bind you? I did it before with my tie, but not properly. You don’t know me very well. Are you happy for me to do that?”

Am I?

Do I trust him?

I do...

“Yes, I think I am.”